Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 >
Administer applications and their environment
Administer production environments and realistic test environments, which includes performing post-installation and customization tasks (by administrators), deploying applications onto application servers, and administering applications and their server environments. Administration with wsadmin scripting is covered in a separate section.
See also the monitoring, tuning and security sections.
- Overview and new features for administering applications and their environments
Use the links provided in this topic to learn about the administrative features.
- How do I administer applications and their environments?
Follow these shortcuts to get started quickly with popular tasks.
- Use the administrative clients
- Use Ant to automate tasks
To support using Apache Ant with Java EE applications running on the application server, the product provides a copy of the Ant tool and a set of Ant tasks that extend the capabilities of Ant to include product-specific functions. Ant has become a very popular tool among Java programmers.
- Start and stop quick reference
Start and stop servers in the application serving environment, referring to this quick guide to the administrative clients and several other tools that are provided with this product.
- Back up and recover the application serving environment
The product uses many operating system and application resources that you should consider adding to your backup and recovery procedures.
- Class loading
Class loaders are part of the JVM code and are responsible for finding and loading class files. Class loaders enable applications that are deployed on servers to access repositories of available classes and resources. Application developers and deployers must consider the location of class and resource files, and the class loaders used to access those files, to make the files available to deployed applications. Class loaders affect the packaging of applications and the runtime behavior of packaged applications of deployed applications.
- Deploy and administering enterprise applications
Deploy an enterprise application file consists of installing an application file on a server configured to hold installable Java EE modules.
- Manage applications through programming
Through Java MBean programming, you can install, update, and delete a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application on a WAS deployment target.
- Extend application management operations through programming
We can use the common deployment framework to add additional logic to application management operations. The additional logic can do such tasks as code generation, configuration operations, additional validation, and so on. This topic demonstrates, through programming, how to plug into the common deployment framework to extend application management operations.
- Deploy and administering business-level applications
Deploy a business-level application consists of creating the business-level application on a v7.0 or later server.
- Administer business-level applications using programming
We can use the command framework programming to create, edit, update, start, stop, delete, export, import, and query information about business-level applications. A business-level application defines an enterprise-level application.
- Troubleshoot deployment
When you are having problems deploying an application, perform some basic diagnostics and verify the system configuration to solve the problem.
- Troubleshoot administration
Use this information if you are having problems with administrative functions.
- Administer ActivitySessions
This page provides a starting point for finding information about ActivitySessions, a WebSphere extension for reducing the complexity of commitment rules and limitations that are associated with one-phase commit resources.
- Administer Application profiling
This page provides a starting point for finding information about application profiling, a WebSphere extension for defining strategies to dynamically control concurrency, prefetch, and read-ahead.
- Administer Asynchronous beans
This page provides a starting point for finding information about asynchronous beans.
- Administer the batch environment
We can administer the batch environment using the job scheduler, which is used to submit jobs and determine where to run them, and manage batch jobs using the job management console.
- Administer Client applications
This page provides a starting point for finding information about application clients and client applications. Application clients provide a framework on which application code runs, so that your client applications can access information on the application server.
- Administer Communications Enabled Applications
Communications Enabled Applications (CEA) is a functionality that provides the ability to add dynamic web communications to any application or business process. The product provides a suite of integrated telephony and collaborative web services that extends the interactivity of enterprise and web commerce applications. With the CEA capability, enterprise solution architects and developers can use a single core application to enable multiple modes of communication. Enterprise developers do not need to have extensive knowledge of telephony or SIP to implement CEA. The CEA capability delivers call control, notifications, and interactivity and provides the platform for more complex communications.
- Administer Data access resources
This page provides a starting point for finding information about data access. Various enterprise information systems (EIS) use different methods for storing data. These backend data stores might be relational databases, procedural transaction programs, or object-oriented databases.
- Administer Dynamic caching
This page provides a starting point for finding information about the dynamic cache service, which improves performance by caching the output of servlets, commands, web services, and JSP files.
- Administer EJB applications
This page provides a starting point for finding information about enterprise beans.
- Administer Internationalization service
This page provides a starting point for finding information about globalization and the internationalization service, a WebSphere extension for improving developer productivity.
- Administer Mail, URLs, and other Java EE resources
This page provides a starting point for finding information about resources that are used by applications that are deployed on a Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)-compliant application server. They include:
- Administer Messaging resources
This page provides a starting point for finding information about the use of asynchronous messaging resources for enterprise applications with WAS.
- Administer naming and directory
This page provides a starting point for finding information about naming support. Naming includes both server-side and client-side components. The server-side component is a Common ORB Architecture (CORBA) naming service (CosNaming). The client-side component is a JNDI service provider. JNDI is a core component in the Java EE programming model.
- Administer Object pools
This page provides a starting point for finding information about object pools.
