The percent busy value is calculated from data measured in the I/O processor. When comparing this value with percent busy reported by the Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS)
command, some differences may exist. The WRKDSKSTS command estimates percent busy based on the number of I/O requests, amount of data transferred, and type of disk unit.
The system-wide average utilization does not include data for mirrored arms in measurement intervals for which such intervals are either in resuming or suspended status.
Perm Size
(Component) Kilobytes placed within the permanent area; these are traditional journal entries which can be retrieved and displayed.
Perm Write
(Component, Job Interval) The number of permanent write operations performed for the selected jobs during the interval.
Permanent writes per transaction
(System) The average number of permanent write operations per interactive transaction.
Physical I/O Count
(Transaction, Batch Job Trace) For the Job Summary section of the Batch Job Trace Report, the number of synchronous and asynchronous disk operations (reads and writes). For the Transition Report, the next five columns provide information about the number of synchronous and asynchronous disk I/O requests while the job was in the given state. The first line is the synchronous disk I/O requests, and the second line is the asynchronous disk I/O requests.
- DB Read
- The number of database read requests while the job was in that state.
- DB Wrt
- The number of database write requests while the job was in that state.
- NDB Read
- The number of nondatabase read requests while the job was in that state.
- NDB Wrt
- The number of nondatabase write requests while the job was in that state.
- Tot
- The total number of DB Read, DB Wrt, NDB Read, and NDB Wrt requests.
Physical Writes
(Component) Physical journal write operations to disk.
(Component, Transaction, Job Interval, Pool Interval) The number of the pool in which the subsystem or job ran.
(Transaction, Job Interval, Batch Job Trace) The number of the pool containing the transaction (for example, in which the job ran.)
Pool ID
(System) Pool identifier.
Pool ID Faults
(Component) User pool that had the highest page fault rate.
Pool Mch Faults/Sec
(Component) Average number of machine pool page faults per second.
Pool size (MB)
(Component) For the Storage Pool Activity section of the Component Report it is the initial pool size in megabytes.
Pool User Faults/Sec
(Component) Average number of user pool page faults per second, for the user pool with highest fault rate during this interval.
(System, Component, Transaction, Job Interval, Pool Interval) In the Report-Selection Criteria section, the list of pools selected to be included (SLTPOOLS parameter)
or excluded (OMTPOOLS parameter). Otherwise, the pools you specify. The values can be from 1 through 64.
(Transaction) The purge attribute of the jobs.
Printer Lines
(System, Job Interval) The number of lines printed by the job during the interval.
Printer Pages
(System, Job Interval) The number of pages printed by the job during the interval.
(System, Transaction) The priority of the job.
(Transaction) The name of the program with which the transaction is associated.
(Job Trace) The name of the program for the entry.
(Job Trace) The number of non-QSYS library programs called during the step. This is not the number of times that the program named in the PROGRAM NAME field was called.
(Job Trace) The number of times the IBM-supplied database modules were used during the transaction. The database module names have had the QDB prefix removed (PUT instead of QDBPUT). The type of logical I/O operation performed by each is as follows:
- Get direct
- Get sequential
- Get by key
- Get multiple
- Add a record
- Update, delete, or release a record
(Job Trace) The number of times that the IBM-supplied initialization program was called during the transaction. For RPG programs this is QRGXINIT, for COBOL it is QCRMAIN. Each time the user program ends with LR (RPG) or END (COBOL), the IBM-supplied program is also called. This is not the number of times the program named in the PROGRAM NAME field was initialized. QCRMAIN is used for functions other than program initialization (for example, blocked record I/O, some data conversions).
Program Name
(Transaction) For the Job Summary section of the Transaction Report, the name of the program in control at the start of the transaction. Other programs may be used during the transaction. For the Transaction Report section, the name of the program active at the start of the transaction. If ADR=UNKNWN (address unknown) is shown under the column, the program was deleted before the trace data was dumped to the database file. If ADR=000000 is shown under the column, there was not enough trace data to determine the program name,
or there was no program active at that level in the job when the trace record was created.
(Job Trace) The name of the last program called that was not in the library QSYS before the end of a transaction.
(System) Line protocol.
- X25
- ELAN (Ethernet)
(Component, Transaction, Job Interval) Priority of the job. For the Concurrent Batch Job Statistics section of the Transaction Report, it is the priority of the jobs in the job set.
(Transaction) The purge attribute of the jobs.
(Transaction) The number of permanent write I/O operations.
Queue Length
(Resource Interval) The average number of I/O requests that had to wait in the queue for this unit.
