WS-Notification enables web services to use the publish and subscribe messaging pattern. Use these topics to learn more about WS-Notification.
You use publish and subscribe messaging to publish one message to many subscribers. In this pattern a producing application inserts (publishes) a message (event notification) into the messaging system having marked it with a topic that indicates the subject area of the message. Consuming applications that have subscribed to the topic in question, and have appropriate authority, all receive an independent copy of the message that was published by the producing application.
To learn about the WS-Notification implementation in WebSphere Application Server, see the following topics:
- WS-Notification: Overview
WS-Notification enables web services to use the publish and subscribe messaging pattern.
- WS-Notification: Benefits
WS-Notification enables web services to use the publish and subscribe messaging pattern. This approach offers many business benefits.
- WS-Notification and end-to-end reliability
Reliable notification refers to the reliable transmission of messages to and from the IBM WS-Notification implementation. You enable this reliability to mitigate the problems inherent in network transmission protocols such as HTTP.
- WS-Notification terminology
There is terminology that you must be aware of when working with WS-Notification. Most of this terminology is defined by the WS-Notification standards, and a few terms are defined to describe this implementation of WS-Notification for WebSphere Application Server.
- WS-Notification: How client applications interact at runtime
Applications interact with the notification broker through the web service message exchanges defined in the WS-Notification standards.
- WS-Notification: Supported bindings
This WS-Notification implementation supports both HTTP and JMS bindings. Which you choose depends upon the business needs and performance requirements. For filtering messages for a given topic, XPath Version 1.0 selectors are supported.
- WS-Notification and policy set configuration
You use policy sets to configure Version 7.0 WS-Notification services with web service qualities of service (QoS) such as reliability or security. The configuration of policy sets for WS-Notification can be split into two types: service provider (for Version 7.0 WS-Notification service points) and service client (for Version 7.0 WS-Notification service clients). Policy set configuration for these two elements of a WS-Notification service is handled differently.
- Reasons to create multiple WS-Notification services in a bus
In general it is not necessary to create more than one WS-Notification service in each service integration bus, however there are some cases where it is useful to do so.
- Reasons to create multiple WS-Notification service points
There are two main cases in which you might want to create more than one WS-Notification service point for a given WS-Notification service.
- Options for associating a permanent topic namespace with a bus topic space
When you configure a permanent topic namespace on a WS-Notification service, you nominate a service integration bus topic space to which messages are published in response to the WSN Notify operation, and from which they are received when they match a subscription. We can create many to many relationships between the set of permanent topic namespaces defined in a cell (that is for all WS-Notification services defined in that cell) and the service integration bus topic spaces with which they are associated. These relationships can become quite complex depending upon the topologies required by the applications that connect to the WS-Notification service. This topic provides guidance on when certain configurations might or might not be appropriate.
- WS-Notification topologies
A number of different topologies can be supported by this WS-Notification implementation.
Related tasks
Use WS-Notification for publish and subscribe messaging for web services Secure WS-Notification
WS-Notification troubleshooting tips Events and service-oriented architecture: The OASIS Web Services Notification specifications OASIS Web Services Notification (WSN) technical committee