Inventory allocation

WebSphere Commerce supports five inventory systems:

The interface to inventory is encapsulated by a single inventory task command, which in turn invokes the appropriate task commands.

To set a store to use a specific inventory model, WebSphere Commerce uses a configuration flag to determine which set of interfaces to use. Populate the corresponding tables for inventory configuration and inventory availability of this inventory model. For ATP, non-ATP, and DOM inventory models, refer to the corresponding data models. For No inventory and External inventory models, there are no local tables for inventory. The tables for these inventory models are not populated. The ALLOCATIONGOODFOR column in the STORE database table, is used to define the expiration time of the inventory allocation. The ALLOCATIONGOODFOR column is applicable only for the ATP inventory model. It is not applicable for other inventory models. The INVENTORYSYSTEM column in the STORE database has values:


Related concepts
Available to promise (ATP) inventory allocation

Related tasks
Enable a store to use available-to-promise (ATP) inventory

Related information

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