Select another shipping method for an order
If the customer did not specify a shipping address or method when the order was created, but wants to specify a method now, follow the steps below. For example, software downloaded from the Internet does not require a shipping method; however, if the customer requests that a CD-ROM be delivered instead, then a shipping method is required.
To select a different shipping method (a combination of the carrier name and a service offered by the shipping company, such as ABC Shipping Company, Overnight Service) from the one that was specified when the order was created:
- Open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
- Find the order that you want to work with.
- Open the Change Order notebook by selecting the check box next to the order and clicking Change.
- The notebook opens at the Products page. From the left navigation frame, click Shipping. The Shipping page is displayed. It lists all products in the order as well as the shipping address selected for the order.
- Select the check box to the left of the product that you want to work with, and click Select Another Method. The Shipping Methods window opens and lists the methods that available for shipping the order.
- Select the check box to the left of the shipping method that you want to use, and click OK.
- To make other changes to this order, use the links on the left side to switch between order pages. To save the changed shipping method and close the notebook, click OK.
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