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manageprofiles command

Use the manageprofiles command to create, delete, augment, back up, and restore profiles, which define runtime environments. Using profiles instead of multiple product installations saves disk space and simplifies updating the product because a single set of core product files is maintained.

The manageprofiles command and its GUI, the Profile Management Tool, are the only ways to create runtime environments.

The command file is located in...

The command file is a script named manageprofiles.

If we use manageprofiles with the managed profile template, application servers are not created. However, ports are still used if you are federating a node.


create a profile -create
delete a profile -delete
augment a profile -augment
unaugment a profile -unaugment
unaugment all profiles been augmented with a specific augmentation template -unaugmentAll
delete all profiles -deleteAll
list all profiles -listProfiles
list augments for a profile -listAugments
get a profile name -getName
get a profile path -getPath
validate a profile registry -validateRegistry
validate and update a profile registry -validateAndUpdateRegistry
get the default profile name -getDefaultName
back up a profile -backupProfile
restore a profile -restoreProfile
perform manageprofiles command tasks contained in a response file -response

For detailed help add -help to the command. For example...

The tool does not validate the case of the parameter name. Use proper case. Incorrect results can occur when the parameter case is not typed correctly.


The following example uses the manageprofiles -create command on operating systems such as AIX or Linux:


The following options are available for the manageprofiles command:

-adminPassword adminPassword

Specify the password for the administrative security user ID specified with the -adminUserName parameter.

-adminUserName adminUser_ID

Specify the user ID used for administrative security.

-applyPerfTuningSetting option

Performance-tuning setting that most closely matches the type of environment in which the application server will run.

This parameter is only valid for the default profile template.


The standard settings are the standard out-of-the-box default configuration settings that are optimized for general-purpose usage.


The production performance settings are optimized for a production environment where application changes are rare and optimal runtime performance is important.


The development settings are optimized for a development environment where frequent application updates are performed and system resources are at a minimum.

Important: Do not use the development settings for production servers.

If we specify both the -isDeveloperServer and -applyPerfTuningSetting parameters, depending on the option selected for -applyPerfTuningSetting, -applyPerfTuningSetting might override -isDeveloperServer.

-appServerNodeName application_server_node

Node name of the application server that you are federating into the cell. Specify this parameter when creating the deployment manager portion of the cell and when creating the application server portion of the cell.


Use the augment parameter to make changes to an existing profile with an augmentation template. The augment parameter causes the manageprofiles command to update or augment the profile identified in the -profileName parameter using the template in the -templatePath parameter. The augmentation templates that we can use are determined by which IBM products and versions are installed in the environment.

Important: The templates that are included with the WAS Network Deployment product can only be used to create profiles and not to augment existing profiles because only create templates are shipped with the product.

Also, do not manually modify the files that are located in the install_dir/ profileTemplates directory. If we are changing the ports during profile creation, for example, use the -startingPort or -portsFile arguments on the manageprofiles command instead of modifying the file in the profile template directory.

(dist) Specify the fully qualified file path for -templatePath. For example:

    manageprofiles(.bat)(.sh) -augment -profileName profile_name -templatePath template_path

We can specify a relative path for the -templatePath parameter if the profile templates are relative to the app_server_root/profileTemplates directory. Otherwise, specify the fully qualified template path. For example:

    manageprofiles -augment -profileName profile_name -templatePath template_path

See also the -unaugment parameter.

-backupFile backupFile_name

Backs up the profile registry file to the specified file. Provide a fully qualified file path for the backupFile_name.


Performs a file system backup of a profile folder and the profile metadata from the profile registry file. Any servers using the profile to back up must first be stopped prior to invoking the manageprofiles command with the -backupProfile option. The -backupProfile parameter must be used with the -backupFile and -profileName parameters, for example:

    manageprofiles(.bat)(.sh) -backupProfile -profileName profile_name -backupFile backupFile_name

When you back up a profile using the -backupProfile option, first stop the server and the running processes for the profile to back up.

-cellName cell_name (Optional Parameter)

Cell name of the profile. Use a unique cell name for each profile.

Use a unique name even though you plan to federate the custom profile or standalone profile into a deployment manager cell. Federation requires unique cell names before it can make the node part of the deployment manager cell. A cell name must be unique in any circumstance in which the product is running on the same physical machine or cluster of machines, such as a sysplex. Additionally, a cell name must be unique in any circumstance in which network connectivity between entities is required either between the cells or from a client that must communicate with each of the cells. Cell names must also be unique if their namespaces are federated. Otherwise, you might encounter symptoms such as a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException error, in which case, create uniquely named cells.

This is an optional parameter. If we omit the parameter, a default cell name is assigned.

(dist) The default value for this parameter is based on a combination of the short host name, the constant cell, and a trailing number:

  • Application server profile: Not any
  • Custom profile: Not any
  • Management profile with the deployment manager server: shortHostNameCellCellNumber
  • Management profile with the job manager server: shortHostNameJobMgrCellCellNumber
  • Management profile with the administrative agent server: shortHostNameAACellCellNumber
  • Cell profile, application server portion: shortHostNameCellCellNumber
  • Cell profile, deployment manager portion: shortHostNameCellCellNumber
  • Secure proxy profile: Not any

where CellNumber is a sequential number starting at 01.

(iseries) The default cell names are as follows:

  • dmgr template: profilenameNetwork
  • default template: shorthostname_profilename
  • managed template: shorthostname_profilename
  • cell template: Same as the previous dmgr example for the two profiles created.