(Transaction) The order. For the Job Summary section, it is the order of the program according to the number of transactions. For the Job Statistics section, it is the order of the job. For the Interactive Program Statistics section, it is the order of the program. For the Individual Transaction Statistics section, it is the order of the transaction according to the data being put in order by importance. For the Largest Seize/Lock Conflicts section, it is the order of the seize or lock conflict.
Ratio of write disk I/O to total disk I/O
(System) The fraction of the total disk activity that is due to writing data to the disks.
Reads per Second
(Resource Interval) The average number of disk read operations performed per second by the disk arm.
Receive CRC Errors
(Resource Interval) The number of received frames that contained a cycle redundancy check (CRC) error. This indicates that the data was not received error free.
Record Number
(Lock) For database file members, the relative record number of the record within the database file member.
Remote LAN Pct Frames Recd
(Resource Interval) The number of frames received from a local area network (LAN) connected to the locally attached LAN.
Remote LAN Pct Frames Trnsmitd
(Resource Interval) The number of frames transmitted to a local area network (LAN) connected to the locally attached LAN.
Remote Not Ready
(Resource Interval) The percentage of all receive-not-ready frames that were received by the host system. A large percentage often means the remote device cannot process data fast enough (congestion).
Remote Seq Error
(Resource Interval) The percent of frames received out of order by a remote device or system. This can occur when the remote device or system cannot process data fast enough.
Req type
(Component) The type of request being reported.
Requests received
(System, Component) The number of requests of all types received by the server.
Requestor's Job Name
(Lock) The name of the job requesting the locked object (the same as in the detail listing).
Reset Packets Recd
(Resource Interval) The number of reset packets received by the network.
Reset packets are packets retransmitted because an error occurred.
Reset Packets Trnsmitd
(Resource Interval) The number of reset packets transmitted by the network.
(System) Average system response (service) time.
Response Sec Avg and Max
(Transaction) The average (AVG) and maximum (MAX) transaction response time, in seconds, for the job. The average response time is calculated as the sum of the time between each pair of wait-to-active and active-to-wait transitions divided by the number of pairs that were encountered for the job.
The MAX response time is the largest response time in the job.
Response Seconds
(System) Average response time in seconds per transaction.
Responses sent
(System, Component) The number of responses of all types sent by the server.
(Component) Average interactive transaction response time in seconds.
Rsp Time
(Component, Resource Interval) The average external response time (in seconds). For the Local Work Station IOP Utilizations section of the Resource Interval Report, it is the response time for work stations on this controller.
For the Remote Work Stations section of the Component Report, it is the response time for this work station.
Rsp Timer Ended
(Resource Interval) The number of times the response timer ended waiting for a response from a remote device.
(Component, Transaction, Job Interval) The average response time (seconds)
per transaction. For the Job Summary section of the Job Interval Report, it is the response time per transaction for the selected interactive jobs during the interval (the amount of time spent waiting for or using the system resources divided by the number of transactions processed). This number will not be accurate unless at least several seconds were spent processing transactions.
(Transaction) Whether the conflict was a seize (S) or lock (L) conflict.
(Job Trace) The approximate time the job was waiting or active.
Segments Pct Rtrns
(Component) The percentage of segments retransmitted. This number is the TCP segments that were transmitted and that contain one or more previously transmitted octets (bytes).
Segments Rcvd per Second
(Component) The number of segments received per second. This number includes those received in error and those received on currently established connections.
Segments Sent per Second
(Component) The number of segments sent per second. This number includes those sent on currently established connections and excludes those that contain only retransmitted octets (bytes).
Seize and Lock Conflicts
(Batch Job Trace) Number of seize conflicts and lock waits.
Seize Conflict
(Component) Number of seize exceptions per second. For more detailed information,
issue the Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) command, and use the PRTTNSRPT or PRTLCKRPT commands. This count could be very high, even under normal system operation. Use the count as a monitor. If there are large variations or changes,
explore these variations in more detail.
Seize Hold Time
(Transaction) The amount of time that the transaction held up other jobs in the system by a seize or lock on an object.
Seize Wait /Tns
(Transaction) The average time, in seconds, for all seize-lock conflicts that occur during an average transaction. More than one seize-lock conflict can occur during a single transaction for the same job. If this number is high, investigate those jobs with seize conflicts. The Transaction Report lists each conflict that occurs, the name of the holder, and the name of the object held. For the Transaction by 5-Minute Intervals section of the Job Summary Report, it is the average seize wait time per transaction in seconds.
This is the average amount of time that the transactions spent in a seize/lock conflict. If this number is high, look at the Transaction and Transition Reports for the jobs that are causing the excessive wait time.
