Update starter store archives when using non-default distinguished names
The steps on this page detail how to update your starter store archives when using non-default distinguished names.
Complete one of the following sections based on the fix pack level of your WebSphere Commerce configuration:
If you use DNs other than the default DNs provided by WebSphere Commerce, update some of the starter store archives. You can find the following directories that contain the store archive (SAR) files for the various starter stores: WC_installdir /starterstores
- Navigate to the directory that contains the starter store you want to publish and complete the following steps:
- Open the SAR file for the starter store using a ZIP file utility.
- Update any XML or DTD files in the SAR file as follows:
- Open the file in a text editor.
- Depending on the DNs that you are using, you are required to complete the updates similar to the following example. For example, if you use "dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" as Root Organization, "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" as Default Organization, and "cn=username,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" for user DNs, make the following changes:
- Change any instances of o=Root Organization to dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com.
- Change any instances of o=Default organization to cn=users.
- Change any instances of "uid=" to "cn=" (If your user DNs are using "cn=" instead of "uid=").
- Save your changes to the file.
- Update all XML and DTD files in the SAR file.
- Update the following WebSphere Commerce contract template files if they exist:
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractSPS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractRPS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractMPS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractMHS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractRHS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\CatalogDefaultContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractBMH.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractBRH.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractSHS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentReferralContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractBMP.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractBRP.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateReferralContract.xml
- Update the EAR file XML configuration directory. For more information, see the ways to update application files topic in the WAS Information Center.
If you use DNs other than the default DNs provided by WebSphere Commerce, do the following:
- Depending on the DNs that you are using, you are required to complete the updates similar to the following example. For example, if you use "dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" as Root Organization, "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" as Default Organization, and "cn=username,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" for user DNs, make the following changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file:
- Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file in a text editor and search for the following section: <MemberSubSystem>
- Add the following entries at the end of the <MemberSubSystem> section
<DNMappings> <mapping external="dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" internal="o=root organization" name="root org"/> <mapping external="cn=users,dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" internal="o=default organization" name="default org"/> </DNMappings> <RDNNameMappings> <mapping external="cn=username,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=ibm,dc=com" internal="uid" name="uid"/> </RDNNameMappings>- Save your changes to the file.
- Update the following WebSphere Commerce contract template files if they exist:
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractSPS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractRPS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractMPS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractMHS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractRHS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\CatalogDefaultContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractBMH.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractBRH.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentHostingContractSHS.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\DeploymentReferralContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContract.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractBMP.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateHostingContractBRP.xml
- WC_installdir\xml\trading\xml\TemplateReferralContract.xml
- Start your WebSphere Commerce instance if it is not already started.
- Run the following command:
- AIX|Linux|Solaris|WC_installdir/bin/config_ant.sh -DinstanceName= instance UpdateEAR
- Windows: WC_installdir/bin/config_ant.bat -DinstanceName= instance UpdateEAR
- Restart your WebSphere Commerce instance.
Related Concepts
Directory services and WebSphere Commerce
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Enabling WebSphere Commerce Payments for use with LDAP