The value for this parameter must not contain spaces or any invalid characters that are not valid such as the following: *, ?, ", <, >, ,, /, \, |, and so on.


Creates the profile.

Specify manageprofiles -create -templatePath fully_qualified_file_path_to_template -help for specific information about creating a profile. Available templates include:

  • cell - dmgr cell (dmgr and default)
  • management - Management. Use in conjunction with the -serverType parameter to indicate the type of management profile.
  • secureproxy- Secure proxy
  • default - Application server
  • managed - Custom


Turns on the debug function of the Ant utility, which the manageprofiles command uses.

-personalCertValidityPeriod validity_period (Optional Parameter)

An optional parameter that specifies the amount of time in years that the default personal certificate is valid. If we do not specify this parameter with the -personalCertDN parameter, the default personal certificate is valid for one year.


Assigns the default or base port values to the profile.

Do not use this parameter when using the -startingPort or -portsFile parameter.

During profile creation, the manageprofiles command uses an automatically generated set of recommended ports if we do not specify the -startingPort parameter, the -defaultPorts parameter or the -portsFile parameter. The recommended port values can be different than the default port values based on the availability of the default ports.

Remember: Do not use this parameter if you are using the managed profile template.


Delete the profile.

(dist) Delete a profile does not delete the profile directory. For example, suppose that we create a profile in the /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/managedProfile directory. The directory remains after we delete the profile.

(dist) We can delete or leave the directory. However, the profile_root/logs directory contains information about uninstalling the profile. For example, you might retain the _nodeuninst.log file to determine the cause of any problem during the uninstall procedure.

(iseries) The profile directory is deleted when we delete the profile so that we can recreate the profile without having to manually delete the directory.

If we delete a profile that has augmenting templates registered to it in the profile registry, then unaugment actions are performed automatically.

Avoid trouble: If we are deleting an old node that has been migrated, shut down the new migrated deployment manager before deleting the old node. This will ensure that the new migrated node is not accidentally removed from the new migrated cell.gotcha


Delete all registered profiles.

(dist) Delete a profile does not delete the profile directory. For example, suppose that we create a profile in the /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/managedProfile directory. The directory remains after we delete the profile.

(dist) We can delete or leave the directory. However, the profile_root/logs directory contains information about uninstalling the profile. For example, you might retain the _nodeuninst.log file to determine the cause of any problem during the uninstall procedure.

(iseries) The directory for the profile is deleted when we delete the profile so that when you recreate the profile, we do not have outdated information to manage.

If we delete a profile that has augmenting templates registered to it in the profile registry, then unaugment actions are performed automatically.

-dmgrAdminPassword password

If we are federating a node, specify a valid user name for a deployment manager if administrative security is enabled on the deployment manager. Use this parameter with the -dmgrAdminUserName parameter and the -federateLater parameter.

-dmgrAdminUserName user_name

If we are federating a node, specify a valid password for a deployment manager if administrative security is enabled on the deployment manager. Use this parameter with the -dmgrAdminPassword parameter and the -federateLater parameter.

-dmgrHost dmgr_host (Optional Parameter)

Identifies the machine where the deployment manager is running. Specify this parameter and the dmgrPort parameter to federate a custom profile as it is created.

The host name can be the long or short DNS name or the IP address of the deployment manager machine.

Specify this optional parameter directs the manageprofiles command to attempt to federate the custom node into the deployment manager cell as it creates the custom profile with the managed -templatePath parameter. The -dmgrHost parameter is ignored when creating a dmgr profile or an Application Server profile.

If we federate a custom node when the deployment manager is not running or is not available because of security being enabled or for other reasons, the installation indicator in the logs is INSTCONFFAIL to indicate a complete failure. The resulting custom profile is unusable. We must move the custom profile directory out of the profile repository (the profiles installation root directory) before creating another custom profile with the same profile name.

If we have enabled security or changed the default JMX connector type, we cannot federate with the manageprofiles command. Use the addNode command instead.

The default value for this parameter is localhost. The value for this parameter must be a properly formed host name and must not contain spaces or characters that are not valid such as the following: *, ?, ", <, >, ,, /, \, |, and so on. A connection to the deployment manager must also be available in conjunction with the dmgrPort parameter.

-dmgrPort dmgr_port_number

Identifies the SOAP port of the deployment manager. Specify this parameter and the dmgrHost parameter to federate a custom profile as it is created. The deployment manager must be running and accessible.

If we have enabled security or changed the default JMX (JMX) connector type, we cannot federate with the manageprofiles command. Use the addNode command instead.

The default value for this parameter is 8879. The port that you indicate must be a positive integer and a connection to the deployment manager must be available in conjunction with the dmgrHost parameter.

-dmgrProfilePath dmgr_profile_path

Profile path to the deployment manager portion of the cell. Specify this parameter when creating the application server portion of the cell.

-enableAdminSecurity true | false

Enables administrative security. Valid values include true or false. The default value is false.

When enableAdminSecurity is set to true, you must also specify the parameters -adminUserName and -adminPassword along with the values for these parameters.

We cannot use the -enableAdminSecurity parameter to enable administrative security for a custom profile. For security to be enabled for a custom profile, the custom profile must be federated into a deployment manager. Administrative security enabled for the deployment manager is required to enable security for the federated custom profile.

-enableService true | false

Enables the creation of a Linux service. Valid values include true or false. The default value for this parameter is false.

