

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Enable and disabling the browser plug-in

The browser plug-in is enabled by default, but can be disabled to prevent editing documents with desktop applications.

As an administrator, you decide whether the plug-in should be enabled or disabled for each Document Manager portlet instance. Disabling the plug-in results in these changes in Document Manager and the Document Libraries portlet:

To disable the browser plug-in in the Document Libraries portlet:

  1. Log in as an administrator.

  2. Click Administration, then click Portal Content.

  3. Click Document Libraries.

  4. Click on the right-hand drop-down menu icon, then select Configure.

  5. Select Disable browser plug-in.

  6. Save the change.
To disable the browser plug-in in the Document Manager portlet instance:

  1. Log in as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Document Manager portlet you want to configure.

  3. Click the right-hand drop-down menu icon, then select Configure.

  4. Select Disable browser plug-in.

  5. Save the change.


Important note for Linux users: On Linux, a Java™ Applet is used to communicate with the client file system. This applet gives you the ability to edit files using your native editors, as well as to import multiple files and directories from the client file system. In order to run the applet, you will need to have a supported Java Runtime Environment installed on your browser. For installation instructions on Mozilla, visit http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#Java and follow the instructions to install the Java Runtime Environment. Once the Java Runtime Environment is recognized in the browser, you should be prompted to accept an IBM® certificate when you first visit the edit or administrative import pages. You should choose to always accept this certificate for the applet to be able to read and copy files from your local machine. After you accept the certificate, you might need to refresh the page. The plug-in attempts to read and write the files you are editing to the temporary directory defined in the java.io.tmpdir system property. Users need to have authority to create directories and files in that path (usually /tmp). Lastly, the plug-in requires that KDE be installed and that the kfmclient be in the path. Visit http://www.kde.org for information about installing KDE. The kfmclient exec command is used to open files with the editors registered in KDE.


Parent topic:

Configuring the browser to work with documents


Related concepts
Browser plug-in


Related tasks
Configuring the Document Manager portlet Configuring the browser to use the plug-in Upgrading the plug-in


Related reference

Browsers supported by the plug-in Document Manager portlet settings