Operate > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
Work with the store
The Seller sets up store-level functions within the site. The Seller can access all menu items under the Store menu.
- Changing store profile information
You can change general store information, including store name and description, languages and currencies supported, contact and location information, using the Store Profile notebook in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
- Changing text in store pages and in notification messages
Using the Change Pages page in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, you can change the text for selected portions of the store.
- Upload a logo
You can replace the logo in the store with another logo.
- Changing store style
Use the Change Style wizard in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to change the style of the store, including layout, color, and banner.
- Manage files
Use the Manage Files page to upload new catalog files such as images of products for the store or to reorganize (including renaming or moving) existing files.
- Changing store flows
You can configure a store to support certain features.
- Open or closing a store
Before customers can access a store, the store must be opened. Only stores with a status of closed can be opened. Closing a store prevents customers from accessing a store. Stores should be closed before making any changes to them. Closing a store does not prevent the seller from canceling or fulfilling orders for the store, but the seller cannot change or create orders.
- Ship
WebSphere Commerce enables you to add a variety of shipping charges to the orders. For example, using WebSphere Commerce you can create shipping charges based on the weight of the order or the number of items in the order as well as charges independent of weight or quantity (fixed-rate charges). You can apply any combination of the three types of charges to an order.
- Set up taxes
You can set up taxes at a store-level by using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
- Return reasons
A store defines its own reasons for returning a product. These reasons include those from the customer's and the merchant or seller's perspective, since these may not always be the same. For example, a customer might return a product because it doesn't work properly, but the merchant or seller might find that the customer did not follow the instructions in using the product, and that it actually works fine. Return reasons are based on the perspective of either the customer or the merchant or seller.
- Fulfillment
Fulfillment is inventory activity that happens in a fulfillment center or warehouse, including picking, packing, and shipping. Picking is the selection of products in one or more releases from a fulfillment center, packing is putting these products into shipping containers, and shipping is sending them to customers. There are typically a number of people working in a fulfillment center at one time, each with a different task or tasks to perform. The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator divides the most common tasks into roles, and these roles are assigned to users.
- Inventory adjustments
Inventory adjustments are made when the amount of inventory in the fulfillment center is not the same as the amount of inventory recorded in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. This could happen for a number of reasons. For example, if products in a fulfillment center are stolen or damaged, the amount of inventory available must be adjusted to reflect that situation. If a count is taken in a fulfillment center and there are more products than previously thought, this too must be recorded. WebSphere Commerce provides a sample set of inventory adjustment codes that define reasons for the inventory adjustment. You can also add, change, or delete inventory adjustment codes.
- Work with approval requests and submissions
Submitters and administrators with the appropriate access can view approval requests and verify the status of their associated approval decisions. When an approvable action enters the approval process, the submitter sees it as an approval submission or submission in the user interface. The approver responsible for approving the action sees it referred to as an approval request or request in the user interface.
- Resend order notifications
After a customer has placed an order, an order notification can be automatically e-mailed to the customer or an administrator.
- Configure e-mail notification for a store
New message types cannot be added to the system nor existing ones deleted; instead there is a predefined set of message types using the e-mail transport that can be configured.
- Send a broadcast e-mail to stores
The Channel Manager or Site Administrator can send a broadcast e-mail to a certain category of stores, such as all open stores, or all closed stores.
- Store Creation wizard
The Store Creation wizard provided with WebSphere Commerce allows you to create stores quickly and . The wizard asks a customer to provide some basic data about their store (name, description, and so on), allows the customer to select the storefront or catalog they want to use, and then creates the store for them. The resulting store has some unique data (basic store data that makes it a unique store), but uses the storefront and catalog data from existing asset stores.
- Negotiated pricing
Customer service representatives (CSRs) can negotiate product prices with customers, if necessary, to complete a transaction. CSRs override product prices by specifying the price agreed upon by both the customer and the CSR.
- Preview a store
Store preview allows you to ensure that content changes made in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator show up in the store as expected. You can use preview in production , authoring, and staging environments. For example, the marketing team decides to promote a line of leather coats. You create an e-Marketing Spot for the new coats in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Using preview, you can ensure that the e-Marketing Spot is displayed the promotion in the store as you expect, with the correct fonts, images and text.