Select Parameters
(System, Component, Transaction, Job Interval, Pool Interval) The criteria used to choose the data records to be included in the report. The criteria are generally specified using an SLTxxx parameter of the command. Only nondefault values (something other than *ALL) are printed. If a parameter is not specified,
it does not appear on the report.
(Job Trace) The number of the trace entry.
(Job Trace) The job trace sequence number in the detail report that this summary line refers to.
Sequence Error
(Resource Interval) The number of frames received that contained sequence numbers indicating that frames were lost.
Server job name
(System) The server job number. Identifies the child job for the server.
Server job user
(System) The server job user. Identifies the child job for the server.
Server name
(System) The server job name. Identifies the child job for the server.
Server start date/time
(System) The most recent start or restart time in format mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
Short Frame Errors
(Resource Interval) The number of short frames received. A short frame is a frame that has fewer octets between its start flag and end flag than are permitted.
Short Wait /Tns
(Transaction) The average time, in seconds, of short (active) wait time per transaction. For the Interactive Program Statistics section, if the value is high, it may be due to the use of data queues or to the use of DFRWRT(*NO)
or RSTDSP(*YES) in the program display files.
Short WaitX /Tns (Short wait extended)
(Transaction) The average time, in seconds, of wait time per transaction that resulted due to a short (active) wait that exceeded 2 seconds, and caused a long wait transition to occur. The activity level has been released but this time is still counted against your total response time. Waits on data queues or the use of DFRWRT(*NO) and/or RSTDSP(*YES) in the display files could be reasons for this value to be high.
(Component) Decimal data overflow and underflow exceptions per second.
An indication of improper field size on numeric calculations.
Size (MB)
(System) The size of the pool in megabytes.
Size (GB)
(Pool Interval) The size of the pool in gigabytes.
Size (M)
(System) Disk space capacity in millions of bytes.
(Job Trace) The number of shared closes for all types of files.
(Job Trace) The number of shared opens for all types of files.
(Component) System-managed access path protection tuning adjustments.
SMAPP System
(Component) SMAPP-induced journal entries deposited in system-provided (default) journals.
(Component) SMAPP-induced journal entries deposited in user-provided journals.
(Transaction) Listed in the Wait Code column, Start of transaction n.
These codes are in the wait code column, but they are not wait codes. They indicate transaction boundary trace records.
Spool CPU seconds per I/O
(System) The average number of system processing unit seconds used by all spool jobs for each I/O performed by a spool job.
Spool database reads per second
(System) The average number of read operations to database files per second of spool processing.
Spool I/O per second
(System) The average number of physical disk I/O operations per second of spool processing.
Srv Time
(Component) Average disk service time per request in seconds not including the disk wait time.
SSL Inbound Connections
(System) AThe number of SSL inbound connections accepted by the server.
(Transaction) The time the job started.
(Transaction) The time of the first record in the trace data, in the form HH.MM.SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
(Transaction) The three possible job states are:
- W--(Wait state) not holding an activity level.
- A--(Active or wait state) holding an activity level.
- I--(Ineligible state) waiting for an activity level.
The table below shows the possible job state transitions. For example,
from W to A is yes,
which means it is possible for a job to change from the wait state to the active state.
Table 2.
| To state
| A
| W
| I
From state
| A
| yes
| yes
| yes
| yes
| yes
| yes
| |
State Transitions A-A
(Batch Job Trace) Number of active-to-active transitions.
State Transitions A-I
(Batch Job Trace) Number of active-to-ineligible transitions.
(Transaction) The time the job ended.
(Transaction) The time of the last record in the trace data, in the form HH.MM.SS (hours, minutes, seconds).
(Job Trace) The number of subfile reads.
(Job Trace) The number of subfile writes.
Subsystem Name
(Pool Interval) The name of the subsystem.
(System, Component, Pool Interval) For the System Report, the subsystem names you specify. Each name is a 10-character name. For the Component Report,
the list of subsystems selected to be included (SLTSBS parameter) or excluded (OMTSBS parameter).
(Transaction) Listed in the Sync Disk I/O Rqs/Tns column, the sum of the averages of the synchronous DB READ, DB WRITE, NDB READ, and NDB WRITE requests (the average number of synchronous I/O requests per transaction for the job).
(Transaction) Listed in the Wait Code column, Short Wait Extended. The short wait has exceeded a 2-second limit and the system has put the transaction into a long wait. This long wait must be charged to the transaction response time. In most cases, this active-to-wait transaction does not reflect a transaction boundary.
(Job Interval) The number of synchronous disk I/O operations performed by the selected interactive jobs during the interval.
Sync DIO /Tns
(Transaction) The average number of synchronous I/O requests per transaction during the interval.
Sync Disk I/O
(System, Component, Transaction) Synchronous disk I/O operations.
