Email templates

Email templates define the structure and content of marketing emails that you send to customers using an email or dialog activity.

Email templates can contain placeholders for content, such as e-Marketing Spots, links, unique promotion codes, and the customer's first and last name. When it is time to deliver the email, the server replaces the placeholders with actual content.

Options for creating email templates

There are two ways to create email templates:

  1. Use the email template editor in the Marketing tool: The Marketing tool provides an editor into which we can type and format the text of your email, and insert placeholders. After you save the template, we can use it in email and dialog activities.

  2. Create a custom email template JSP file: A store developer can create a custom email template as a JSP file and then register that JSP file in the database. As a result, the custom email template is added to the list of available templates in the Marketing tool so that we can use the template in email and dialog activities.

Placeholders in the email template editor

When creating an email template in the template editor, we can we can insert the following placeholders for content:

Email templates and extended sites

In an extended site model, the extended store's email template list displays the email activity templates created in the extended store and its asset stores. This allows asset stores to define email templates that can be used by any extended site, helping to ensure a consistent look and feel for email activities sent by the extended sites. For example, if an email template named ET1 is created in the asset store, it is listed in the extended store's email template list, and available for use as the basis of an email activity. If the email template belongs to the asset store, we can change the email template from the extended store only if your user ID has access to the asset store; otherwise, the email template is read-only.

If the store has enabled workspaces, email templates may be managed using workspaces and inherit the benefits from that feature. Specifically, your email templates become managed assets, and are subject to your workflow.

Related tasks
Manage email templates
Creating an email template using the Marketing tool in the Management Center
Changing email templates
Deleting email templates