Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Catalogs tool

Upload catalogs

You can upload catalog data by using the Catalogs tool. For example, if the company maintains catalog data in a spreadsheet you can upload the data from the spreadsheet instead of creating catalog data using the Management Center Catalogs tool. However, upload the images associated with the catalog data using the Assets tool.

In the Management Center, you can load the catalog data from a comma-separated value (CSV) file or a compressed file to the WebSphere Commerce database. You can also delete catalog data from the database. The Catalog Upload feature uses the data load utility.

Catalog Upload feature architecture

Use the Catalog Upload feature to load:

Known limitations of the Catalog Upload feature

Other ways of uploading catalog data

In addition to uploading catalog data using the Catalogs tool, you can also upload catalog data by using the command-line loading utilities such as the data load utility or the mass load utility. The command-line utilities are recommended for large amounts of data, for example, when initially loading the stores catalogs.

Related concepts

Overview of the data load utility

Related tasks

Create catalog data in CSV format

Upload catalog data

Related reference

CSV format for catalog data

Related information

Customize the Catalogs tool to upload data from custom tables


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