Search properties in the component configuration file (wc-component.xml)
The component configuration file (wc-component.xml) contains properties to configure the Search server. The component configuration files are stored in the following location by default:
- The default component configuration file for the search application: workspace_dir/search/xml/config/
- The extended component configuration file for the search application. To change the value of an existing property in the WebSphere Commerce Search component configuration file, we must create a customized version of the file in this location. The customized version of the file must contain only the changed properties: workspace_dir/search/xml/config/
In the component configuration files, the search properties are grouped into sections. For each property, we can read a description, and examples for some of the more complex properties. The following tables summarize the types of configurable properties in the files. Refer to the comments within the file for more details:
Search properties in the catalog component configuration file
Section of catalog component configuration file that contains search properties Purpose of properties in the section Start up
- SearchServiceWarmStarter
- Defines whether to allow the server to warm start the search registry and the Solr runtime.
- Default is true.
Search Term Association
- SynonymExpansionThreshold
- The maximum number of synonym-expanded predicates that are allowed within each search operation.
- Default is 300.
- SearchStatisticsBatchInsertSize
- The batch processing size for capturing search statistics, in number of cached entries.
- Default is 10000.
- SearchStatisticsUpdateInterval
- The time interval between batch processing updates, in seconds.
- Default is 600.
- SearchStatisticsResultPagesTrackingThreshold
- Track search rule statistics up to the specified search result page.
- Default is 1.
Handling special characters To set escape patterns, ignore patterns, stop patterns, and request field values. You do not need to change these properties. Facet management
- allowedFacetPropertynames
- The allowed table SRCHATTRPROP property name types to be displayed and managed in the Show Facets feature in the Management Center.
- maximumFacetFieldsToRequest
- The maximum number of facet fields to request in the FacetHelper. This number is configurable to avoid Solr URI length limit errors.
- Default is 200.
- displayLeafCategoriesOnly
- Display only leaf category facets of keyword search. The parent-categories are not shown.
- categoryFacetLimitForKeywordSearch
- This configuration defines the limit value for category facets when a shopper performs keyword searches.
- For category browsing, it uses the MAX_DISPLAY column of the FACET table to set the limit value.
- facetConfigurationDefaultForLimit
- Defines the limit value for the facet configuration parameter to be used in a native Solr expression, facet.limit. The defaults value is -1, if not specified. The search runtime does not specify this value if the detected or specified value for any facet is the same as the default value. This definition is done to reduce the overall length of the Solr expression.Important: Ensure that this value matches the value that is defined in the solrconfig.xml file.
- facetConfigurationDefaultForSort
- Defines the sort value for the facet configuration parameter to be used in a native Solr expression, facet.sort. Default is count, if not specified. The search runtime does not specify this value if the detected or specified value for any facet is the same as the default value. This definition is done to reduce the overall length of the Solr expression.Important: Ensure that this value matches the value that is defined in the solrconfig.xml file.
- TopCategorySortOrder
- We can separately define how items are to be sorted in the left navigation window and top drop-down menu. For example, a customer might want to sort categories in the top menu by sequence, and separately configure facets in the left navigation window alphabetically. The supported values are
- 0: Sort follows CMC sequence.
- 1: Sort is alphanumeric, based on item names.
Default is 0.
- facetConfigurationDefaultForMinimumCount
- Defines the minimum value for the facet configuration parameter to be used in a native Solr expression, facet.mincount. Default is 0, if not specified. The search runtime does not specify this value if the detected or specified value for any facet is the same as the default value. This definition is done to reduce the overall length of the Solr expression.Important: Ensure that this value matches the value that is defined in the solrconfig.xml file.
- UseValueSourceFunctionForSorting
- Defines whether to use the custom sorting function in Solr to do sequencing. This option is used for compatibility with an earlier version. Disabling this function provides better performance throughput.
- Default value is true.
Search runtime
- BackCompatibleKeywordSearch
- This configuration defines whether to use new relevancy keyword search function or use previous keyword search function. Default is false.
- ResponseTemplateDefault
- Defines the default behavior of the REST response transformation. For compatibility with an earlier version, use 0, so that the response data structure can closely assemble to the BOD-like structure to minimize storefront migration impact. Supported values are:
- -1 does not use any transformation and only returns raw data.
- 0 uses the noun structure as a template.
