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syncNode command

The syncNode command forces a configuration synchronization to occur between the node and the deployment manager for the cell in which the node is configured.

The node agent server runs a configuration synchronization service that keeps the node configuration synchronized with the master cell configuration. If the node agent is unable to run because of a problem in the node configuration, we can use the syncNode command to perform a synchronization when the node agent is not running in order to force the node configuration back in sync with the cell configuration. If the node agent is running and to run the syncNode command, first stop the node agent.

The syncNode.log file is located in the profile_root/logs directory.

For more information about where to run this command, see Using command-line tools.


The command syntax is as follows:


The following options are available for the syncNode command:


Tells the syncNode command to stop all servers on the node, including the node agent, before performing configuration synchronization with the cell.


Tells the syncNode command to launch the node agent process after configuration synchronization completes. If the node agent is running and to run the syncNode command, first stop the node agent.


Tells the syncNode command not to wait for successful initialization of the launched node agent process.


Suppress the progress information that the syncNode command prints in normal mode.

-logfile <fileName>

Location of the log file to which trace information is written. By default, the log file is named syncNode.log and is created in the logs directory of the profile for the node that you are synchronizing.

(dist)(iseries) -profileName

Defines the profile of the Application Server process in a multi-profile installation. The -profileName option is not required for running in a single profile environment. The default for this option is the default profile.


Replaces the log file instead of appending to the current log.


Generates trace information into a file for debugging purposes.

-timeout <seconds>

Specifies the waiting time before node agent initialization times out and returns an error.

-username <name>

User name for authentication if security is enabled. Acts the same as the -user option.

-user <name>

User name for authentication if security is enabled. Acts the same as the -username option.

-password <password>

Password for authentication if security is enabled.

-conntype <type>

Specifies the JMX connector type to use for connecting to the deployment manager. Valid types are SOAP or Remote Method Invocation (RMI). The default type is SOAP.


Prints a usage statement.


Prints a usage statement.

Usage scenario

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax:

syncNode testhost 8879
 syncNode deploymgr 8879 -trace (produces the syncNode.log file)
 syncNode host25 4444 -stopservers -restart  (assumes that the deployment manager JMX port is 4444)
syncNode.sh testhost 8879
 syncNode.sh deploymgr 8879 -trace (produces the syncNode.log file)
 syncNode.sh host25 4444 -stopservers -restart  (assumes that the deployment manager JMX port is 4444)

Avoid trouble: On HP-UX or Solaris operating systems, a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space problem might occur during large and complex tasks. For example, you might encounter this problem when you run commands such as syncNode on nodes with large applications. When the demands for resources exceed the default storage size, the task can fail with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error. To resolve this problem, increase the minimum size of the permanent region. Set the -XX:PermSize JVM (JVM) option to a value such as 128MB, which is sufficient for many situations in which this problem occurs:


Related concepts

  • Remote files services for file transfer and file synchronization

    Related tasks

  • Use command-line tools
  • Synchronize nodes using the wsadmin scripting tool