

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Upgrade the plug-in



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The Document Manager plug-in must be upgraded to support newer browser versions.

Plug-in upgrades are automatic if you are using the Internet Explorer browser. Plug-in upgrades are not automatic if you are using the Firefox browser. To upgrade a plug-in, find your browser and version in the table, then follow the associated upgrade steps.

For non-Windows platforms the plug-in equivalent is a browser applet, which is downloaded into the browser without user-initiated install steps.

Browser Versions Upgrade instructions
Firefox and later, except version 2.0 and later (see next row, below)

  1. Delete the existing plug-in files...


    ...including the file npDM2.dll. Also delete...


  2. Start the Firefox browser, and navigate to Document Manager.

  3. Complete the on-line installation program.

Version 6.0.1 only

  1. Go to the Firefox extensions directory at...

    \Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\Firefox_username\extensions\

  2. Delete the temporary directory (for example: {2225ae98-b3e0-4ecf-9fa6-b234692431ac}.

  3. Start the Firefox browser, and navigate to Document Manager.

  4. Complete the on-line installation program.
Firefox 2.0 and later

  1. In the Firefox browser, click Tools in the toolbar.

  2. Click Add-ons in the drop-down list

  3. Select IBM PDM Plugin 2.0, then and click the Uninstall button.

  4. Complete the uninstall process.

  5. Restart the browser.


Parent topic:

Configure the browser to work with documents


Related concepts

Browser plug-in


Related tasks

Enable and disable the browser plug-in
Configure the browser to use the plug-in


Related reference

Browsers supported by the plug-in