- 1 uses the REST service structure as a template.
Default is 0.
- QueryParameterReservedWords
- This configuration defines a list of reserved words that can be used in the <query> section of each search profile.
- Parameter names listed are not added to the SolrQuery object.
- DisplayEntryWithNoName
- This configuration allows product entries with no name to be displayed.
- Default is true.Important: To be effective, this parameter must be updated in the wc-component.xml configuration files of both the WC and Search EAR.
Note: Disabling this configuration also disables language fallback support.
- LimitDeepCategoryFacetValuesToImmediateChildrenOnly
- When expanded category navigation is used, the category facets display a list of facet values of all immediate and not immediate child categories. When this configuration is set, the returned category facet values are limited to the immediate ones only of the selected category.
- Default is false.
- uriPrefix
- A list of URI prefixes to be skipped, so that the store path is not added to image URLs.
- IndexUnstructured
- Disable unstructured indexing when using the Management Center. If set to true, unstructured indexing is performed. This setting improves the usability of the Management Center for business users, since unstructured indexing is time-consuming. When this property is enabled, unstructured content changes are not visible until a manual indexing process is done. The behavior can be overridden locally by reversing the property in the -ext directory.
- Default is false.
The following parameters support the deep category unpublish and deep search sequencing features. See Hiding categories and products using deep category unpublish.
- DisplayPublishedOnly
- Allows only products from published categories to be displayed in the keyword search results when deep category unpublish is enabled.
- Default is false.
- More parameters related to deep category unpublish and deep search sequencing features are in the wc-component.xml file on the WebSphere Commerce EAR. See Search properties in the component configuration file (wc-component.xml).
- Deep category unpublish parameters are ignored when the feature is disabled (EnableDeepCategoryUnpublish=false on the WebSphere Commerce EAR).
Search profiles global defaults These properties act as the default value for all search profile settings and can be overridden by each individual search profile.
- SearchProfilesDebug
- Requests the search server to generate more debug messages.
- Default is false.
- SearchProfilesPreview
- Determines the level of detail for preview:
- 0: Minimal: Includes marketing rules.
- 1: Summary: Includes marketing rules and index status.
- 2: Detailed: Includes marketing rules, index status, and query explanations.
- Default is 1.
- SearchProfilesPrice
- Determines the display mode for showing prices in the storefront.
- 0: Computed:
- Summary: Prices only for the current page are calculated at runtime.
- Hide price facets.
- Show computed price and offer price ranges in the product display page.
- Show computed price in each search result.
- Show override price from the extended sites store.
- Hide price range search in the Advanced Search page.
- Usage: Prices are not populated in the search index.
- 1: Indexed:
- Summary: All prices are retrieved from the search index.
- Show price facets with price ranges that are configured in the facet configuration table.
- Show indexed price in product display page.
- Show indexed price in each search result.
- Show asset site store offer price.
- Show price range search in the Advanced Search page.
- Usage: Prices are populated in the search index.
- 2: Mixed:
- Summary: Search results contain computed prices, while price facets use indexed prices.
- Show price facets with price ranges that are configured in the facet configuration table.
- Show computed price and offer price ranges in the product display page.
- Show computed price in each search result.
- Show override price from the extended sites store.
- Show price range search in the Advanced Search page.
- Usage: Prices for all supported currencies are populated in the search index.
- Default is 1.
- SearchProfilesStatistics
- Requests the search server to capture search-related statistics in the WebSphere Commerce runtime.
- When this option is enabled, statistical data is cached in memory until the batch size (defined as SearchStatisticsBatchInsertSize in the wc-component.xml file under ExtendedConfiguration) is reached.
- This capture is done to minimize the amount of I/O traffic that is caused as a result of search statistics gathering.
- Default is false.
Inventory search index configurations
- FilterInventoryByStoreAndFulfillmentCenter
- The formula for retrieving inventory count by physical store using the single-value indexing design.
- 1: Online store internal identifier.
- 2: Physical store internal identifier.
- 3: Range filter [%s TO %s].
- Default is inv_strlocqty_%s_%s:%s.
Note: This function can be used for only single-value options on the inventory index.
- OnlinePhysicalStoreQualifier
- A static identifier for an online store that represents a virtual physical store field name in the search index. No actual physical store is associated to an online store.
Note: This property is only needed when the DOM inventory model is used.
