Migration planning >
Migration tasks - WAS v8
This topic is about configuration migration, such as migrating dmgrs and federated nodes in a network deployment environment. The Application Migration Toolkit for WAS provides support for migrating applications from previous versions of WAS to the latest product version.The migration process...
- Assessment
- Plan work involved
- In a test environment, migrate configuration and code
- Functional and performance testing
- Roll out new release to other environments
Migration tasks
Task Description Status Install WAS v8 on test system Build a complete WAS ND cell configuration and verify that it works correctly before you attempt to migrate an existing cell or node. This process ensures that the system has all of the necessary prerequisites and supports the new level of WAS.
Install WAS v8 on remainder of new dmgr and node systems
Save and sync any unsaved changes in the WAS v6/v7 dmgr
Pending Update existing systems to latest fix level
Pending backupConfig on v6.1 systems Run for dmgr and each federated node Pending On v8.0 dmgr, node agent, and appservers, set profile owner Set ownership of the profile directories to be the same as the user under which WAS is to be run. Run before starting servers. Pending Start the WAS v8.0 dmgr
Pending Migrate stand-alone application servers TBD Pending Migrate dmgrs TBD Pending Migrate federated nodes TBD Pending Troubleshoot
Pending Rollback and restore If it fails, rollback environment, run a restoreConfig, and then rerun the migration process Pending Migrate web server configurations
Pending Verify LTPA security settings are set appropriately.
Pending Upgrade ITCAM and reconfigure on migrated nodes
Supported upgrade paths
The following configuration upgrades of WAS versions and offerings are directly supported.
WAS v6/v7 source WAS v8.0 target
WAS ND standalone and Custom Profiles WAS ND dmgr management profile WAS (base) standalone Supported Not supported WAS ND standalone Supported Not supported WAS ND federated Supported Not supported WAS ND dmgr Not supported Supported WAS Client Not supported Not supported WAS Express standalone Supported Not supported WAS v8.0 supports the migration of a subset of programming model extensions (PMEs) from WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation.
Configuration mapping during product-configuration migration
Migrate product configurations with migration tools
Migrate standalone application servers
Migrate WAS ND configurations
Migrate IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby databases
Migrate from the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver
Migrate non-root configurations to root
Rolling back environments