- Administer ORB
This page provides a starting point for finding information about the ORB. The product uses an ORB to manage communication between client applications and server applications as well as among product components. These Java EE standard services are relevant to the ORB: Remote Method Invocation/Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (RMI/IIOP) and Java Interface Definition Language (Java IDL).
- Administer OSGi applications
This page provides a starting point for finding out how to administer OSGi applications.
- Administer Portlet applications
This page provides a starting point for finding information about portlet applications, which are special reusable Java servlets that appear as defined regions on portal pages. Portlets provide access to many different applications, services, and web content.
- Administer Scheduler service
The scheduler service is a WebSphere programming extension responsible for starting actions at specific times or intervals.
- Administer application security
- Administer Service integration
This page provides a starting point for finding information about service integration.
- Administer SIP applications
This page provides a starting point for finding information about SIP applications, which are Java programs that use at least one SIP servlet written to the JSR 116 specification.
- Administer Startup beans
This page provides a starting point for finding information about startup beans.
- Administer Transactions
This page provides a starting point for finding information about Java Transaction API (JTA) support. Applications running on the server can use transactions to coordinate multiple updates to resources as one unit of work, such that all or none of the updates are made permanent.
- Administer web applications
This page provides a starting point for finding information about web applications, which are comprised of one or more related files that you can manage as a unit, including:
- Administer web services
This page provides a starting point for finding information about web services.
- Administer web services - bus-enabled web services
We can associate your web services with the service integration bus, to achieve the following goals: make internal services available as web services; make external web services available internally at bus destinations; map existing services to new web services that appear to be provided by the Web services gateway. Bus-enabled web services also provide a choice of quality of service and message distribution options for web services, along with intelligence in the form of mediations that allow for the rerouting of messages.
- Administer web services - Invocation framework (WSIF)
The Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a WSDL-oriented Java™ API. You use this API to invoke web services dynamically, regardless of the service implementation format (for example enterprise bean) or the service access mechanism (for example JMS). Using WSIF, you can move away from the usual web services programming model of working directly with the SOAP APIs, towards a model where you interact with representations of the services. We can therefore work with the same programming model regardless of how the service is implemented and accessed.
- Administer web services - Notification (WS-Notification)
WS-Notification enables web services to use the publish and subscribe messaging pattern. You use publish and subscribe messaging to publish one message to many subscribers. In this pattern a producing application inserts (publishes) a message (event notification) into the messaging system having marked it with a topic that indicates the subject area of the message. Consuming applications that have subscribed to the topic in question, and have appropriate authority, all receive an independent copy of the message that was published by the producing application.
- Administer web services - Policy (WS-Policy)
WS-Policy is an interoperability standard used to describe and communicate the policies of a web service so that service providers can export policy requirements in a standard format. Clients can combine the service provider requirements with their own capabilities to establish the policies required for a specific interaction. This product conforms to the WS-Policy specification, so that policy information can be exchanged and received in accordance with the WS-Policy standard.
- Administer web services - Reliable messaging (WS-ReliableMessaging)
To configure a web service application to use WS-ReliableMessaging, you attach a policy set that contains a WS-ReliableMessaging policy type. This policy type offers a range of qualities of service: managed persistent, managed non-persistent, or unmanaged non-persistent.
- Administer web services - RESTful services
We can use Java™ API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) to develop services that follow Representational State Transfer (REST) principles. RESTful services are based on manipulating resources. Resources can contain static or dynamically updated data. By identifying the resources in the application, you can make the service more useful and easier to develop.
- Administer web services - Security (WS-Security)
The Web Services Security specification defines core facilities for protecting the integrity and confidentiality of a message, and provides mechanisms for associating security-related claims with a message.
- Administer web services - Transaction support (WS-Transaction)
WS-Transaction is an interoperability standard that includes the WS-AtomicTransaction, WS-BusinessActivity, and WS-Coordination specifications. The Web Services Atomic Transaction (WS-AT) support in the application server provides transactional quality of service to the web services environment. Distributed web services applications, and the resources they use, can take part in distributed global transactions. With Web Services Business Activity (WS-BA) support in the application server, web services on different systems can coordinate activities that are more loosely coupled than atomic transactions. Such activities can be difficult or impossible to roll back atomically, and therefore require a compensation process if an error occurs. Web Services Coordination (WS-COOR) specifies a CoordinationContext and a Registration service with which participant web services can enlist to take part in the protocols that are offered by specific coordination types.
- Administer web services - Transports
Transport chains represent a network protocol stack used for I/O operations within an application server environment. Transport chains are part of the channel framework function that provides a common networking service for all components.
- Administer web services - UDDI registry
The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification defines a way to publish and discover information about web services. The UDDI specification defines a standard for the visibility, reusability, and manageability that are essential for a service-oriented architecture (SOA) registry service. The UDDI registry is a directory for web services that is implemented using the UDDI specification. It is a component of WAS.
- Administer Work area
This page provides a starting point for finding information about work areas, a WebSphere extension for improving developer productivity.
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