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Web services

  1. Overview: Online garden retailer web services scenarios
  2. Service-oriented architecture
  3. Web services
  4. Overview of Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
  5. Web Services Addressing support
  6. Web Services Resource Framework support
  7. Web Services Distributed Management
  8. Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF)
  9. WS-Policy
  10. WS-ReliableMessaging
  11. WS-Transaction
  12. Overview of the Version 3 UDDI registry
  13. Web Services Security concepts
  14. Bus-enabled web services
  15. Web services gateway
  16. WS-Notification

Related information:

  • End-to-end paths for web services
  • Migrate web services
  • Administer web services
  • Scripting for web services
  • Secure web services
  • Develop web services
  • Monitor web services
  • Tune web services
  • Troubleshooting web services