When the manageprofiles command is run with the -enableService option set to true , the Linux service is created with the profile when the command is run by the root user. When a non-root user runs the manageprofiles command, the profile is created, but the Linux service is not. The Linux service is not created because the non-root user does not have sufficient permission to set up the service. An INSTCONPARTIALSUCCESS result is displayed at the end of the profile creation and the profile creation log...


...contains a message indicating the current user does not have sufficient permission to set up the Linux service.

-federateLater true | false

Indicates if the managed profile will be federated during profile creation or if you will federate it later using the addNode command. If the dmgrHost, dmgrPort, dmgrAdminUserName and dmgrAdminPassword parameters do not have values, the default value for this parameter is true. Valid values include true or false.


Returns the name of the default profile.


Gets the file system location for a profile of a given name. Requires the profileName parameter.


Gets the name for a profile registered at a given -profilePath parameter.


Displays command syntax.

-hostName host

Host name where you are creating the profile. This should match the host name that specified during installation of the initial product. The default value for this parameter is the long form of the domain name system. The value for this parameter must be a valid IPv6 host name and must not contain spaces or any characters that are not valid such as the following: *, ?, ", <, >, ,, /, \, |, and so on.

-ignoreStack (Optional Parameter)

An optional parameter used with the -templatePath parameter to unaugment a particular profile that has been augmented. See the -unaugment parameter.

-importPersonalCertKS keystore_path

Path to the keystore file that you use to import a personal certificate when creating the profile. The personal certificate is the default personal certificate of the server.

Best practice: When you import a personal certificate as the default personal certificate, import the root certificate that signed the personal certificate. Otherwise, the manageprofiles command adds the public key of the personal certificate to the trust.p12 file and creates a root signing certificate.bprac The -importPersonalCertKS parameter is mutually exclusive with the -personalCertDN parameter. If we do not specifically create or import a personal certificate, one is created by default.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importPersonal, specify them all.

-importPersonalCertKSAlias keystore_alias

Alias of the certificate that is in the keystore file specified on the -importPersonalCertKS parameter. The certificate is added to the server default keystore file and is used as the server default personal certificate.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importPersonal, specify them all.

-importPersonalCertKSPassword keystore_password

Password of the keystore file specified on the -importPersonalCertKS parameter.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importPersonal, specify them all.

-importPersonalCertKSType keystore_type

Type of the keystore file specified on the -importPersonalCertKS parameter. Values might be JCEKS, CMSKS, PKCS12, PKCS11, and JKS. However, this list can change based on the provider in the java.security file.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importPersonal, specify them all.

-importSigningCertKS keystore_path

Path to the keystore file that you use to import a root certificate when creating the profile. The root certificate is the certificate that you use as the server default root certificate. The -importSigningCertKS parameter is mutually exclusive with the -signingCertDN parameter. If we do not specifically create or import a root signing certificate, one is created by default.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importSigning, specify them all.

-importSigningCertKSAlias keystore_alias

Alias of the certificate that is in the keystore file specified on the -importSigningCertKS parameter. The certificate is added to the server default root keystore and is used as the server default root certificate.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importSigning, specify them all.

-importSigningCertKSPassword keystore_password

Password of the keystore file specified on the -importSigningCertKS parameter.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importSigning, specify them all.

-importSigningCertKSType keystore_path

Type of the keystore file specified on the -importSigningCertKS parameter. Valid values might be JCEKS, CMSKS, PKCS12, PKCS11, and JKS. However, this list can change based on the provider in the java.security file.

When specified any of the parameters that begin with -importSigning, specify them all.


The profile identified by the accompanying -profileName parameter is to be the default profile once it is registered. When issuing commands that address the default profile, it is not necessary to use the -profileName attribute of the command.


The server is intended for development purposes only. This parameter is useful when creating profiles to test applications on a nonproduction server before deploying the applications on their production application servers.

This parameter is valid only for the default profile template.

If we specify both the -isDeveloperServer and -applyPerfTuningSetting parameters, depending on the option selected for -applyPerfTuningSetting, -applyPerfTuningSetting might override -isDeveloperServer.

-keyStorePassword keystore_password

Password to use on all keystore files created during profile creation. Keystore files are created for the default personal certificate and the root signing certificate.


Lists the registered augments on a profile that is in the profile registry. Specify the -profileName parameter with the -listAugments parameter.


Lists the profiles that are in the profile registry.


Defines a set of ports when creating a profile in conjunction with a cell template. If we specify this option, we cannot specify the -nodePortsFile or nodeStartingPort options at the same time.

-nodeName node

Node name for the node created with the new profile. Use a unique value within the cell or on the machine. Each profile that shares the same set of product binaries must have a unique node name.

(dist) The default value for this parameter is based on the short host name, profile type, and a trailing number:

  • Application server profile: shortHostNameNodeNodeNumber
  • Custom profile: shortHostNameNodeNodeNumber
  • Management profile with the deployment manager server: shortHostNameCellManagerNodeNumber
  • Management profile with the job manager server: shortHostNameJobMgrNodeNumber
  • Management profile with the administrative agent server: shortHostNameAANodeNodeNumber
  • Cell profile, application server portion: shortHostNameNodeNodeNumber
  • Cell profile, deployment manager portion: shortHostNameCellManagerNodeNumber
  • Secure proxy profile: shortHostNameNodeNodeNumber

where NodeNumber is a sequential number starting at 01.

(iseries) The following default node names exist:

  • management template for the deployment manager, administrative agent, or the job manager: profilenameManager
  • default template: shorthostname_profilename
  • managed template: shorthostname_profilename
  • cell: See the previous management and default template examples and apply as appropriate to the two profiles created.
  • secureproxy template: shorthostname_profilename

The value for this parameter must not contain spaces or any characters that are not valid such as the following: *, ?, ", <, >, ,, /, \, |, and so on.

