Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Catalogs tool > Upload catalogs

Upload catalog data

Use the Catalog Upload feature to upload catalog data in the CSV file or compressed file (.zip) into the database.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the steps in the following topic: Create catalog data in CSV format.


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.

  2. Optional: Select the workspace, task group, and task to work on. See Workspaces, task groups, and tasks for more information about selecting tasks in a workspace.

  3. From the toolbar, click the Create New icon; then select Catalog Upload.

  4. In the New Catalog Upload page:

    1. Browse for the CSV file or compressed file (.zip) to upload.

    2. Select the file encoding that applies to the catalog data:


      This is the default encoding. English uses this encoding, and some other languages can also use this encoding.


      This encoding is large enough to cover all languages.


      This encoding is for simplified Chinese used in People's Republic of China.


      This encoding is for traditional Chinese encoding used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

      Windows Latin-1

      This encoding supports more characters than the English language, such as the copyright symbol, .

      ISO 8859-1

      This encoding is used for languages in the Americas, Western Europe, Oceania, and much of Africa.

      ISO 8859-15

      This encoding is used for some European languages, and also contains the euro sign €.

      KS C 5601 (KS X 1001)

      This encoding is used for Korean.


      This encoding is used for Japanese.

    3. Select the target master catalog or sales catalog to upload to. The first catalog in the target catalog list is the master catalog.

  5. Click Save and Close. After you upload the file, the WebSphere Commerce Server uploads the data into the catalog. The total time for the import to complete depends on the size of the catalog you are importing.

  6. From the explorer tree, click Catalog Uploads to check the uploads. The Catalog Uploads list is displayed.

    Option Description
    File name The name of the uploaded CSV file or .zip file.
    Size The size of the uploaded file in kilobytes.
    User name The identifier of the user who uploaded the file.
    Target catalog The target master catalog or sales catalog the catalog data is uploaded to.
    Start time The time the catalog upload process begins.
    End time The time the catalog upload process ends.
    Status The status of the catalog upload.


    The initial status when the catalog upload is waiting to be started.


    The CSV file or the .zip file has been uploaded to the server and is submitted for publishing.


    The file has been published without any errors or exception messages.


    The file was submitted for publishing, but publishing did not complete. There are errors or exception messages.
    Server path The server file path of the uploaded file. This column is not shown by default.
    Upload time The time the uploaded file is uploaded to the server. This column is not shown by default.
    Unique ID The internal unique identifier of the catalog upload. This column is not shown by default.

  7. Select the catalog upload from the Catalog Uploads list view. The properties page for the selected upload is displayed.

    An additional section Status is shown on the properties page when the upload completes or fails. This section contains a more detailed status of the selected catalog upload.

  8. Optional: If the catalog upload fails or the catalog upload has successfully uploaded, you might want to remove the entry from the Catalog Uploads list view.

    • In the Catalog Upload list view, right-click the catalog upload entry to remove; then select Delete. The catalog upload entry is removed from the list view, but the catalog upload action is not affected.


After completing these steps, you can view and modify the new catalog data in the Catalogs tool. For example, you can change the description of a product or add an image to the product.

What to do next

You can upload images to support the new catalog data by following the steps in Create managed files.

Related concepts

Upload catalogs

Related reference

CSV format for catalog data


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