Process: Registration (B2B Store)
To allow customers to register with the store.
Customers must register in order to access the store. If the customer chooses to register, they need to provide personal information before submitting the registration form. The required fields are: user ID, password, employee ID, last name, address, e-mail address, language preference and currency preference. The customer can optionally provide other information such as first name, phone number, and job function.
Registered customers enjoy all of the features available in the store. A customer must be registered in order to access the store.
Task Description Role Fill in & submit registration form The customer provides required registration information, including e-mail address and password.
Buyer (buy-side) Obtain organizational data (external) The customer finds out from their organization administrator which organization they should register themselves under.
Buyer (buy-side) Receive approval for org and user System delivers a notification that the registration has been approved.
Buyer (buy-side) Register new buyer org The buyer provides business information and details for the requested new organization and administrator logon ID.
Buyer (buy-side)
Business artifacts
- Approved Buyer
- Approved organization
- Approved User Registration Notification
- Organizational data
- Pending Buyer
- Rejected User Registration Notification
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