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Web server collection

Use this page to configure, manage, and view information about the web servers.

Web servers

To view this console page click Servers > Server Types > Web Servers.

To create a new web server, click New to launch the Create new web server entry wizard. To manage an installed web server, select the check box adjacent to the application name in the list and click a button:

Button Resulting Action
Generate Plug-in

When the plug-in configuration service is enabled, a plug-in configuration file is automatically generated for a web server whenever:

  • The WebSphere Application Server administrator defines new web server.

  • An application is deployed to an Application Server.

  • An application is uninstalled.

  • A virtual host definition is updated and saved.

Propagate Plug-in Choose this action will copy the plugin-cfg.xml file from the local directory where the Application Server is installed to the remote machine. If we are using IBM HTTP Server V6 or higher for the web server, WAS can automatically propagate the plug-in configuration file to remote machines provided there is a working HTTP transport mechanism to propagate the file.
New Launches the wizard to create a new web server entry.
Delete Delete one or more of the selected web server entries.
Templates ... Opens the web server templates list panel. From this panel we can create a new template or delete existing templates.
Start Starts one or more of the selected web servers.
Stop Stops one or more of the selected web servers.
Terminate Terminates one or more of the selected web servers.


Logical name for the web server. This can be the host name of the machine, or any name you choose.

Web server type

Indicates the type of web server you are using.


Logical name for the web server. This can be the host name of the machine, or any name you choose.

Name of the node on which the web server is defined. This column only applies for the WAS Network Deployment product.


Version of the WAS on which the web server is defined.


Indicates whether the web server is started, stopped, or unavailable.

If IBM HTTP Server is defined on an unmanaged node, you must start the IBM HTTP Server administration server before we can start and stop IBM HTTP Server.

If the status is unavailable, the node agent or IBM HTTP Server administration server is not running in that node, and you must start the node agent before we can start the web server.

Status Indicator Resulting Action Description

Started The web server is running.

Stopped The web server is not running.

Unknown Status cannot be determined.

A web server with an unknown status might, in fact, be running but has an unknown status because the application server running the console cannot communicate with this web server.


Related tasks

  • Implement a web server plug-in

    Web server configuration

    Web server log file

  • Web server plug-in properties

    Web server custom properties

    Remote web server management

    Web server configuration file

    Global directives

    Web server virtual hosts collection

    Web server virtual hosts detail