-nodePortsFile node_ports_path

Specifies ports for the node portion of the cell that you are creating. If we specify this option, we cannot specify the -nodeDefaultPorts or -nodeStartingPort options at the same time.

-nodeProfilePath node_profile_path

Profile path to the node portion of the cell. Specify this parameter when creating the deployment manager portion of the cell.

-omitAction feature1 feature2... featureN (Optional Parameter)

An optional parameter that excludes profile features.

Each profile template comes predefined with certain optional features. The following optional features can be used with the -omitAction parameter for the following profile templates:

  • default - application server

    • deployAdminConsole
    • defaultAppDeployAndConfig
    • (v8550) deployIVTApplication

  • management - management profile for the deployment manager, administrative agent, or job manager

    • deployAdminConsole

  • cell - deployment manager cell, which is composed of both a dmgr and a default profile template

    • cell_dmgr (dmgr created during cell profile creation)

      • deployAdminConsole
      • defaultAppDeployAndConfig

-personalCertDN distinguished_name

Distinguished name of the personal certificate that you are creating when creating the profile. Distinguished name in quotes. This default personal certificate is located in the server keystore file. The -importPersonalCertKSType parameter is mutually exclusive with the -personalCertDN parameter. See the -personalCertValidityPeriod parameter and the -keyStorePassword parameter.

-portsFile file_path (Optional Parameter)

An optional parameter that specifies the path to a file that defines port settings for the new profile.

Do not use this parameter when using the -startingPort or -defaultPorts parameter.

During profile creation, the manageprofiles command uses an automatically generated set of recommended ports if we do not specify the -startingPort parameter, the -defaultPorts parameter or the -portsFile parameter. The recommended port values can be different than the default port values based on the availability of the default ports.

-profileName profile_name

Name of the profile. Use a unique value when creating a profile. Each profile that shares the same set of product binaries must have a unique name. The default profile name is based on the profile type and a trailing number, for example:



  • <profile_type> is a value such as AppSrv, Dmgr, AdminAgent, JobMgr, or Custom
  • <profile_number> is a sequential number that creates a unique profile name

The value for this parameter must not contain spaces or characters that are not valid such as any of the following: *, ?, ", <, >, ,, /, \, |, and so on.

The profile name that you choose must not be in use.

-profilePath profile_root

Fully qualified path to the profile, which is referred to as the profile_root.

Specify the full path to avoid an Ant scripting limitation that can cause a failure when federating the profile into a cell. For example:

    -profilePath profile_root

If the fully qualified path contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks.

(dist) The default value is based on the app_server_root directory, the profiles subdirectory, and the name of the profile.

(iseries) The default value is based on the user_data_root directory, the profiles subdirectory, and the name of the profile.

For example, the default is:


The WS_WSPROFILE_DEFAULT_PROFILE_HOME element is defined in the wasprofile.properties file in...


The wasprofile.properties file includes the following properties:


This property specifies if the post installer should modify the permissions of any files it creates. Valid values are true or false. Any other value defaults to false. Removing this property from the file also causes it to default to false. When false, any files created by the post installer have permission based on the umask setting of the system.

The value for this parameter must be a valid path for the target system and must not be currently in use.

(dist) We must have permissions to write to the directory.

(iseries) The QEJBSVR profile must have permissions to write to the directory.

(v8550) WS_CMT_PI_LOGS

This property specifies if and when the post installer should clean up its logs for each product located in the PROFILE_HOME/properties/service/productDir directory. The settings for this property enable you to specify the following log cleanup criteria:

  • We can specify the number of logs to keep for each product in the PROFILE_HOME/properties/service/productDir directory. The specified value can be any integer between 1 and 999. For example, if specified WS_CMT_PI_LOGS=5, the post installer keeps the five most recent logs for each product.
  • We can specify the maximum amount of storage the logs can occupy. The specified value can be any integer between 1 and 999, followed by:

    • KB, if you are specifying the value in kilobytes.
    • MB, if you are specifying the value in megabytes.
    • GB, if you are specifying the value in gigabytes.

    For example, if specified WS_CMT_PI_LOGS=10MB, when the amount of storage the logs occupy exceeds 10 megabytes, the post installer starts deleting the oldest logs.

    Avoid trouble: Because the values specified are case sensitive, the letters included in the specified value must be capital letters.gotcha

  • We can specify the amount of time we want the post intaller to keep the logs. The specified value can be any integer between 1 and 999, followed by:

    • D, if you are specifying the value in days.
    • W, if you are specifying the value inweeks.
    • M, if you are specifying the value in months.
    • Y, if you are specifying the value in years.

    For example, if specified WS_CMT_PI_LOGS=2W, each log is kept for two weeks.

    Avoid trouble: Because the values specified are case sensitive, the letters included in the specified value must be capital letters.gotcha

  • We can specify a specific date after which a log is deleted. The value must be specified using numeric values, separated by dashes in the format DD-MM-YYYY. For example, if specified WS_CMT_PI_LOGS=12-31-2013, all of the logs are deleted on December31, 2013.

    Avoid trouble: If we do not specify the value in the indicated format, numbers separated by dashes, this property setting is ignored.gotcha

-response reponse_file

Accesses all API functions from the command line using the manageprofiles command.

The command line interface can be driven by a response file containing the input arguments for a given command in the properties file in key and value format. To determine which input arguments are required for the various types of profile templates and action, use the manageprofiles command with the -help parameter.

