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Asset collection

Use this page to view a list of assets in the asset repository and to manage those assets. After importing an asset, we can add the asset to a business-level application.

Assets include JAR and compressed files used by applications installed on a server. To view this console page, click Applications > Application Types > Assets.

To view the values specified for an asset, click the asset name in the list. The displayed asset settings page shows the values specified. On the settings page, we can change existing asset values.

To manage an asset, enable the Select check box for the asset name in the list and click a button:

Button Resulting action
Import Opens a wizard that helps we add an asset to the asset repository.
Delete Removes the asset from the asset repository and deletes the asset binaries from the file system of all nodes where the assets are installed.

On single-server installations, deletion occurs after the configuration is saved.

On multiple-server installations, deletion occurs after the configuration is saved and synchronized with the nodes.

Update Opens a wizard that helps you update asset files. We can replace a file or module that exists on the server with a file or module that has the same name. Or we can add a new file or module, provided the new file or module does not have the same name as an asset that already exists on the server.
Export Accesses the Export asset page, which you use to export an asset to a file at a location of the choice. Use the Export action to back up an asset.


Name of the asset. Asset names must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an unsupported character.


Specifies a description for the asset.

Related concepts

  • Business-level applications

    Related tasks

  • Manage assets

  • Asset settings
  • Object names: What the name string cannot contain