Action: Recommend Category

Use this action in a web activity to display one or more categories in an e-Marketing Spot. For example, we can display a list of featured subcategories on a top category page.

Here is an example of a web activity that uses the Recommend Category action:

When a customer views the e-Marketing Spot on the Electronics category page, display four featured subcategories: Laptops, Desktops, Tablets, and Accessories:

When this web activity is activated, the e-Marketing Spot on the Electronics category page displays these four subcategories:

The JSP file for the e-Marketing Spot defines which pieces of information about the category to display. For example, the JSP file can display the thumbnail image for the category and its name, as defined in the Catalogs tool. The JSP file also determines maximum number of categories that can be displayed in the e-Marketing Spot at the same time.

Prerequisites for using this action

Guidelines for using this action

When setting up this action, we must specify one or more categories to display in the e-Marketing Spot.

Related concepts
Activity building blocks: triggers, targets, and actions
Actions in marketing activities

Related tasks
Creating a web activity
Creating an e-Marketing Spot
Creating marketing content to display on store pages