Sync Disk I/O per Second
(Component) Average synchronous disk I/O operations per second.
Sync Disk I/O Requests
(Transaction) The total number of synchronous disk I/O requests for the given combination of priority, job type, and pool.
Sync Disk I/O Rqs/Tns
(Transaction) The next five columns provide information about the number of synchronous disk I/O requests per transaction:
- DB Read
- The average number of synchronous database read requests per transaction.
- DB Write
- The average number of synchronous database write requests per transaction.
- NDB Read
- The average number of synchronous nondatabase read requests per transaction.
- NDB Write
- The average number of synchronous nondatabase write requests per transaction.
- Sum
- The sum of the averages of the synchronous DB READ, DB WRITE, NDB READ,
and NDB WRITE requests (the average number of synchronous I/O requests per transaction for the job).
Sync I/O /Elp Sec
(Transaction) The average number of synchronous disk I/O requests for all jobs, per second of elapsed time used by the jobs.
Sync I/O /Sec
(Job Interval) The average number of synchronous disk I/O operations performed per second by the job during the interval. This is calculated from the synchronous disk I/O count divided by the elapsed time.
Sync I/O Per Second
(Job Interval) The average number of synchronous disk I/O operations performed per second by the selected noninteractive jobs during the interval.
Synchronous DBR
(System, Transaction, Job Interval, Pool Interval) The average number of synchronous database read operations. It is the total synchronous database reads divided by the total transactions. For the Pool Interval and Job Interval Reports, it is calculated per transaction for the job during the intervals.
For the System Report, it is calculated per second. For the Transaction (Job Summary) it is calculated per transaction. Listed under Average DIO/Transaction,
the average number of synchronous database read requests per transaction.
This field is not printed if the jobs in the system did not process any transactions.
Synchronous DBW
(System, Transaction, Job Interval, Pool Interval) The average number of synchronous database write operations. It is the total synchronous database writes divided by the total transactions. For the Pool Interval and Job Interval Reports, it is calculated per transaction for the job during the intervals.
For the System Report, it is calculated per second. For the Transaction (Job Summary) it is calculated per transaction. Listed under Average DIO/Transaction,
the average number of synchronous database read requests per transaction.
This field is not printed if the jobs in the system did not process any transactions.
Synchronous DIO / Act Sec
(System, Transaction) The number of synchronous disk I/O operations per active second. The active time is the elapsed time minus the wait times.
Synchronous DIO / Ded Sec
(Transaction) The estimated number of synchronous disk I/O operations per second as if the job were running in dedicated mode. Dedicated mode means that no other job would be active or in contention for resources in the system.
Synchronous DIO / Elp Sec
(Transaction) The number of synchronous disk I/O operations per elapsed second.
Synchronous Disk I/O Counts
(Transaction) The next five columns provide information about the number of synchronous disk I/O requests per transaction:
- DB Read
- The number of synchronous database read requests per transaction.
- DB Wrt
- The number of synchronous database write requests per transaction.
- NDB Read
- The number of synchronous nondatabase read requests per transaction.
- NDB Wrt
- The number of synchronous nondatabase write requests per transaction.
- Sum
- The sum of the synchronous DB Read, DB Wrt, NDB Read, and NDB Wrt requests (the number of synchronous I/O requests per transaction).
Synchronous disk I/O per transaction
(System, Transaction) The average number of synchronous physical disk I/O operations per interactive transaction.
Synchronous Max
(Transaction) The maximum number of synchronous DBR, NDBR, and WRT I/O requests encountered for any single transaction by that job. If the job is not an interactive or autostart job type, the total disk I/O for the job is listed here.
Synchronous NDBR
(System, Transaction, Job Interval, Pool Interval) The average number of synchronous nondatabase read operations per transaction for the jobs in the system during the interval. For the Transaction Report, the operations on the disk per transaction for the selected jobs in the pool. This is calculated from the synchronous nondatabase read count divided by the transactions processed.
This field is not printed if the jobs in the system did not process any transactions.
Synchronous NDBW
(System, Job Interval, Pool Interval) The average number of synchronous nondatabase write operations on the disk per transaction for the selected jobs in the pool. For the System Report, it is the operations per transaction for the jobs in the system during the interval. This is calculated from the synchronous nondatabase write count divided by the transactions processed.
This field is not printed if the jobs in the system did not process any transactions.
Synchronous Sum
(Transaction) The sum of the averages of the synchronous DBR, NDBR, and WRT requests (the average number of synchronous I/O requests per transaction for the job).
Synchronous wrt
(Transaction) The average number of synchronous database and nondatabase write requests per transaction.
System CPU per transaction (seconds)
(System) The average number of system processing unit seconds per interactive transaction.
