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Business-level application settings

Use this page to configure a business-level application. To view this console page, click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name.

This page is the same as the Adding composition unit to the business-level application page.


Logical name for the application. An application name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an unsupported character.

An application name cannot begin with a period (.), cannot contain leading or trailing spaces, and cannot contain any of the following characters:

that we cannot use in a name. The product does not support
Unsupported characters
⁄ forward slash $ dollar sign ' single quote mark
\ backslash = equal sign " double quote mark
* asterisk % percent sign | vertical bar
, comma + plus sign < left angle bracket
: colon @ at sign > right angle bracket
; semi-colon # hash mark & ampersand (and sign)
? question mark ]]> No specific name exists for this character combination

Information Value
Data type String


Specifies a description for the business-level application.

Deployed assets

Asset and shared library composition units in the business-level application. A composition unit is a registered asset or shared library that has additional configuration information, which specified when adding the asset to the application.

For each composition unit, the table provides a name, description, asset type, and the runtime status of the composition unit.

descriptions. Use the buttons to add or delete composition
Button Resulting action
Add > Add Asset For assets containing Java EE applications or modules, opens the application installation wizard. On the Select installation options page of this wizard, we can specify a Business-level application name value identifying target business-level application. On the Map shared library relationships page, we can identify the shared library files that individual modules need to run and specify composition unit names for the module-shared library relationships.

For non-Java EE assets, opens a wizard that helps we add an asset as a composition unit to the business-level application.

Add > Add Shared Library Opens a wizard that helps we add a library file as a composition unit to the business-level application.
Delete Delete the composition unit from the product configuration repository and deletes the application binaries from the file system of all nodes where the application modules are installed.

On multiple-server installations, deletion occurs after the configuration is saved and synchronized with the nodes.

Business-level applications

Business-level applications in this business-level application.

The table provides a name, description, and the runtime status of each contained business-level application.

button descriptions. Use the buttons to add or delete
Button Resulting action
Add Opens a wizard that helps we add a business-level application to the business-level application.
Delete Delete the business-level application from the product configuration repository and deletes the application binaries from the file system of all nodes where the application modules are installed.

On multiple-server installations, deletion occurs after the configuration is saved and synchronized with the nodes.

Related concepts

  • Business-level applications

    Related tasks

  • Create business-level applications
  • Create business-level applications with the console
  • Listing assets using programming

  • Asset collection
  • Shared library relationship and mapping settings
  • Object names: What the name string cannot contain