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Web Services Distributed Management

Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) is an OASIS approved standard that supports managing resources through a standardized web service interface. Your environment, such as WebSphere Application Server host or an operating system host that has an exposed resource as a web service within a single interface is used to manage and control resources. WSDM is a distributed management model, but it does not replace any existing WebSphere Application Server administration models. WSDM provides a new way to expose the internal product administration functions for a web service interface.

The existing administration interfaces, such as managed bean (MBean), wsadmin, and Java API, are more language and platform specific. WSDM provides a common, flexible infrastructure to manage the product resources by leveraging the web services protocols.

WSDM defines two specifications: Management Using Web Services (MUWS) and Management of Web Services (MOWS). MUWS defines how resources interact with the resources managed through a set of accessible web services interfaces. MOWS extends the MUWS concepts to define how a web service resource, itself, is managed. See Specifications and API documentation for MOWS and MUWS specifications. In addition to the manageability capabilities defined in the MUWS specifications, WebSphere Application Server WSDM also defines manageability capabilities unique to the product environment.

There is a general pattern that managed resources use to expose their manageability services through WSDM compliant web services interfaces. First, create a model of the managed resource. Typically the model of the resource is created using a modeling tool such as the Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP), an eclipse plug-in tool; however, a simple text document is sufficient. Use the modeling tool to develop the model of WAS managed resources. The following graphic illustrates the process.

Figure 1. Generic WSDM Concept

Code artifacts are generated from the resource model. Generated artifacts for each resource model include:

The code generated from the resource model is essentially an empty shell of the management web service for the modeled resource. The next step in the process is to enter code that acts as an adapter between the implementation stub for the service and the real resource management functions. In the case of the WSDM support implementation, this adapter code contain calls to theWebSphere Application Server AdminService APIs that expose normal product management functions. We must install the completed service implementation in a hosting web service environment. To install the WSDM application, see Deploying and administering enterprise applications and follow the steps for installing enterprise application files on an application server.

Important: WSDM is a system application and it is disabled by default when the product is installed. We must first enable WSDM before we can use it to manage the product resources. Use scripting to enable WSDM.


Related tasks

  • Deploy

    Enable WSDM

  • Install enterprise application files
  • Making deployed web services applications available to clients
  • Configure application and system policy sets for web services

  • Specifications and API documentation
  • Web Services Distributed Management manageability capabilities for WebSphere Application Server resource types
  • Web Services Distributed Management support in the application server