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Introduction: Administrative console

The administrative console is a graphical interface that allows us to manage the applications and perform system administration tasks for the WAS environment. The administrative console runs in the web browser.

Your actions in the console modify a set of XML configuration files.

We can use the administrative console to perform tasks such as:

  • Start and logging off the administrative console helps you begin using the console so that we can explore the available options. See also the Reference > Settings section of the information center navigation. It lists the settings or properties we can configure.

    (zos) Use both MVS™ commands and the Application Server administrative console to administer the Application Server environment.

    • Use MVS console commands to start a stand-alone Application Server, and the deployment manager and node agents in a WAS Network Deployment cell.

    • Use the administrative console to define new Application Servers in a WAS Network Deployment cell, deploy applications, and display and administer the cell, node and server configuration.

    Related tasks

  • Use the administrative console

    (zos) Where to perform WebSphere Application Server operations