Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Marketing tool
Work with marketing experiments
Marketing experiments are managed by Marketing Managers. They are used to test the effectiveness of brand or promotional messages on the Web.
- Create marketing experiments
Marketing experiments ensure that the brand and promotional messages are as effective as possible. You can create experiments in slightly different places in a Web activity that test different elements.
- View the statistics of an experiment
You can view the statistics for experiments while they are running, to determine how the experiment is progressing. You can also view the statistics for completed experiments.
- Select the winning path for an experiment
When the experiment is complete, select the most successful path in the Web activity to use going forward. You can determine the winning path based on the default statistics that WebSphere Commerce collects, or based on data from some other analytics provider.
- Changing marketing experiments
You can update a marketing experiment to correct errors or adjust strategy.
- Delete marketing experiments
Deleting the marketing experiments removes completed or inactive experiments from their parent activities in the Management Center.
- Suspend or resuming experiments
Experiments can exist in the store in two states: running or suspended. You can suspend an experiment if you want the experiment paths in the Web activity to become inactive.
- List activities with experiments
You can change the activity list to readily display which activities contain experiments. This feature is hidden by default.
- List activity versions
You can view any of the versions of a Web activity that are stored in a database. This helps keep track of changes that have been made as a result of an experiment.
- Experiment statistics collection and calculation
Understanding how the server collects and calculates statistics for the test elements in the marketing experiments can help you evaluate the results of the experiment.
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