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Overview of the Version 3 UDDI registry

The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification defines a way to publish and discover information about web services.

We can find the UDDI specification on the OASIS UDDI web page.

The UDDI specification defines a standard for the visibility, reusability, and manageability that are essential for a service-oriented architecture (SOA) registry service.

The UDDI registry is a directory for web services that is implemented using the UDDI specification. It is a component of WAS.

The UDDI registry is a critical component of the IBM on-demand service-oriented architecture. It solves the problem of discovery of technical components for an enterprise and its partners in the following ways:

The following example shows how the UDDI registry can be used in a larger enterprise.

A company has an existing application that provides telephone numbers and human resources (HR) information about employees. This application is turned into a web service and published to the registry. A developer in the same company wants to write an application for a procurement function that also needs to provide HR information to the supplier. The application needs to give the supplier access to the employee account codes after the employee provides a name or serial number. Before web services, the developer might be in one of the following situations:

With UDDI, the developer can search for the web service and reuse the existing technical component in their new application for the supplier in minutes. The developer saves time and gets the application running sooner, thereby increasing efficiency and saving the company time and money. The UDDI registry was the first version 2 standard-compliant UDDI registry for private enterprise work. The UDDI registry in this version has the following characteristics:

What is new in UDDI Version 3

The main aspects of the UDDI Version 3 specification provided with this version of WAS are as follows:

Improved recognition of the importance of private UDDI registries

Private UDDI registries are registries that are installed, owned, managed, and controlled by a separate body such as a department within a company, a company, an industry consortium, or an e-marketplace.

Publisher-assigned keys

The publisher of a UDDI entity can specify its key, rather than the registry automatically assigning a unique key. This means that URI-based keys can be used, and it makes it easier to manage multiple registries.

UDDI information model improvements

The UDDI data structures are extended, which improves the ability of UDDI to represent businesses and services through metadata.

Security enhancements

Digital signatures provide additional security. Each of the main UDDI entities can be digitally signed, which improves the integrity and trustworthiness of UDDI data.

Ownership transfer APIs

These APIs support the transfer of our ownership of a UDDI entity from one publisher to another.

UDDI policy

We can set policy to define the behavior of a UDDI registry and therefore recognize the different environments in which a UDDI registry is used.

HTTP GET support for UDDI entities

We can use HTTP GET to access XML representations of each of the UDDI data structures. This extends the HTTP GET service beyond the scope for discovery URLs in the UDDI Version 2 specification.

Additional UDDI registry capabilities

The Version 3 UDDI registry in this version of WAS provides the following capabilities that are additional to support for the UDDI Version 3 specification:

Version 2 UDDI inquiry and publish SOAP API compatibility

There is compatibility with the Version 1 and Version 2 SOAP Inquiry and Publish APIs.

UDDI console extension

The WebSphere Application Server console includes a section that administrators can use to manage UDDI-specific aspects of their WebSphere environment. This management includes the ability to set defaults for initialization of the UDDI node, such as its node ID, and to set the UDDI Version 3 policy values.

UDDI registry administrative interface

The JMX (JMX) administrative interface enables administrators to manage UDDI-specific aspects of the WebSphere environment programmatically.

Multidatabase support

The UDDI data is stored in a registry database. The following database products that are supported by WebSphere Application Server are also supported for use as the persistence store for the UDDI registry. For specific details on supported levels, see Detailed system requirements page.

  • Apache Derby

  • (dist) DB2

  • (iseries) DB2 for IBM i

  • (zos) DB2 for z/OS

  • (dist) Microsoft SQL Server

  • Oracle

User-defined value set support

We can create our own categorization schemes or value sets. These are in addition to the standard schemes, such as North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), provided with the UDDI registry.

UDDI utility tools

We can use UDDI utility tools to import or export entities that use the UDDI Version 2 API.

UDDI user interface

The UDDI user console supports the UDDI Version 3 inquiry and publish APIs.

UDDI Version 3 client

The Java client for UDDI Version 3 handles the construction of raw SOAP requests for the client application. It is a JAX-RPC client and uses Version 3 data types, which are generated from the UDDI Version 3 Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and schema. These data types are serialized or deserialized to the XML, which constitutes the raw UDDI requests.

UDDI Version 2 clients

The following clients for UDDI Version 2 requests are provided:

  • UDDI4J. A Java class library for issuing UDDI requests.

    Deprecated feature: This client is provided in WebSphere Application Server Version 5 for both UDDI Version 1 requests (uddi4j.jar) and Version 2 requests (uddi4jv2.jar). These class libraries are still supported, as part of the com.ibm.uddi.jar file, but are deprecated in WAS v6.0.depfeat

  • JAXR. The Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) is a Java client API for accessing UDDI and ebXML registries. WebSphere Application Server provides a JAXR provider for accessing the UDDI registry that conforms to the JAXR 1.0 specification.

  • EJB. An EJB interface for issuing UDDI Version 2 requests.

    Deprecated feature: The UDDI EJB interface is still supported, but is deprecated in WAS v6.0.depfeat
