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New business-level application settings

Use this page to name and describe a new business-level application. To view this console page, click Applications > New application > New Business-level Application.


Logical name for the business-level application. An application name must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an unsupported character.

An application name cannot begin with a period (.), cannot contain leading or trailing spaces, and cannot contain any of the following characters:

that we cannot use in a name. The product does not support
Unsupported characters
⁄ forward slash $ dollar sign ' single quote mark
\ backslash = equal sign " double quote mark
* asterisk % percent sign | vertical bar
, comma + plus sign < left angle bracket
: colon @ at sign > right angle bracket
; semi-colon # hash mark & ampersand (and sign)
? question mark ]]> No specific name exists for this character combination

Information Value
Data type String


Specifies a description for the application.

This field is the same as the Description setting on a Business-level applications page.

Related concepts

  • Business-level applications

    Related tasks

  • Create business-level applications with the console

    Business-level application collection