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stopServer command

The stopServer command reads the configuration file for the specified server process. This command sends a Java management extensions (JMX) command to the server telling it to shut down.

The server process can be an application server, a DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WebSphere Application Server, an administrative agent server, or a job manager server

By default, the stopServer command does not return control to the command line until the server completes the shutdown process. There is a -nowait option to return immediately, and other options to control the behavior of the stopServer command. For more information about where to run this command, see the Use command-line tools topic.

(dist) If we are running the product on a Microsoft Windows operating system, and we have the server running as a Windows operating system service, the stopServer command stops the Windows service that is responsible for starting the server.

(iseries) Although the stopServer command returns control when the server completes shut down, it can return before the IBM i process has terminated. Depending upon the amount of memory which the JVM (JVM) must return to the memory pool, the process may take several seconds or minutes to completely end. You should not attempt to start the server again until the process has terminated. Use the WRKACTJOB SBS(subsystem) CL command to determine if the process has terminated completely. By default, the subsystem is QWAS85.

If security is enabled, use a user name and password with the stopServer command because the command invokes an MBean method on the server.

The user name and password parameters are not required with the stopServer command. The parameters are automatically passed into the script that the Windows operating system service uses to shutdown the system.

Avoid trouble: If message ADMC0074E: Connection will be closed due to unrecoverable error is displayed in the system log file, a client might have attempted to send a user name, and password to another server on which security is disabled. We can ignore this message because the client automatically changes its security setting to match the security setting for the server with which the client is trying to communicate. The connection is eventually successfully completed. However, security is now disabled for both the administrative client and the receiving server.gotcha


The command syntax is one of the following:

whereserver_name is the name of the configuration directory of the application server or the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WebSphere Application Server to stop.

(dist)(zos) This argument is required.

(iseries) This argument is optional. If the default profile is being used, the server defaults to server1. If the profile name is not default, the server defaults to the profile name.

whereadminagent_name is the name of the administrative agent to stop.

where job_manager is the name of job manager to stop.


The following options are available for the stopServer command:


Tells the stopServer command not to wait for successful shutdown of the server process.


Suppress the progress information that the stopServer command prints in normal mode.

-logfile <fileName>

Location of the log file to which trace information is written. By default, the log file is named stopServer.log and is created in the logs directory.


Defines the profile of the server process in a multi-profile installation. The -profileName option is not required for running in a single profile environment. The default for this option is the default profile.


Replaces the log file instead of appending to the current log.


Generates trace information into a file for debugging purposes. The trace output is written to the stopServer.log file which is located in the profile_root/logs/server directory.

-timeout <seconds>

Time to wait for server shutdown before timing out and returning an error.

-statusport <portNumber>

An optional parameter that allows an administrator to set the port number for server status callback. The tool opens this port and waits for status callback from the server just before the server has stopped. If the parameter is not set, an unused port is automatically allocated.

-conntype <type>

Specifies the JMX connector type to use for connecting to the deployment manager. Valid types are SOAP or Remote Method Invocation (RMI).

-port <portNumber>

Server JMX port to use explicitly, so that we can avoid reading the configuration files to obtain the information.

-username <name>

User name for authentication if security is enabled in the server. Acts the same as the -user option.

-user <name>

User name for authentication if security is enabled in the server. Acts the same as the -username option.

-password <password>

Password for authentication if security is enabled in the server.

Avoid trouble: If we are running in a secure environment but have not provided a user ID and password, you receive the following error message:

    ADMN0022E: Access denied for the stop operation on Server MBean due to insufficient or empty credentials.

To solve this problem, provide the user ID and password information.gotcha


Prints a usage statement.


Prints a usage statement.

Usage scenario

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax:


stopServer server1
 stopServer server1 -nowait   stopServer server1 -trace (produces the stopserver.log file)
 stopServer adminagent
stopServer jobmgr
 stopServer proxy1 (for the secure proxy profile)


stopServer server1   (stops the server1 server for the default profile)
  stopServer server1 -nowait   stopServer server1 -trace (produces the stopserver.log file)
 stopServer -profileName mytest (stops server mytest  configured for profile mytest)
 stopServer AdminAgent01
stopServer JobMgr01
 stopServer proxy1 (default server name for the SecureProxySrv01 profile)

Related tasks

  • Use command-line tools