Use the following example response file to run a create operation:


When creating a response file, take into account the following set of guidelines:

  • When specified values, do not specify double-quote (") characters at the beginning or end of a value, even if that value contains spaces.

    This is a different rule than when specified values on a command line.

  • When specified a single value containing a comma character, such as the distinguished names for the personalCertDN and signingCertDN parameters, use a double-backslash before the comma character. For example, here is how to specify the signingCertDN value with a distinguished name:

      signingCertDN=cn=testserver.ibm.com\\,ou=Root Certificate\\, ou=testCell\\,ou=testNode01\\,o=IBM\\,c=US

  • When specified multiple values, separate them with a comma character, and do not use double-backslashes. For example, here is how to specify multiple values for the omitAction parameter:


  • Do not specify a blank line in a response file. This can cause an error.
  • The path statement in the Windows operating system can use either forward slashes (/) or back slashes (\). If the path statement uses back slashes, then the response file requires double back slashes for the response file to correctly understand the path. Here is an example of a response file for a create operation that uses the double back slashes:

    Best practice: Use forward slashes in order to reduce the chance of errors when switching between platforms.bprac


Important: The manageProfiles -restoreProfile command is only supported with a backup created at the same fixpack level. Restores a profile backup. Must be used with the -backupFile parameter, for example:

    manageprofiles(.bat)(.sh) -restoreProfile -backupFile file_name

To restore a profile, perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the server and the running processes for the profile to restore.
  2. Manually delete the directory for the profile from the file system.
  3. Run the -validateAndUpdateRegistry option of the manageprofiles command.
  4. Restore the profile using the -restoreProfile option of the manageprofiles command.

-securityLevel security_level

Initial security level settings for the secure proxy server. Valid values are low, medium, and high. The default value is high. The security level is based on startup user permissions, routing considerations, administration options, and error handling. We can optionally change your security settings after we create the secure proxy server profile.

-serverName server_name

Name of the server. Specify this parameter only for the default and secureproxy templates. If we do not specify this parameter when using the default or secureproxy templates, the default server name is server1 for the default profile, and proxy1 for the secure proxy profile.


Type of management profile. Specify DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER for a deployment manager server, ADMIN_AGENT for an administrative agent server, or JOB_MANAGER for a job manager server. Required when creating a management profile.

-serviceUserName service_user_ID

Specify the user ID used during the creation of the Linux service so that the Linux service runs from this user ID. The Linux service runs whenever the user ID is logged on.


Sets the default profile to one of the existing profiles. Must be used with the -profileName parameter, for example:

    manageprofiles(.bat)(.sh) -setDefaultName -profileName profile_name

-signingCertDN distinguished_name

Distinguished name of the root signing certificate that we create when creating the profile. Distinguished name in quotes. This default personal certificate is located in the server keystore file. The -importSigningCertKS parameter is mutually exclusive with the -signingCertDN parameter. If we do not specifically create or import a root signing certificate, one is created by default. See the -signingCertValidityPeriod parameter and the -keyStorePassword.

-signingCertValidityPeriod validity_period (Optional Parameter)

An optional parameter that specifies the amount of time in years that the root signing certificate is valid. If we do not specify this parameter with the -signingCertDN parameter, the root signing certificate is valid for 15 years.

-startingPort startingPort

Start port number for generating and assigning all ports for the profile.

(dist) Port values are assigned sequentially from the -startingPort value, omitting those ports that are already in use. The system recognizes and resolves ports that are currently in use and determines the port assignments to avoid port conflicts.

(iseries) Port values are assigned sequentially from the -startingPort value.

Do not use this parameter with the -defaultPorts or -portsFile parameters.

During profile creation, the manageprofiles command uses an automatically generated set of recommended ports if we do not specify the -startingPort parameter, the -defaultPorts parameter or the -portsFile parameter. The recommended port values can be different than the default port values based on the availability of the default ports.

Do not use this parameter if you are using the managed profile template.

-supportedProtocols supported_protocols

Protocols that are valid for the secure proxy server to proxy requests. Valid values are SIP, HTTP, and HTTP,SIP.

-templatePath template_path

Directory path to the template files in the installation root directory. Within the profileTemplates directory are various directories that correspond to different profile types and that vary with the type of product installed. The profile directories are the paths that you indicate while using the -templatePath option. We can specify profile templates that lie outside the installation root, if you happen to have any.

(dist) We can specify a relative path for the -templatePath parameter if the profile templates are relative to...


Otherwise, specify the fully qualified template path. F

(iseries) The default template path is...


We can use a relative path for the -templatePath parameter. The path is relative to the current working directory or to...


...in that order. The following example creates a profile based on the default for a standalone application server:

    manageprofiles -create -profileName MyProfile -startingPort 10380

The available templates are described in the Profile concepts topic.


Augmentation is the ability to change an existing profile with an augmentation template. To unaugment a profile that has been augmented, specify the -unaugment parameter and the -profileName parameter. If a series of manageprofiles augmentations were performed, and specified only these two parameters to unaugment a profile, the unaugment action undoes the last augment action first.

To unaugment a particular profile that has been augmented, additionally specify the -ignoreStack parameter with the -templatePath parameter. Normally, you would not unaugment a particular profile because you must ensure that you are not violating profile template dependencies.

(dist) When using the -templatePath parameter, specify the fully qualified file path for the parameter.

(iseries) When using the -templatePath parameter, we can specify a relative file path for the parameter.

See also the augment parameter.


