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Change the node host names

After creating a profile or adding a node, the host name of the server or its ports might be incorrect. We can follow the examples to change the server host name using tools and the wsadmin scripting tool, and the host name of the server ports using the console and tools.

Create a profile or add a node to a cell. Verify that the host name of the server and the server ports are correct.

If the host name of a server or its ports is incorrect, then you might experience problems such as errors when you attempt to stop a server. One example task shows how to correct the server host name through tools and the wsadmin scripting tool. The other example task shows how to correct the host name of the server ports using the console and tools.


You have changed the host name of the server, the host names of the server ports, or both.

What to do next

We can continue to administer the product by doing such tasks as managing nodes, node agents, and node groups.

Related tasks

  • Adding, managing, and removing nodes

    Create application server profiles

    Create cell profiles

    Create custom profiles

    Create management profiles with deployment managers

    manageprofiles command

  • Introduction: Administrative scripting (wsadmin)
  • Use command-line tools