System disk I/O per transaction
(System) The total number of physical disk I/O operations attributed to the system per interactive transaction.
System Starts
(Component) The number of start journal operations initiated by the system.
System Stops
(Component) The number of stop journal operations initiated by the system.
System Total
(Component) The total number of journal deposits resulting from system-journaled objects. These are the deposits performed by system-managed access path protection (SMAPP).
System ToUser
(Component) The number of journal deposits resulting from system-journaled objects to user-created journals.
(Transaction) Listed in the Wait Code column, Seize Wait Granted. The job was waiting on a seize conflict. The original holder released the lock that it had on the object, and the lock was then granted to the waiting job.
The job that was waiting for the object is named on this line (WAITER --)
along with the amount of time the job spent waiting for the seize conflict to be released. The object that is held is named on the next line of the report (OBJECT --).
(Transaction) Listed in the Wait Code column, Seize/Lock Conflict Wait.
The job is waiting on a seize/lock conflict. The time (*/ time /*) is the duration of the seize/lock conflict, and is included in the active time that follows it on the report. The holder of the lock is named at the right of the report line (HOLDER --). The object being held is named on the next report line (OBJECT --).
Teraspace EAO
(Component) Listed in the Exception Occurrence summary and Interval Counts.
A teraspace effective address overflow (EAO) occurs when computing a teraspace address that crosses a 16-boundary. A quick estimate indicates that a 1% performance degradation would occur if there were 2,300 EAOs per second.
(Job Summary, Transaction, Transition) A thread is a unique flow of control within a process. Every job has an initial thread associated with it. Each job can start one or more secondary threads. The system assigns the thread number to a job as follows:
- The system assigns thread IDs sequentially. When a job is started that uses a job structure that was previously active, the thread ID that is assigned to the initial thread is the next number in the sequence.
- The first thread of a job is assigned a number.
- Any additional threads from the same job are assigned a number that is incremented by 1. For example:
Job Name User Name/ Job Number Thread QJVACMDSRV SMITH 023416 QJVACMDSRV 00000006 023416 QJVACMDSRV 00000007 023416 QJVACMDSRV 00000008 023416
A thread value greater than 1 does not necessarily mean the job has had that many threads active at the same time. To determine how many threads are currently active for the same job, use the WRKACTJOB, WRKSBSJOB,
or WRKUSRJOB commands to find the multiple three-part identifiers with the same job name.
Threads active
(System) The number of threads doing work when the data was sampled.
Threads idle
(System) The number of idle threads when the data was sampled.
(Transaction) The time when the transaction completed, or when a seize or lock conflict occurred. Also, a column heading that shows the time the transition from one state to another occurred, in the HH.MM.SS.mmm arrangement.
(Job Trace) The time of day for the trace entry. The time is sequentially given in hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds.
(Component, Pool Interval) The total number of transactions processed by the selected jobs in the pool or subsystem.
Tns Count
(Component, Job Interval) The number of transactions performed by the selected interactive jobs during the interval.
(Component, Transaction, Job Interval) The average number of transactions per hour processed by the selected interactive jobs during the interval.
Tns/Hour Rate
(System) Average number of transactions per hour.
TOD of Wait
(Lock) The time of day of the start of the conflict.
(Transaction) Listed in Physical I/O Counts column, the total number of DB Read, DB Wrt, NDB Read, and NDB Wrt requests.
Tot Nbr Tns
(Transaction) The total number of transactions the PRTTNSRPT program determined from the input data that were accomplished for the job.
(Component) Total exception counts for the reporting period.
(Job Trace) Totals for the fields.
Total /Job
(Transaction) The total (sum) of the items in the column for the job.
Total characters per transaction
(System) The average number of characters either read from or written to display station screens per interactive transaction.
Total CPU Sec /Sync DIO
(Transaction) The ratio of total CPU seconds divided by the total synchronous disk I/O requests.
Total CPU Utilization
(System, Component) Percentage of available processing unit time used by the partition. For a multiple-processor system, this is the average use across all processors. For dedicated partitions, Total CPU Utilization is replaced by a utilization value for each processor in the partition. Here is an example of this part of the display for a dedicated partition with two processors:
Average CPU utilization . . . . . : 41.9 CPU 1 utilization . . . . . . . . : 41.7 CPU 2 utilization . . . . . . . . : 42.2
In shared processor partitions, individual CPU utilization rows are not printed.
This value is taken from a system counter.
Other processing unit uses are taken from the individual job work control blocks (WCBs). These totals may differ slightly. For uncapped partitions, Total CPU utilization might exceed 100 percent.