Unaugments all profiles that have been augmented with a specific augmentation template. The -templatePath parameter is required with the -unaugmentAll parameter.

(dist) When using the -templatePath parameter, specify the fully qualified file path for the parameter.

(iseries) When using the -templatePath parameter, we can specify a relative file path for the parameter.

Optionally, specify the -unaugmentDependents parameter with the -unaugmentAll parameter to unaugment all profiles that are prerequisites of the profiles that are being unaugmented.

If we use this parameter when we have no profiles augmented with the profile templates, an error might be delivered.

See also the augment parameter.


If specified, the parameter unaugments all the augmented profiles that are prerequisites to the profiles being unaugmented with the -unaugmentAll parameter. If not specified, it does not unaugment the augmented profiles that are prerequisites to the profiles being unaugmented.

Specify the -unaugmentDependents parameter with the -unaugmentAll parameter.


Checks all of the profiles listed in the profile registry to see if the profiles are present on the file system. Removes any missing profiles from the registry. Returns a list of the missing profiles that were deleted from the registry.


Ports that should be validated to ensure they are not reserved or in use. This parameter helps you to identify ports that are not being used. If a port is determined to be in use, the profile creation stops and an error message displays. We can use this parameter at any time on the create command line. IBM recommends that you use this parameter with the portsFile parameter.


Checks all of the profiles listed in the profile registry to see if the profiles are present on the file system. Returns a list of missing profiles.

-webServerCheck true | false

Indicates to set up web server definitions. Valid values include true or false. The default value for this parameter is false.

-webServerHostname webserver_host

The host name of the server. The default value for this parameter is the long host name of the local machine.

-webServerInstallPath webserver_installpath_name

The installation path of the web server, local or remote. The default value for this parameter is dependent on the operating system of the local machine and the value of the webServerType parameter. For example:

webServerType=IHS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to C:\IBM\HTTPServer
webServerType=IIS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to C:\
webServerType=SUNJAVASYSTEM: webServerInstallPath defaulted to C:\
webServerType=DOMINO: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=APACHE: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=HTTPSERVER_ZOS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n/a

webServerType=IHS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /opt/IBM/HTTPServer
webServerType=IIS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=SUNJAVASYSTEM: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /opt/sun/webserver
webServerType=DOMINO: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=APACHE: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=HTTPSERVER_ZOS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n/a

webServerType=IHS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /usr/IBM/HTTPServer
webServerType=IIS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=SUNJAVASYSTEM: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /opt/sun/webserver
webServerType=DOMINO: webServerInstallPath defaulted to ?
webServerType=APACHE: webServerInstallPath defaulted to ?
webServerType=HTTPSERVER_ZOS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n/a

webServerType=IHS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /opt/IBM/HTTPServer
webServerType=IIS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=SUNJAVASYSTEM: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /opt/sun/webserver
webServerType=DOMINO: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=APACHE: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=HTTPSERVER_ZOS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n/a

webServerType=IHS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /opt/IBM/HTTPServer
webServerType=IIS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=SUNJAVASYSTEM: webServerInstallPath defaulted to /opt/sun/webserver
webServerType=DOMINO: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=APACHE: webServerInstallPath defaulted to  webServerType=HTTPSERVER_ZOS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n/a
webServerType=IHS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=IIS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=SUNJAVASYSTEM: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=DOMINO: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=APACHE: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a
webServerType=HTTPSERVER_ZOS: webServerInstallPath defaulted to n\a

-webServerName webserver_name

The name of the web server. The default value for this parameter is webserver1.

-webServerOS webserver_operating_system

The operating system from where the web server resides. Valid values include: windows, linux, solaris, aix, hpux, os390, and os400. Use this parameter with the webServerType parameter.

-webServerPluginPath webserver_pluginpath

The path to the plug-ins that the web server uses. The default value for this parameter is WAS_HOME/plugins.

-webServerPort webserver_port

Indicates the port from where the web server will be accessed. The default value for this parameter is 80.

-webServerType webserver_type

The type of the web server. Valid values include: IHS, SUNJAVASYSTEM, IIS, DOMINO, APACHE, and HTTPSERVER_ZOS. Use this parameter with the webServerOS parameter.

-winserviceAccountType specifieduser | localsystem

The type of our owner account of the Windows service created for the profile. Valid values include specifieduser or localsystem. The localsystem value runs the Windows service under the local account of the user who creates the profile. The default value for this parameter is localsystem.

If the value is specifieduser, the winservicePassword parameter is required. The winserviceUserName parameter defaults to the environment username value if not specified.

-winserviceCheck true | false

The value can be either true or false. Specify true to create a Windows service for the server process created within the profile. Specify false to not create the Windows service. The default value for this parameter is false.

Important: With a custom profile, we cannot create a Windows service with this parameter. Instead, use the WASService command to create the service separately.

-winservicePassword winservice_password

Specify the password for the specified user or the local account that is to own the Windows service.

-winserviceStartupType manual | automatic | disabled

Possible startup_type values are:

  • manual
  • automatic
  • disabled

Read the article on the WASService command for more information about Windows services.

The default value for this parameter is automatic.

-winserviceUserName winservice_user_ID

Specify the user ID so that the Windows operating system can verify you as an ID that is capable of creating a Windows service. Your user ID must belong to the administrator group and have the following advanced user rights:

  • Exist as part of the operating system
  • Log on as a service

The default value for this parameter is the current user name. The value for this parameter must not contain spaces or characters that are not valid such as the following: *, ?, ", <, >, ,, /, \, |, and so on. The user specified must have the proper permissions to create a Windows service. Specify the correct password for the user name that you choose.

