Operate > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator > Work with the store

Set up taxes

You can set up taxes at a store-level by using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

Before you begin

Review the following concepts and examples:

  1. Define tax jurisdictions
    A tax jurisdiction is a geographical region to which you deliver goods. If, when you initially created the store, you based it on one of the starter store archives, default tax jurisdictions are set up for you.

  2. Define tax categories
    Each type of tax used in the store (for example, state, provincial, or federal) should have its own category.

  3. Define tax category display name
    After you define the tax categories, define the name for each category that will display to the customers. If the store is displayed in more than one language, you may need to define a display name for each tax category in each language. For example, in English a tax category may have one name, while in another language, the same tax may have another name.

  4. Define tax rates
    WebSphere Commerce Accelerator allows you to configure tax rates through the Tax notebook.

  5. Define sales tax codes
    A sales tax is applied to the total cost of the order. A sales tax code is a name for a grouping of sales taxes that is applied to the same products. For example, all sales taxes applicable to groceries could be grouped under a single tax code called groceries. Then, you could assign the groceries tax code to each grocery product.

  6. Define shipping tax codes
    A shipping tax code is a name for a grouping of shipping taxes that is applied to the same products. For example, all taxes applicable to shipping to a certain region could be grouped under a single tax code called Regional shipping tax. Then, you could assign the Regional shipping tax code to each product being shipped to that region.

  7. Assign categories to codes
    Assign tax categories to a code.


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