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Configure a web server and a dmgr profile on the same machine

This procedure describes installing a web server and its plug-in on a machine containing a deployment manager and a managed node.

(iseries) When multiple profiles exist, we can select the profile that the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool configures. See Plug-ins configuration for a description of the flow of logic that determines how to select the profile to configure.

(dist) When multiple profiles exist, we can select the profile that the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool configures. See Plug-ins configuration for a description of the flow of logic that determines how to select the profile to configure.

This procedure configures the dmgr profile on the machine. A managed node must exist to define a web server definition, which is always on a managed node.

Start the deployment manager and the node agent for the managed node. The deployment manager and the node must be running to successfully change its configuration.

Alternatively to using the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool, we can use the pct command-line tool with a response file to configure a web server. Read Configure a web server plug-in using the pct tool for more information.

Use this procedure to install the web server plug-in, configure the web server, and create a web server definition.

  1. Log on to the operating system.

    If we are installing as a nonroot or non-administrative user, then there are certain limitations.

    In addition, select a umask that allows our owner to read/write to the files, and allows others to access them according to the prevailing system policy. For root, a umask of 022 is recommended. For nonroot users, a umask of 002 or 022 could be used, depending on whether or not the users share the group. To verify the umask setting, issue the following command:


    To set the umask setting to 022, issue the following command:

      umask 022

    When installing as an administrative user on a Windows operating system, a Windows service is automatically created to autostart the application server. The installer user account must have the following advanced user rights:

    • Act as part of the operating system

    • Log on as a service

    For example, on some Windows operating systems, click Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignments to set the advanced options. See the Windows operating system documentation for more information.

    If we plan to run the application server as a Windows service, do not install from a user ID containing spaces. A user ID with spaces cannot be validated. Such a user ID is not allowed to continue the installation. To work around this restriction, install with a user ID that does not contain spaces.

  2. Install IBM Installation Manager.

  3. Use Installation Manager to install the WAS Network Deployment product.

  4. Create a dmgr profile as the first profile on the machine.

  5. Create a standalone application server or custom profile, and federate the node.

  6. Use Installation Manager to install the following:

  7. Use Installation Manager to install IBM HTTP Server, or install another supported web server.

  8. Open the WebSphere Customization Toolbox and launch the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool.

  9. Select a web server plug-in runtime location.

    If the location of a previously installed web server plug-in to use is not in the list, perform the following actions to add the location to the working set:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Enter a name for the web server plug-in location.

    3. Perform one of the following actions:

      • Enter the location.

      • Click Browse, find the location, and click OK.

  10. Click Create.

  11. Select the type of web server that you are configuring, and click Next.

  12. Select the architecture of the installed target web server (64 bit or 32 bit) and click Next if you are asked.

  13. Click Browse to select the configuration file or files for the web server, verify that the web server port is correct, and then click Next when we are finished.

    Select the file and not just the directory of the file. Some web servers have two configuration files and require you to browse for each file.

    The following list shows configuration files for supported web servers:

    Apache HTTP Server


    Domino Web Server

    names.nsf and Notes.jar

    The wizard prompts for the notes.jar file. The actual name is Notes.jar.

    The Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool verifies that the files exist but the tool does not validate either file.

    IBM HTTP Server

    (dist) IHS_root/conf/httpd.conf

    (iseries) IHS_profile_root/conf/httpd.conf

    Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

    The Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool can determine the correct files to edit.

    Sun Java System Web Server (formerly Sun ONE Web Server and iPlanet Web Server) Version 6.0 and later

    obj.conf and magnus.conf

  14. If we are configuring an IBM HTTP web server plug-in, perform the following actions.

    1. Optionally, set up the administration server configuration to administer the web server.

      When using the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool to configure the IBM HTTP Server Administration Server, the Websphere Customization Toolbox must be run as a "local" account with administrator/root privileges.

      1. Select Setup IBM HTTP Server Administration Server.

      2. Specify a port number on which the IBM HTTP administration server will communicate.

      3. Optionally, select Create a user ID for IBM Server Administration Server authentication and enter a user ID and password to authenticate to the IBM HTTP Server administrative server from the console.

    2. Click Next.

    3. Specify the system user ID and group to have write permission to IBM HTTP Server, the IBM HTTP Server administrative server, and the web server plug-in configuration files.

      Select Create a new unique system user ID and group using the credentials if necessary.