Total CPU Utilization (Database Capability)
(System) Shows you the DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries activity on your systems. This field applies to all systems running V4R5 or later and includes all database activity, including all SQL and data I/O operations.
Total CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature)
(System) The CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature) shows the CPU utilization for all jobs doing 5250 workstation I/O operations relative to the capacity of the system for interactive work. Depending on the system and associated features purchased, the interactive capacity is equal to or less than the total capacity of the system.
Total Data Characters Received
(Resource Interval) The number of data characters received successfully.
Total Data Characters Transmitted
(Resource Interval) The number of data characters transmitted successfully.
Total Datagrams Requested for Transmission
(Component) The percentage of IP datagrams that are discarded because of the following reasons:
- No route was found to transmit the datagrams to their destination.
- Lack of buffer space.
Total fields per transaction
(System) The average number of display station fields either read from or written to per interactive transaction.
Total Frames Recd
(Resource Interval) The number of frames received, including frames with errors and frames that are not valid.
Total I Frames Trnsmitd
(Resource Interval) The total number of information frames transmitted.
Total I/O
(System) Sum of the read and write operations.
Total PDUs Received
(Resource Interval) The number of protocol data units (PDUs) received during the time interval.
A protocol data unit (PDU) for asynchronous communications is a variable-length unit of data that is ended by a protocol control character or by the size of the buffer.
Total Physical I/O per Second
(Resource Interval) The average number of physical disk I/O operations performed per second by the disk arm.
Total Responses
(Component, Resource Interval) The total number of transactions counted along with the average response time for all active work stations or devices on this controller for the report period.
Total Seize/Wait Time
(Component) The response time in milliseconds for each job.
Total Tns
(Component) Number of transactions processed in this pool.
Transaction Response Time (Sec/Tns)
(Transaction) The response time in seconds for each transaction. This value includes no communications line time. Response times measured at the work station exceed this time by the data transmission time (the time required to transmit data from the work station to the processing unit and to transmit the response data back to the work station from the processing unit).
Transactions per hour (local)
(System) The interactive transactions per hour attributed to local display stations.
Transactions per hour (remote)
(System) The interactive transactions per hour attributed to remote display stations.
Transient Size
(Component) Kilobytes placed within the journal transient area; these are hidden journal entries produced by the system.
Transmit/Receive/Average Line Util
(Resource Interval) In duplex mode, the percentage of transmit line capacity used, the percentage of receive line capacity used, and the average of the transmit and receive capacities.
(Transaction) Listed in the Wait Code column, Time Slice End. The program shown in the stack entry labeled LAST is the program that went to time slice end.
(Component, Transaction) The system job type and subtype. The Component Report allows only one character in this column. The Transaction Report allows two characters. The Transaction Report reports the job type and job subtype directly from the QAPMJOBS fields. The Component Report takes the job type and job subtype values and converts it to a character that may or may not be the value from the QAPMJOBS field. The possible job types are:
- A
- Autostart
- B
- Batch
- BD
- Batch immediate (Transaction only)
The batch immediate values are shown as BCI on the Work with Active Job display and as BATCHI on the Work with Subsystem Job display.
- BE
- Batch evoke (Transaction only)
- BJ
- Batch pre-start job (Transaction only)
- C
- Programmable work station application server,
which includes 5250 emulation over APPC and iSeries Access host servers running either APPC or TCP/IP. See the Host server administration topic for more information. A job is reported as a iSeries Access server if any of the following items are true:
- Incoming APPC evoke requests one of the server program names. This also applies to the pre-started jobs for the QSERVER, QCMN, and QSYSWRK subsystems that are already waiting for the named program.
- Incoming IP port number corresponds to one of the service name-description-port-numbers.
This also applies to the pre-started jobs for the QSERVER, QCMN, and QSYSWRK subsystems that are already waiting for the assigned IP port number.
- Incoming IPX socket number corresponds to one of the service name-description-port-numbers.
This also applies to the pre-started jobs for the QSERVER, QCMN, and QSYSWRK subsystems that are already waiting for the assigned IPX port number.
- Incoming 5250 display emulation jobs that come from APPC data streams sent by 5250 emulation under OS/2 Communications Manager or WARP equivalent.
- D
- Target distributed data management (DDM) server
- I
- Interactive. For the Component Report, this includes twinaxial data link control (TDLC), 5250 remote workstation, and 3270 remote workstation. For the Transaction Report, this includes twinaxial data link control (TDLC),
5250 remote workstation, 3270 remote workstation, SNA pass-through, and 5250 Telnet.
- L
- Licensed Internal Code Task
- M
- Subsystem monitor
- P
- SNA pass-through and 5250 Telnet pass-through. On the Transaction Report,
these jobs appear as I (interactive).