- Default is OnlineStore.
- ConvertPhysicalStoreToFulfillmentCenter
- This flag controls whether the identifier passed in through is a store location identifier and is converted into a fulfillment center identifier to be used with the inventory search index.
- For example, set this option to true when used with the non-ATP inventory model, or set this option to false when used with the DOM inventory model.
- Default is true.
- IsStoreInventorySharingConfigured
- This flag controls whether the non-ATP extended sites inventory is being shared or not.
- When set to false, the extended site store ID is used to construct the inventory field
- When set to true, the configured RELATEDSTORE_ID set in the STOREREL with STRELTYP is instead used.
- For example, set this option to true when non-ATP inventory sharing is enabled, or set this option to false when it is disabled.
- Default is false.
Spell correction
- SpellCheckAccuracy
- This setting is used for Defines the Solr spellcheck parameter, spellcheck.accuracy.
- This parameter defines an accuracy value to be used by the spell checking implementation to decide whether a result is worthwhile or not.
- This precision must be achieved for the suggestion to be counted as a proper one.
- Default is the value of Float.MIN_VALUE.
- SpellCheckMaxResultsForSuggestion
- This setting is used for Defines the Solr spellcheck parameter, spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest.
- This parameter defines the maximum number of results the query can return while still triggering spelling suggestions (and collations, if you use spellcheck.collate).
- Suggestions are not generated if the query returns more results than this value.
- When we use spellcheck.extendedResults, this value is also the threshold for determining whether the correctlySpelled flag is false.
- If spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest is not specified, the default behavior is to generate suggestions and to report correctlySpelled as false, if at least 1 term is not in the index. This occurs regardless of the number of results returned.
- This parameter is especially useful with spellcheck.alternativeTermCount to generate Did You mean?-style suggestions for low hit-count queries.
- SpellCheckAlternativeTermCount
- This setting is used for Defines the Solr spellcheck parameter, spellcheck.alternativeTermCount.
- This parameter defines the maximum number of suggestions to return for terms that exist in the index. Specifying this parameter instructs the spellchecker to try to suggest alternatives for every term in the query.
- This parameter differs from the spellcheck.onlyMorePopular option in that suggested terms do not need to be more popular.
- SpellCheckOnlyMorePopular
- This setting is used for Defines the Solr spellcheck parameter, spellcheck.onlyMorePopular.
- This parameter returns only the suggestions that result in more hits for the query than the existing query.
Note: Even if the query term is correct, a more popular suggestion is returned (if one exists).
- SpellCheckMaxCollations
- This setting is used for Defines the Solr spellcheck parameter, spellcheck.maxCollations.
- This parameter defines the maximum number of collations to return.
- Default is 1.
- SpellCheckMaxCollationTries
- This setting is used for Defines the Solr spellcheck parameter, spellcheck.maxCollationTries.
- This parameter defines the maximum number of collation possibilities to try before the process gives up. Lower values ensure better performance. Higher values might be necessary to find a collation that can return results.
- Default is 0 (do not check collations).
- SpellCheckCollatedResultsOnly
- When set, only spell corrections that are originated by the collation query are returned in the REST response. Otherwise, both collation query suggestions and none collation query suggestions are returned. Collation query suggestions do take into account filter queries and guarantee that collations return results if rerun by the client.
- Default is false.
- SpellCheckQueryOperator
- The operator used in setting the spellcheck.q value when multiple word phrases are used as search terms. Possible values are OR, or AND. Other values are ignored. When using a searchType value that maps to an AND operator in the main query, for example, 1002, you typically set the SpellCheckQueryOperator value to AND.
Note: Using the OR operator relaxes the conditions to find spell check corrections, while using AND produces fewer or no spell check corrections. The default value is OR, if no value is set.
Value mapping service A value mapping service to resolve the relationship configuration between external and internal keys of business objects. The purpose of this service is to retrieve value mapping between external and internal values of business objects.
- SearchControlParameterMapping
- Defines the relationship between REST URL parameters and their corresponding internal name used in the SearchCriteria object. These control parameters in the SearchCriteria object are later used in the expression providers for processing.
- SearchIndexReturnFieldMapping
- Defines the relationship between return field name used in REST URL parameter, returnFields, and its corresponding internal index field name in the search index.
- XPathToCatalogEntryFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from an XPath to its corresponding internal index field name used in the CatalogEntry search index.
- XPathToCatalogEntryViewBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToCatalogEntryViewResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from the search index field name to its corresponding search response field name.
- XPathToPriceBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the price section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToPriceResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the price section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToAttachmentsBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the attachments section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToAttachmentsResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the attachments section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToAttributesBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the attributes section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToAttributesResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the attributes section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToAttributesValuesBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the attributes section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToAttributesValuesResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the attributes section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToComponentsBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the components section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToComponentsResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the components section used in the CatalogEntry search.
- XPathToMerchandisingAssociationsBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the merchandising Associations section used.
- XPathToMerchandisingAssociationsResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields for the merchandising Associations section used.
- XPathToBreadCrumbTrailResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields found in the BreadCrumbTrailEntryView section.
- XPathToFacetResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from internal index fields to its corresponding external response fields found in the FacetView section.
- XPathToCatalogGroupFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from an XPath to its corresponding internal index field name used in the CatalogGroup search index. These mappings are used by the expression providers.
- XPathToCategoryViewResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from the search index field name to its corresponding search response field name.
- XPathToCategoryViewBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from the search index field name to its corresponding search response field name.
- XPathToWebContentViewBODResponseFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from the search index field name to its corresponding search response field name.
- WebContentTypeMapping
- Defines web content internal metadata.
- STAAssociationType
- Defines search term association internal metadata.
- CatalogEntryUserDataFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from a custom index field name used in the CatalogEntry search index to the field name used in the UserData area in the REST response.
- CatalogGroupUserDataFieldNameMapping
- Defines the mapping from a custom index field name used in the CatalogGroup search index to the field name used in the UserData area in the REST response.
- MaximumSlop
- Limits the maximum distance between the location of words that appear in the documents to 100 words, so that the document is boosted as more relevant.
- Default is 100.
- MinimumMatch
- Describes the search relevancy rules. A number denotes the number of query keywords to match. A number that is formulated with a percentage denotes that a percentage of the query keywords must match. For example:
- 1 denotes that at least one query keyword must match.
- 2<80% 6<50% denotes that when there are fewer than 3 keywords, both of the keywords must be found in the document. When 3 - 6 keywords occur, 80% of the keywords must be found in the document. When there are more than 6 keywords, 50% of the keywords must be found in the document.
For example, if a shopper searches for 3 keywords, 80% of the 3 keywords equals 2.4. Rounded down, results that match at least 2 of the 3 entered keywords are returned.
Important: We must use the correct character encoding when you enter percentage values in a file. For example:
- In a JSP fragment file, such as SearchSetup.jspf, the preceding percentage value is entered as is: 2<80% 6<50%.
- In the wc-component.xml file, such as in this case, wc-component.xml, the preceding percentage value is entered as: 2<80% 6<50%.
- For more information about the specification format, see Minimum Number Specification Format.
- Default is 1.
Note: The MaximumSlop and MinimumMatch parameters are retrieved in the following order:
- Check whether they are defined in the URL.
- Check at the search profile level in the wc-search.xml file.
- Check at the parameter level in this file.
- TieBreaker
- This value is a constant for the tie breaker parameter used by the dismax query parser. Valid values are between 0.0 and 1.0.
- A value of 0 makes the search engine use the score of the field with the maximum score and ignore the scores from all other fields.
- A value of 0.1 and above, scores from all matching fields are considered when the document's final relevancy score is calculated.
- Default is 0.1
- LimitKeywordSuggestionsToStoreAndCatalog
- Controls whether the suggested keywords are limited to the specified store and catalog (store path enabled), or suggested keywords are originated from the master catalog.
- When set to true, a wc-conditionalCopyFieldChain custom copyField function that is defined in the CatalogEntry solrconfig.xml file is used to conditionally copy fields. The fields are copied into a dynamic spellCheck field that consists of store and catalog IDs, and includes only the content where the specified conditions are met.
- When set to false, we must update the CatalogEntry schema.xml file and uncomment the copyField statement from the spellCorrection field to the default spellCheck field. Then, the wc-conditionalCopyFieldChain can be disabled by either commenting out the wc-conditionalCopyFieldChain, or set its enabled property to false.
- For example, spellCheck_10152_10051, where 10152 is the store ID, and 10051 is a sales catalog.
