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WS-ReliableMessaging is an interoperability standard for the reliable transmission of messages between two endpoints. Use these topics to learn more about WS-ReliableMessaging.

Without WS-ReliableMessaging, the web services that require assured delivery of SOAP messages can either use a vendor-specific binding such as SOAP over JMS (which provides limited interoperability) or they can use SOAP over HTTP and rely upon you to write the associated durable message stores, custom retry logic at the sender, and duplicate detection at the receiver. With WS-ReliableMessaging, we can make the SOAP over HTTP-based web services reliable without having to write custom code.

To enable WS-ReliableMessaging for an application, you take the following broad actions:

  1. Develop a JAX-WS web service provider or requester application.

  2. Install the application into WebSphere Application Server.

  3. Attach a reliable messaging policy set (either a default policy set or one that we have created) to an aspect of the application (that is, application level or web service level). Policy sets define the reliability level (quality of service) and other configuration options to apply to the reliable messaging application.

  4. Define the bindings for each attachment to a policy set that specifies a managed quality of service. That is, choose the service integration bus and messaging engine to use to maintain the state for the managed persistent and managed non-persistent qualities of service.

At any stage - that is, before or after we have built the reliable web service application, or configured the policy sets - we can set a property that configures endpoints to only support clients that use reliable messaging. This setting is reflected by WS-Policy if engaged.

To learn about the WS-ReliableMessaging implementation in WebSphere Application Server, see the following topics:


Related tasks

  • Add assured delivery to web services through WS-ReliableMessaging
  • Detecting and fixing problems with WS-ReliableMessaging
  • Configure endpoints to only support clients that use WS-ReliableMessaging

  • WS-ReliableMessaging - terminology
  • WS-ReliableMessaging: supported specifications and standards
  • WS-ReliableMessaging roles and goals
  • WS-ReliableMessaging - requirements for interaction with other implementations