Important: When creating a profile with a Windows services with a specified user and password and the user is a domain user, use a double backslash as shown below:


Usage scenario

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax. Issue the command in any of the following examples on one line. Each example shows the command on more than one line to increase clarity.


The manageprofiles command creates a log for every profile that it creates.

Example: Create dmgr profiles

We can create a dmgr profile after installing the core product files. The deployment manager provides a single administrative interface to a logical group of application servers on one or more machines. Use the manageprofiles.sh -create command to create a dmgr profile.

To create a dmgr profile named shasti:

manageprofiles.sh -create
              -profileName shasti            
      -profilePath /shasti/WebSphere            
      -templatePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/management
              -serverType DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER
              -cellName cell1
              -hostName planetaix            
      -nodeName dmgr1

manageprofiles.bat -create
              -profileName shasti            
      -profilePath C:\shasti\WebSphere
              -templatePath C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profileTemplates\management
              -serverType DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER
              -cellName cell1
              -hostName planetnt
              -nodeName dmgr1

The command creates a dmgr profile named shasti in a cell named cell1 with a node name of dmgr1 in the following location:

If we do not specify one of the port options during profile creation, a recommended set of port values will be used. The port conflict resolution algorithm determines these ports. The recommended set of ports must be free of conflict. To use the IBM default ports, use the -defaultPorts option when creating a profile.

Example: Incrementing default port numbers from a starting point

The manageprofiles command can assign port numbers based on a starting port value. We can provide the starting port value from the command line, using the -startingPort parameter. The command assigns port numbers sequentially from the starting port number value. However, if a port value in the sequence conflicts with an existing port assignment, the next available port value is used

The order of port assignments is arbitrary. Predicting assignments is not possible.

For example, ports created with -startingPort 20002 would appear similar to the following example:

Assigned ports for an application server profile


Assigned ports for a custom profile


Assigned ports for a cell with a federated application server profile


Assigned ports for a cell with a dmgr profile


Assigned ports for a management profile with a deployment manager server


Assigned ports for a management profile with a job manager server


Assigned ports for a management profile with an administrative agent server


Assigned ports for a secure proxy profile


The following example uses the startingPort parameter of the manageprofiles command and creates ports from an initial value of 20002, with the content shown in the previous example:

manageprofiles.bat -create
               -profileName shasti             
              -profilePath G:\shasti\WebSphere             
              -templatePath G:\shasti\WebSphere\profileTemplates\default             
              -nodeName W2K03             
              -cellName W2K03_Cell01
              -hostName planetnt             
              -startingPort 20002                              

cd app_server_root/bin
manageprofiles.sh -create
              -profileName shasti                 
              -profilePath app_server_root/profiles/shasti             
              -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/default             
              -nodeName W2K03             
              -cellName W2K03_Cell01
               -hostName planetnt             
              -startingPort 20002

Example: Create cell profiles

To create the cell profile using the manageprofiles command, create both the cell management profile for a deployment manager server and the cell node profile using two different manageprofiles command-line invocations. The combination of these two profiles is the cell profile.

Two templates are used to create the cell profile: cell_dmgr and cell_node. The templates are linked and some parameters must match between the creation parameters in these two invocations. Verify that the invocations match.

From the command line, we can create the two halves of the cell in any order or at any time. It is a best practice to create the deployment manager portion of the profile first. After we create the cell, the cell contains a deployment manager and a federated node. The deployment manager portion and the node portion are in separate directories.

(dist) For each of the two profiles that we create, we can specify the fully qualified path to the resulting profile using the -profilePath parameter. If we do not specify the parameter, the default value for each profile path is based on the app_server_root directory, the profiles subdirectory, and the name of the profile.

(iseries) For each of the two profiles that we create, we can specify the fully qualified path to the resulting profile using the -profilePath parameter. If we do not specify the parameter, the default value for each profile path is based on the directory, the profiles subdirectory, and the name of the profile.

The two templates that compose a cell profile have dependencies between one another which requires some parameter values to match between the two create invocations. To create a full working cell, the -nodeProfilePath, -cellName, -appServerNodeName, -nodeName parameters are required to have the same values for both the cell_dmgr profile and the cell_node profile. In the case of ports, and especially in the case of dynamically allocated ports, the creation of the second half of the cell must reference the ports used in the first half of the cell. Use the -portsFile and -nodePortsFile arguments with references to the following files of the profile that represents the first half of the cell:


This approach ensures that the ports in the second half of the cell are created with the correct correlation to the first half of the cell.

For detailed help in creating a cell profile, use the following commands:

cd app_server_root/bin
manageprofiles.sh -create

cd app_server_root\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create
cd app_server_root/bin
manageprofiles -create


cd app_server_root/bin
manageprofiles.sh -create

cd app_server_root\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create
 -templatePath  app_server_root\profileTemplates\cell\default
cd app_server_root/bin
manageprofiles -create
 -templatePath  app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/default

The output from the -help parameter specifies which parameters are required and which are optional when creating the cell dmgr profile and the cell node profile.

The following example creates a cell profile named Dmgr001 having a cell name of Default01Cell and a node name of Default01Node.

  1. Verify that the following path is available for use:

    The path must be available when creating the deployment manager and node portions of the cell as subdirectories are added for each portion.