- Default is true.
- SearchBasedKeywordSuggestions
- When set, keyword suggestions returned by the keywordSuggestionsByTerm siteContent REST API are based on keyword searches using the search query component. The IBM_findNavigationSuggestion_Keywords search profile is used to construct the query. Otherwise, the default TermsComponent is used. Suggestion based on search queries can account for different filters such as store, catalog, entitlement, and catalog entry type. In contrast, suggestions by the TermsComponent are generated from all of the indexed documents.
- More properties that are evaluated when set to true are SearchBasedKeywordSuggestionsMaxShingleSize and SearchBasedKeywordSuggestionsSortByFrequency.
- Default is false.
- SearchBasedKeywordSuggestionsMaxShingleSize
- Determines the number of tokens used to construct a single suggestion. It is only evaluated when SearchBasedKeywordSuggestions is set to true. Default is 3.
- SearchBasedKeywordSuggestionsSortByFrequency
- Determines the sort order of the Search Based Keyword Suggestions. It is only evaluated when SearchBasedKeywordSuggestions is set to true. Default is true.
B2B contracts
- MultipleContracts
- Defines the operation between multiple contracts.
- If the operation is AND, the expression among multiple contracts is wrapped with +.
- Otherwise, multiple expressions are wrapped with a space.
- Default is an OR operation.
Search rules
- CombineFilterRuleWithProductSequencing
- This configuration defines whether to allow search rules with filtering conditions to work with product sequencing during category navigation.
- When enabled, search rules for all keywords can be used for category navigation and products returned are ordered according to their sequence defined at that category.
- Default is false.
- Limitation: Because sorting overrides ranking at runtime, search rules with boosting and relevancy ranking criteria are ignored. Only search rules with filtering conditions can be used with product sequencing.
Note: To trigger search rules for all keywords during category navigation, a search term with * is added to the browse query request.
LocalTransactionCache The local transaction cache holds cache entries in memory during a single database transaction.
- enabled
- Enables local transaction caching. Specify false to turn off the feature.
- Do not turn off local transaction caching, except as part of problem determination.
Note: Never turn off local transaction caching without also turning off cross transaction caching.
- maxSize
- The maximum number of cache entries that can be remembered during a transaction.
- Each cache entry remains in memory until the current transaction completes. A long running transaction that creates too many cache entries can run out of memory.
- When the specified limit is reached, the transaction cache stops creating cache entries for the remainder of the current transaction. This setting prevents an out of memory condition.
- maxInvalidationldsPerTransaction
- The maximum number of cache invalidation operations that can be run in a single transaction.
- Knowledge of each invalidation operation that is run must be retained during the current transaction. A long running transaction that runs too many invalidation operations can run out of memory.
- When the specified limit is reached, the entire transaction cache is cleared and knowledge of individual invalidation operations is removed from memory. This setting prevents an out of memory condition. Use of the cross transaction cache is suspended for the remainder of the transaction. All cache entries are considered to be invalidated for the remainder of the transaction.
Search properties in the foundation component configuration file
Section of catalog component configuration file that contains search properties Purpose of properties in the section Cross Transaction Cache
- enabled
- Enables cross transaction caching. Specify false to turn off the feature.
- commandCaching
- On forces, the cross transaction cache to use command caching in the default baseCache DistributedMap.
- Off prevents the cross transaction cache from using command caching.
- The default setting uses DistributedMap caching when the corresponding DistributedMap is found by using its JNDI name, and otherwise uses command caching in the default DistributedMap.
- maxInactivityTime
- The number of seconds after which an inactive cache entry is removed from the cache due to inactivity.
- maxTimeToLive
- The number of seconds after which a cache entry expires and is removed from the cache.
- defaultResultSizeThreshold
- When the size of the collection of objects to be cached in a cache entry exceeds the specified threshold value, dependency IDs are generated by using table names.
- To reduce the number of dependency IDs generated for the cache entry, column names and values are not used.
- clearUserOnLogoff
- Specify false if DC_userid:nnnn invalidation IDs are not to be sent to the baseCache when the user with user IDnnnn logs off.
- clearUserDataCacheOnLogoff
- Specify true if data cache entries specific to a particular user are removed from the cache when the user logs off.
- maxInvalidationldsPerTransaction
- The maximum number of cross transaction cache invalidation operations that can be run in a single transaction.