- R
- Spool reader
- S
- System
- W
- Spool writer, which includes the spool write job, and if Advanced Function Printing (AFP) is specified, the print driver job.
- WP
- Spool print driver (Transaction only)
- X
- Start the system
The possible job subtypes are:
- D
- Batch immediate job
- E
- Evoke (communications batch)
- J
- Pre-start job
- P
- Print driver job
- T
- Multiple requester terminal (MRT) (System/36 environment only)
- 3
- System/36
- Job subtypes do not appear on the Component Report.
- If the job type is blank or you want to reassign it, use the Change Job Type (CHGJOBTYP) command to assign an appropriate job type.
- Type
- (System, Transaction, Job Interval) One of the transaction types listed in the description of the DTNTY field.
- (System)
- The disk type.
- (Transaction)
- The type and subtype of the job.
- (Transaction)
- For the Seize/Lock Conflicts by Object section, the type of seize/lock conflict.
- UDP Datagrams Received
- (Component) The total number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams delivered to UDP users.
- UDP Datagrams Sent
- (Component) The total number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams sent from this entity.
- Uncap CPU Avail
- (Component)Percentage of CPU time available to a partition in the shared processors pool during the interval in addition to its configured CPU. This value is relative to the configured CPU available for the particular partition.
- Unicast Packets Received
- (System) The total number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol. The number includes only packets received on the specified interface.
- Unicast Packets Sent
- (System) The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast address. This number includes those packets that were discarded or were not sent.
- Unit
- (System, Component, Resource Interval) The number assigned by the system to identify a specific disk unit or arm. An 'A' or 'B' following the unit number indicates that the disk unit is mirrored. (For example, 0001A and 0001B are a mirrored pair.)
- Unit Name
- The resource name of the disk arm.
- User ID
- (System, Component, Transaction, Job Interval, Pool) The list of users selected to be included (SLTUSRID parameter) or excluded (OMTUSRID parameter).
- User Name
- (Component, Transaction, Job Interval, Batch Job Trace) Name of the user involved (submitted the job, had a conflict, and so on.)
- User Name/Thread
- (Component, Transaction) If the job information contains a secondary thread,
then this column shows the thread identifier. If the job information does not contain a secondary thread, then the column shows the user name. The system assigns the thread number to a job as follows:
- The system assigns thread IDs sequentially. When a job is started that uses a job structure that was previously active, the thread ID that is assigned to the initial thread is the next number in the sequence.
- The first thread of a job is assigned a number.
- Any additional threads from the same job are assigned a number that is incremented by 1. For example:
Job Name User Name/ Job Number Thread QJVACMDSRV SMITH 023416 QJVACMDSRV 00000006 023416 QJVACMDSRV 00000007 023416 QJVACMDSRV 00000008 023416
A thread value greater than 1 does not necessarily mean the job has had that many threads active at the same time. To determine how many threads are currently active for the same job, use the WRKACTJOB, WRKSBSJOB,
or WRKUSRJOB commands to find the multiple three-part identifiers with the same job name.
- User Starts
- (Component) The number of start journal operations initiated by the user.
- User Stops
- (Component) The number of stop journal operations initiated by the user.
- User Total
- (Component) The total number of journal deposits resulting from system-journaled objects.
- Util
- (Component, Resource Interval) The percent of utilization for each local work station, disk, or communications IOP, controller, or drive.
The system-wide average utilization does not include data for mirrored arms in measurement intervals for which such intervals are either in resuming or suspended status.
- Util 2
- (Component, Resource) Utilization of co-processor.
- Value
- (Transaction) For the Individual Transaction Statistics section of the Job Summary report, it is the value of the data being compared for the transaction.
For the Longest Seize/Lock Conflicts section, it is the number of seconds in which the seize or lock conflict occurred.
- Verify
- (Component) Number of verify exceptions per second. Verify exceptions occur when a pointer needs to be resolved, when blocked MI instructions are used at security levels 10, 20, or 30, and when an unresolved symbolic name is called. This count could be very high, even under normal system operation.
Use the count as a monitor. If there are large variations or changes, explore these variations in more detail.
- W-I Wait/Tns
- (Transaction) The average time, in seconds, of wait-to-ineligible time per transaction. This value is an indication of what effect the activity level has on response time. If this value is low, the number of wait-to-ineligible transitions probably has little effect on response time. If the value is high,
adding additional interactive pool storage and increasing the interactive pool activity level should improve response time. If you are unable to increase the interactive pool storage (due to limited available storage), increasing the activity level may also improve response time. However, increasing the activity level might result in excessive faulting within the storage pool.
