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Create SCA business-level applications with the console

We can create an empty business-level application and then add Service Component Architecture (SCA) assets, shared libraries, or business-level applications as composition units to the empty business-level application.

Configure the target application server. We must deploy SCA composite assets of a business-level application to a Version 8.x server or cluster (target) or to a Version 7.0 target that is enabled for the Feature Pack for SCA.

If wer SCA composite or application uses Feature Pack for SCA Version 1.0.1 functionality, you must deploy the SCA asset or application to a v8.5 target or to a feature pack Version target. Version 1.0.1 functionality includes:

Also, determine an application name. Optionally, determine which assets, shared libraries, or business-level applications that the new business-level application needs.

We can create a business-level application that has SCA assets using the console. Alternatively, we can use the wsadmin scripting tool or programming.

We can add an asset or shared library composition unit to multiple business-level applications. However, each composition unit for the same asset must have a unique composition unit name. We can add a business-level application composition unit to more than one business-level application.

We must target an SCA composition unit to a single server or cluster, and not to multiple servers or clusters.

  1. Create an empty business-level application.

    1. Click Applications > New Application > New Business-level Application.

    2. On the New business-level application page, specify a unique name for the application and a description, and then click Apply.

    3. On the business-level application settings page, click Save.
    The name and description are shown in the list of applications on the Business-level applications page. Because the application is empty, its status is Unknown.

  2. Add one SCA asset to the business-level application. The product adds the asset as a composition unit of the business-level application.

    1. Import the SCA asset.

    2. Go to the business-level application settings page.

      Click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name.

    3. On the business-level application settings page, specify the type of composition unit to add.

      Although we can add an asset, shared library, or business-level application to your business-level application, the logic is in the SCA asset. Add the SCA asset as a composition unit.

      Under Deployed assets, click Add > Add Asset.

    4. On the Add page, select one unit from the list of available units, and then click Continue.

      On the Add page, you might be able to select multiple deployable SCA composites. However, we can deploy only one deployable SCA composite at a time. Select only one unit and click Continue. If we select multiple units, the product deploys only one of those units.

      For applications that use implementation.osgiapp, add the enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset as a composition unit to the business-level application before adding the SCA asset as a composition unit.

    5. On the Set options page, change the composition unit settings as needed, and then click Next.

      This page is not shown if we have multiple deployable unit assets.

    6. On the Map composition unit to a target page, specify one target server that supports SCA composites, and then click Next.

      The target server can be an existing cluster. To map the composition unit to a cluster, select the existing cluster from the Available list, click Add, and then click Next. The cluster name is shown in the Current targets list as WebSphere:cluster=cluster_name.

      Specify only a single server or cluster as the target, and not map an SCA composition unit to multiple servers or clusters.

      If we are adding an SCA asset that uses security, specify a target server that is in the global security domain.

      For applications that use implementation.osgiapp in multiple-node environments, target the EBA composition unit to the same server or cluster as the SCA composition unit.

      This page is not shown when we add a business-level application.

    7. On the Relationship options page, click Next to accept the default values.

      The relationships in SCA applications are set at the asset level. Either the asset must be defined as an SCA contribution or, in the asset view, a relationship must be set to another asset. When a relationship is set to another asset manually at the asset level, the relationship only exposes all the packages within the asset to the other depended asset. The namespaces are not exposed.

      This page is shown only for SCA assets that have multiple deployable or composition units.

    8. On the Set Java EE composition unit relationship page, associate SCA components with Java EE applications and then click Next.
    9. Java EE applications are also known as enterprise applications or EAR files. An SCA composite definition can specify an EAR file to use on the archive attribute of an implementation.jee tag. Use this page to associate SCA components in this business-level application to the EAR files named in the composite definition. If the SCA application does not use EAR files, take the default values and click Next.

    10. On the Map security roles to users or groups page, specify security roles for users or groups as needed, and then click Next.

      This page is only shown for SCA assets that use security.

    11. On the Map RunAs roles to users page, map a user identity and password to RunAs roles as needed, and then click Next.

      This page is only shown for SCA assets that use security.

    12. On the Map virtual host page, specify a virtual host that hosts web services for each SCA composite, and then click Next. By default, composites map to default_host.

      This page is only shown for SCA assets containing a web service binding.

    13. On the Attach policy set page, attach a policy set and assign policy set bindings as needed, and then click Next.

      This page is only shown for SCA assets that use web services.

    14. On the Summary page, click Finish. Several messages are displayed, indicating whether the product adds the unit to the business-level application successfully. A message having the format Completed res=[WebSphere:cuname=unit_name] indicates that the addition is successful. Click Manage application.

      If the product adds the unit successfully, the name of the unit is shown in a list of deployed assets on the business-level application settings page.

      If the unit addition is not successful, read the messages and add the unit again. Correct the problems noted in the messages.

    15. On the Adding composition unit to the business-level application page, click Save.

  3. Optional: Add one or more assets, shared libraries, or business-level applications to the business-level application.

    Repeat Step 2 to add another asset or add a shared library or business-level application.


A business-level application containing the specified composition units.

What to do next

After creating the application, save the changes to your configuration and start the application as needed.

If a composite asset is deployed to a target that does not support SCA composites, the SCA composite does not start. We must deploy an SCA asset to a target that supports SCA composites.


Related concepts

  • Composition units
  • Business-level applications

    Related tasks

  • Example: Create an SCA business-level application with the console
  • Example: Create an SCA business-level application
  • Import assets

  • Composition unit settings
  • Add composition unit settings
  • Add asset settings
  • Asset collection
  • Business-level application collection
  • Business-level application settings
  • New business-level application settings
  • Select installation options settings
  • Set options settings
  • Map target settings
  • Relationship options settings
  • Shared library relationship and mapping settings