    • (iseries) app_server_root/profiles

    • app_server_root\profiles

  2. Create the deployment manager portion of the cell profile.

      cd app_server_root/bin manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr -nodeProfilePath app_server_root/profiles/AppSrv01 -profileName Dmgr001 -cellName Default01Cell -nodeName Default01Node -appServerNodeName federated_node

      cd app_server_root\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\cell\dmgr -nodeProfilePath app_server_root\profiles\AppSrv01 -profileName Dmgr001 -cellName Default01Cell -nodeName Default01Node -appServerNodeName federated_node


      cd app_server_root/bin manageprofiles -create -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr -nodeProfilePath app_server_root/profiles/AppSrv01 -profileName Dmgr001 -cellName Default01Cell -nodeName Default01Node -appServerNodeName federated_node

  3. Verify that the Dmgr001 profile exists as it must exist before creating the application server portion of the cell profile.
  4. Create the application server portion of the cell profile.

    Important: We must use the same values for the cellName, nodeName, and appServerNodeName parameters that you used in the deployment manager portion of the cell profile. The illustration below demonstrates the use of the same values for the cellName, nodeName, and appServerNodeName parameters in the deployment manager and application server portions of the cell profile.

      For Dmgr: -cellName host01Cell01 -nodeName host01CellManager01 -appServerNodeName host01Node01 For AppServer: -cellName host01Cell01 -nodeName host01CellManager01 -appServerNodeName host01Node01

    If we did not specify names for these parameters when creating the deployment manager portion of the cell profile, use the default name that was assigned in the first command-line invocation.

      cd app_server_root/bin manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/default -dmgrProfilePath app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001 -portsFile app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001/properties/portdef.props -nodePortsFile app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001/properties/nodeportdef.props -profileName AppSrv01 -cellName Default01Cell -nodeName Default01Node -appServerNodeName federated_node

      cd app_server_root\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\cell\default -dmgrProfilePath app_server_root\profiles\Dmgr001 -portsFile app_server_root\profiles\Dmgr001\properties\portdef.props -nodePortsFile app_server_root\profiles\Dmgr001\properties\nodeportdef.props -profileName AppSrv01 -cellName Default01Cell -nodeName Default01Node -appServerNodeName federated_node


      cd app_server_root/bin manageprofiles -create -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/default -dmgrProfilePath app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001 -portsFile app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001/properties/portdef.props -nodePortsFile app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001/properties/nodeportdef.props -profileName AppSrv01 -cellName Default01Cell -nodeName Default01Node -appServerNodeName federated_node

After the creation of the deployment manager and node portions of the cell profile, a synchronization between the two servers must occur. By default, synchronization occurs automatically between the two servers at some specified interval. However, if synchronization is disabled, the interval is too long, or some problem occurs that keeps the synchronization from occurring in a timely manner, run the syncNode command to synchronize the deployment manager and the node.

Either use the portsFile or the nodePortsFile parameter and the startingPort or the nodeStartingPort parameter.

If we use the manageprofiles command, we can choose the profile to be the default.

(dist) If we federate an application server node as part of cell profile creation using the -appServerNodeName parameter, the node does not have an original configuration. If we use the -removeNode command on a node that was created during cell profile creation, the command will indicate that the node removal utility is unable to remove the node and restore the node to a base configuration. To successfully remove a node that was federated as part of a cell profile creation, use the manageprofiles command to delete the profile for the node. Once the profile for the node is deleted, use the -cleanupNode command on dmgr to remove the node configuration from the cell repository. A new profile can be created using the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command.

Example: Use predefined port numbers

The manageprofiles command recommends initial port values when we do not explicitly set port values. We can use predefined port values instead.

The manageprofiles command recommends port values when the options of -defaultPorts, -startingPort, or -portsFile are not specified.

by type of profile.
Profile File path
Application server app_server_root/profileTemplates/default/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props
Cell - application server portion app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr/actions/portsUpdate/nodeportdef.props
Cell - deployment manager portion app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props
Custom app_server_root/profileTemplates/managed/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props
Management profile for a deployment manager server app_server_root/profileTemplates/management/actions/portsUpdate/dmgr.portdef.props
Management profile for an administrative agent server app_server_root/profileTemplates/management/actions/portsUpdate/adminagent.portdef.props
Management profile for a job manager server app_server_root/profileTemplates/management/actions/portsUpdate/jmgr.portdef.props
Secure proxy app_server_root/profileTemplates/secureproxy/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props

To customize the port values in the portdef.props file before creating the profile, perform the following steps. The following example creates the default profile. For other types of profiles, you must substitute the file path with the file path of the profile to create.

  1. Copy the app_server_root/profileTemplates/default/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props file from the default profile template path and place a copy of the file in an arbitrary temporary directory such as:

    • c:\temp\ports
    • (iseries) /temp/ports

  2. In the new file, modify the port settings to specify the port values.
  3. Create the profile with the manageprofiles command. Use the modified port values. Specify the location of the modified portdef.props file on the -portsFile parameter. Specify the -validatePorts parameter to ensure that ports are not reserved or in use. Use the following example as a guide:

      manageprofiles.sh -create
          -profileName Wow_Profile     
                        -profilePath profile_root     
                        -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\default     
                        -nodeName Wow_node     
                        -cellName Wow_cell
                        -hostName lorriemb     
                        -portsFile \temp\ports\portdef.props

Suppose that the portdef.props file has the following values:


After running the manageprofiles command to create the profile with the user defined port values, a success or fail result displays.

The manageprofiles command creates a copy of the current portdefs.props file in...

Use only one of the three port values parameters, -startingPort, -defaultPorts, or -portsFile with the manageprofiles command. The three parameters are mutually exclusive.