- Knowledge of each invalidation operation run must be retained during the current transaction. A long running transaction that runs too many invalidation operations can run out of memory.
- When the specified limit is reached, no further invalidationIDs are remembered for the cross transaction cache for the remainder of the current transaction.
- When the transaction completes, the action specified by the clearCacheOnMaxInvalidationIdsPerTransaction configuration is taken.
- clearCacheOnMaxInvalidationIdsPerTransaction
- The action when the maximum number of cross transaction cache invalidation operations, which are specified by the maxInvalidationIdsPerTransaction element, is exceeded.
- Specify true to clear the entire cross transaction cache after the current transaction ends.
- When this element is set to false, invalidations are issued immediately and are not remembered until the end of the current transaction.
- This setting leaves a small window of time during which stale data can be placed into the cache.
- reduceMemory
- Specify true to reduce the memory footprint of the cross transaction cache.
- reduceInvalidationIds
- Specify true to reduce the number of invalidation messages that are issued when cached data changes in the database.
- Systems with many WebSphere Commerce application server JVMs might benefit from this setting. However, some over-invalidation might occur. Measure the overall performance impact before you choose this setting for a production system.
- sizeable
- Specify true to implement the interface for most cache entries used by the following WebSphere Commerce object caches:
- services/cache/DM_Cache (Marketing cache)
- services/cache/DM_UserCache (Marketing user behavior cache)
- dmap/IVCache (External Inventory availability cache)
- dmap/PriceCache (External Price cache)
- services/cache/WC*DistributedMapCache (all the data cache object cache instances)
- Specifying true also implements the interface for most cacheable commands used by default by WebSphere Commerce.
- This setting does not implement the interface for the Price Rule cache.
- searchRulesCacheMode
- Specifies the mode of caching for search rule data. The mode is a bitmap. We can use the following values for this property:
- 0: Caching for search rules is disabled.
- 1: Cache terms with search rules.
- 2: Cache the result of search rules.
- 3: Cache both terms with search rules and the result of search rules.
- maxTimeToLiveForAutoCacheEntries
- Returns the maximum number of seconds until an auto cached entry expires from the cache. A zero value indicates that no auto cache entries are created. A negative value indicates that there is no special limit for auto cache entries.
Note: Use only a negative value for debugging purposes.
- autoCacheableTableNames
- Defines a list of table names for auto cache.
- Result sets from these database tables are cached using the JDBCQueryService. Try to minimize the use of this configuration to avoid over-caching.
- notAutoCacheableTableNames
- Defines a list of table names that not to be used for auto cache.
- invalidationJobInterval
- Specifies the frequency (in seconds) that the cache invalidation framework periodically queries the CACHEIVL database table for pending invalidation events.
- This setting, when combined with maxSeconds parameter in invalidationJobParameters, can be used to determine how quickly cache invalidation events are processed on the search server.
- The default invalidation technique used on the search server occasionally requires an incoming search request to devote a configurable portion of its processing time to run cache invalidation. That is, when pending invalidation events remain in the CACHEIVL table. The result is that each search server becomes responsible for invalidation of its own local cache instances.
- To synchronize the latest indexed data that is cached on the search server, the expected amount of time delay in seconds for the cache to be invalidated might take more than 3 times the value of the invalidationJobInterval parameter immediately after the search reindexing task completes. This delay might be longer when the number of pending invalidation events in the CACHEIVL table exceeds the number that can be processed in the time that is allowed by the maxSeconds parameter.
- When we are working with cached JSP fragments on the WebSphere Commerce server, the expected time delay for related cached content to be invalidated might be as long as the length of the DynaCacheInvalidation scheduler job time interval, plus the value of the search server cache invalidation time delay.
Note: Setting invalidationJobInterval to -1 indicates that the search server does not query the CACHEIVL table. Instead, some other method of receiving cache invalidation events, such as Domain Replication Services, is used.
- invalidationJobParameters
- Specifies the parameters when we are running the invalidation job.
- For example, localJVMOnly=true&maxSeconds=1&maxSecondsPerTransaction=0&enableRefreshRegistry=false.
- Changing properties in the component configuration file (wc-component.xml)
To change any properties in the configuration file (wc-component.xml), we must create a customized version of the file in a new folder. The customized version of the file must contain only the changed properties.