- Wait Code
- (Transaction) The job state transition that causes the trace record to be produced. The values can be as follows:
- Event Wait. A long wait that occurs when waiting on a message queue.
- EOTn
- End of transaction for transaction for type n. These codes are in the wait code column, but they are not wait codes. They indicate transaction boundary trace records.
- EORn
- End of response time for transaction n. These codes are in the wait code column, but they are not wait codes. They indicate transaction boundary trace records.
- Error Responses
- (Component> The number of responses in error.
- Hold Wait (job suspended or system request).
- Lock Released. The job released a lock it had on the object named on the next detail line of the report (OBJECT --). The job that was waiting for the object is named on this line (WAITER --) along with the amount of time the job spent waiting for the lock to be released.
- Lock Wait. If there are a number of these, or you see entries with a significant length of time in the ACTIVE/RSP* column, additional analysis is necessary.
The LKWT report lines that precede this LKW report line show you what object is being waited on, and who has the object.
- Lock Conflict Wait. The job is waiting on a lock conflict. The time (*/
time /*) is the duration of the lock conflict and, though not equal to the LKW time, should be very close to it. The holder of the lock is named at the right of the report line (HOLDER --). The object being locked is named on the next report line (OBJECT --).
- SOTn
- Start of transaction n. These codes are in the wait code column, but they are not wait codes. They indicate transaction boundary trace records.
- Short Wait Extended. The short wait has exceeded a 2-second limit and the system has put the transaction into a long wait. This long wait must be charged to the transaction response time. In other words, this active-to-wait transaction does not reflect a transaction boundary.
- (Transaction) Listed in the Wait Code column, Seize Wait Granted. The job was waiting on a seize conflict. The original holder released the lock that it had on the object, and the lock was then granted to the waiting job.
The job that was waiting for the object is named on this line (WAITER --)
along with the amount of time the job spent waiting for the seize conflict to be released. The object that is held is named on the next line of the report (OBJECT --).
- Seize/Lock Conflict Wait. The job is waiting on a seize/lock conflict.
The time (*/ time /*) is the duration of the seize/lock conflict, and is included in the active time that follows it on the report. The holder of the lock is named at the right of the report line (HOLDER --). The object being held is named on the next report line (OBJECT --).
- Time Slice End. The program shown in the stack entry labeled LAST is the program that went to time slice end. Every time a job uses 0.5 seconds of CPU time (0.2 seconds on the faster processors) between long waits, the system checks if there are jobs of equal priority on the CPU queue. If there are,
then the next job with equal priority is granted the CPU and the interrupted job is moved to the queue as the last of equal priority. The job, however,
retains its activity level. This is an internal time slice end. When a job reaches the external time slice value, there can be a job state transition from active to ineligible if another job is waiting for an activity level.
When a job is forced out of its activity level, its pages are liable to be stolen by other jobs, and cause additional I/O when the job regains an activity level. The IBM-supplied default values of 2 seconds for interactive jobs and 5 seconds for batch jobs may often be too high, especially for the high-end processors. As an initial value, set the time slice at 3 times the average CPU seconds per transaction.
- Wait Timed Out. The job has exceeded the wait time-out limit defined for a wait (such as a wait on a lock, a message queue, or a record).
- (Job Trace) The number of waits that occurred.
- (Job Trace) In the Job Trace Analysis Summary, this is the time between the ENDTNS and STRTNS programs is labeled WAIT-ACT. If you were tracing an interactive job and used the default STRTNS and ENDTNS parameters, this value is the time taken to process the transaction.
In the Job Trace Analysis I/O Summary, this is the time that the job was inactive, probably due to typing or think time by the user.
- Wait-Inel
- (System, Component) Average number of wait-to-ineligible job state transitions per minute.
- Work Station Controller
- (Resource Interval) The name of the remote work station controller.
- (Job Trace) The number of physical writes that occurred.
- Writes per Second
- (Resource Interval) The average number of disk write operations performed per second by the disk arm.
- (Job Trace) The number of physical writes that occurred for the entry.
- (Transaction) Listed in the Wait Code column, Wait Timed Out. The job has exceeded the wait time-out limit defined for a wait (such as a wait on a lock, a message queue, or a record).
- 0.0-1.0
- (Component, Resource Interval) The number of times the response time was between 0 and 1 second.
- 1.0-2.0
- (Component, Resource Interval) The number of times the response time was between 1 and 2 seconds.
- 2.0-4.0
- (Component, Resource Interval) The number of times the response time was between 2 and 4 seconds.
- 4.0-8.0
- (Component, Resource Interval) The number of times the response time was between 4 and 8 seconds.
Parent topic:
Performance Tools reports
Related concepts
Host server administration