Extend the solrconfig.xml file

The solrconfig.xml file defines Solr properties with default values. The default file can be extended using the jvm.options file, by using XInclude, or by configuring the SRCHCONFEXT table. The most common customization of the Solr configuration file is defining new values for replication and caching.


Option 1

Follow instructions in the topic Tuning Just-In-Time compilers to add search server JVM arguments to the jvm.options file in the Search server.

Note: We cannot directly modify or extend the solrconfig.xml file. Instead, we can customize the jvm.options file to extend it, or use the procedure described here. The jvm.options file is a Java properties file that contains a series of key/value pairs. Each key/value pair is written on its own line. Values are assigned to the key using the equal ("=") sign. Prefix each key/value pair with -D. For instance,

assigns the value 100 to the key solr.mergeFactor.

Option 2

We can use the standard XML feature XInclude to include the contents of a local file. The solrconfig.xml file includes an <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"> element, which looks for the file x-solrconfig.xml and includes its contents if it is found. Your search-config-ext project contains the file x-solrconfig.xml. Add our own content to this file. The template file includes some sample configurations that we can uncomment or further modify for our own use.

Note: XIinclude works only if x-solrconfig.xml is a self-contained XML object with a single root element. We cannot use variables (such as ${solr.data.dir:}) in this extension file.

Option 3

  1. Add or change the relevant values to the SRCHCONFEXT table. The values in SRCHCONFEXT override the default settings in the solrconfig.xml file. All of the variables in the following table are customizable. For example, to change the Solr document cache on the master server, then run the following SQL command on the master database. If we are changing multiple settings with the same statement, the key/value pairs must be comma-separated.

      update srchconfext set config='solr.documentCache.size=0' where srchconfext_id=srchconfext_id;

  2. Restart the Search server.

    Table 1. Customizable properties of the solrcore.properties file
    Property Default value
    solr.abortOnConfigurationError true
    solr.directoryFactory solr.StandardDirectoryFactory
    solr.writeLockTimeout 1000
    solr.maxIndexingThreads 8
    solr.mergePolicy.maxMergeAtOnce 10
    solr.mergePolicy.segmentsPerTier 10
    solr.useCompoundFile false
    solr.ramBufferSizeMB 64
    solr.mergeFactor 10
    solr.lockType native
    solr.reopenReaders true
    solr.core.instanceDir /../CatalogEntry
    solr.deletionPolicy.maxCommitsToKeep 1
    solr.deletionPolicy.maxOptimizedCommitsToKeep 0
    solr.maxBooleanClauses 3072
    solr.filterCache.size 1000
    solr.filterCache.initialSize 100
    solr.filterCache.autowarmCount 0
    solr.queryResultCache.size 1000
    solr.queryResultCache.initialSize 100
    solr.queryResultCache.autowarmCount 0
    documentCache solrLRUCache
    solr.documentCache.size 1000
    solr.documentCache.initialSize 100
    solr.documentCache.autowarmCount 0
    solr.enableLazyFieldLoading true
    solr.queryResultWindowSize 36
    solr.queryResultMaxDocsCached 36
    solr.useColdSearcher false
    solr.maxWarmingSearchers 2
    queryComponent query
    spellCheckComponent wc-spellcheck
    facetComponent facet
    data-config wc-data-config-dbtype.xml, where dbtype is either db2 or oracleImportant: If you replace this file with our own file, you need to include the appropriate dbtype suffix (for example, custom-data-config-dbtype.xml) so the file is picked up properly.
    solr.replication.pollInterval 00:00:00
    solr.clustering.enabled false
    solr.replication.classname com.ibm.commerce.foundation.internal.server.services.search.handler.solr.SolrSearchReplicationHandler
    admin.enable.replication true
    solr.master false
    solr.slave false
    solr.master.server.url /solr/${solr.core.name}/replication
    admin.enable.operation true
    conditionalCopyFieldChain.enable false
    healthCheckOps.enable false
    healthCheckOps.forceHealthCheckEveryPollInterval true
    healthCheckOps.checkOps com.ibm.commerce.foundation.solr.operation.SolrDoQueryCheckOperation,com.ibm.commerce.foundation.solr.operation.SolrDoStatusCheckOperation
    healthCheckOps.uponFailureOps com.ibm.commerce.foundation.solr.operation.SolrDoFetchIndexOperation
    solr.spellchecker.queryAnalyzerFieldType wc_textSpellCorrection
    solr.spellchecker.field spellCorrection
    solr.spellchecker.classname solr.DirectSolrSpellChecker
    solr.spellchecker.distanceMeasure internal
    solr.spellchecker.accuracy 0.3
    solr.spellchecker.maxEdits 2
    solr.spellchecker.minPrefix 1
    solr.spellchecker.maxInspections 5
    solr.spellchecker.minQueryLength 3
    solr.spellchecker.maxQueryFrequency 0.01
    solr.spellchecker.thresholdTokenFrequency 0.004
    conditionalCopyFieldChain.enable false

    Note: Detailed information about Solr and its options, parameters, and functions can be found on the
    Apache Solr website.

Related concepts
Search configuration properties in the Solr configuration file (solrconfig.xml)