Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer Service integration > Administer service integration buses > Configure buses > Configure the members of a bus

Add a cluster as a member of a bus

We can add a server cluster as a member of a service integration bus so that it can use the bus to communicate. When a cluster is added to the bus, all servers in the cluster are added to it, and at least one messaging engine is created. The members of a service integration bus are the application servers and clusters within which messaging engines for that bus can run. To add a cluster to a bus, the following resources must be defined:

When you add a server cluster as a member of a bus, consider the following points:

Service integration high availability and workload sharing configurations
Bus member types and their effect on high availability and workload sharing
How a message-driven bean connects in a cluster
Policies for service integration
Configuration for high availability
Configuration for workload sharing with high availability
Configuration for workload sharing or scalability
Messaging engine policy assistance
Interconnected buses
Add a server as a new bus member
Create a policy for messaging engines
Modify file store configuration
Add a server as a new bus member
Create the database, schema and user ID for a messaging engine
Configure file store attributes for a messaging engine
Modify the messaging engine policy for a cluster bus member
Secure links between messaging engines
Add a messaging engine to a cluster
Configure messaging engines
Add additional messaging engines to a cluster bus member


addSIBusMember command
Bus members [Collection]


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