      Restriction: The configuration might fail if specified a new user ID or group name that exceeds the platform limit, which is commonly 8 characters and is sometimes configurable.

    4. Optionally, set up the IBM HTTP Server Administration Server to run as a Window service.

      1. Select Run IBM HTTP Server Administration Server as a Windows Service.

      2. Perform one of the following actions:

        • Select Log on as a local system account.

        • Select Log on as a specified user account, and enter the user ID and password for that account.

          The user ID requires the following advanced user rights:

          • Act as part of the operating system

          • Log on as a service

      3. Choose whether the startup type will be automatic or manual.

    5. Click Next.

  15. Specify a unique name for the web server definition, and click Next.

  16. Select the configuration scenario.

    1. Choose the local scenario.

    2. Perform one of the following actions:

      • Enter the installation location of WAS (app_server_root).

      • Click Browse, find the installation location of WAS (app_server_root), and click OK.

    3. Click Next.

  17. Select the profile to configure with the current web server plug-in, and click Next.

  18. Review the summary information, and click Configure to begin configuring the web server, web server plug-in, and profile.

  19. Verify the success of the installation on the summary panel, and click Finish.

    If a problem occurs and the installation is unsuccessful, examine the logs in the plugins_root/logs directory. Correct any problems and re-configure.

  20. Domino Web Server only: Set the WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

    On platforms such as AIX or Linux, sourcing a script to the parent shell allows child processes to inherit the exported variables. On Windows systems, run the script as you would run any other command. Sourcing is automatic on Windows systems.

    1. Open a command window.

    2. Change directories to the plug-ins installation root directory.

    3. Issue the appropriate command for the plugins_root/bin/setupPluginCfg.sh script:

      • . plugins_root/bin/setupPluginCfg.sh (Notice the space between the period and the installation root directory.)

      • source plugins_root/bin/setupPluginCfg.sh

    The script is also in the lotus_root/notesdata directory on operating systems such as AIX or Linux.

    Issue the appropriate command for the script before starting the Domino Web Server.

  21. From the console of the deployment manager, click System administration > Save Changes to Master Repository > Synchronize changes with Nodes > Save.

  22. Start the Snoop servlet to verify the ability of the web server to retrieve an application from the application server.

    Test the environment by starting the application server, the web server, and using the Snoop servlet with an IP address.

    1. Start the application server. In a Network Deployment environment, the Snoop servlet is available in the cell only if you included the DefaultApplication when adding the application server to the cell. The -includeapps option for the addNode command migrates the DefaultApplication to the cell. If the application is not present, skip this step.

      Change directories to the profile_root/bin directory and run the startServer command:

    2. Start the IBM HTTP Server or the web server that you are using.

      (iseries) Use either the 2001 page or use the STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(instance_name ) command to start the IBM HTTP Server.

      (dist) Use a command window to change the directory to the IBM HTTP Server installed image, or to the installed image of the web server. Issue the appropriate command to start the web server, such as these commands for IBM HTTP Server:

      To start the IBM HTTP Server from the command line:

      (dist) Access the apache and apachectl commands in the IBMHttpServer/bin directory.

      • ./apachectl start

      • apache

    3. Point the browser to http://localhost:9080/snoop to test the internal HTTP transport provided by the application server. Point the browser to http://Host_name_of_Web_server_machine/snoop to test the web server plug-in.

      The HTTP Transport port is 9080 by default and must be unique for every profile. The port is associated with a virtual host named default_host, which is configured to host the installed DefaultApplication. The Snoop servlet is part of the DefaultApplication. Change the port to match the actual HTTP Transport port.

    4. Verify that Snoop is running.

      Either Web address should display the Snoop Servlet - Request/Client Information page.


The installation of the Web Server Plug-ins results in the creation of the Plugins directory and several subdirectories. The following directories are among those created on a Linux system, for example:

The Installation Manager configures the web server to use the plugins_root/plugin-cfg.xml file.

What to do next

After installing the binary plug-in for the local Web server, create a managed node before we can successfully run the configuration script and use the web server.

See Plug-ins configuration for an overview of the installation procedure.

See (dist)(iseries) Web server configuration for more information about the files involved in configuring a web server.

See Edit web server configuration files for information about how the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool configures supported web servers.

See Configure web server plug-ins for information about other installation scenarios for installing Web server plug-ins.

Related concepts

  • Plug-ins configuration

    Related tasks

  • Configure web server plug-ins

    Configure a web server plug-in using the pct tool