

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Browser plug-in

Document Manager provides a browser plug-in.

The Document Manager portlet provides a browser plug-in so that users can work with documents in editing applications that are installed on their local computer desktop. With the browser plug-in enabled, documents are edited using either the default rich text editor provided with Document Manager, or a desktop application such as Microsoft® Word. The browser plug-in is enabled by default, but can be disabled if the administrator wants to prevents users from editing documents with desktop applications. Disabling the plug-in also blocks users from importing documents into a document library through the Document Libraries portlet.


Parent topic:

Configuring the browser to work with documents


Related tasks
Enabling and disabling the browser plug-in Upgrading the plug-in Specifying the default document editor


Related reference

Browsers supported by the plug-in