WAS v8.0 > Migration and coexistence > Distributed operating systems > Migrate product configurations > Migrate product configurations with migration tools > Migrate product configurations with the migration wizard
Migrate to stand-alone application servers using the Migration wizard
We can either...
- Use PMT or manageprofiles to create a valid new target v8.0 appserver server profile if one does not already exist
- Create a target profile later using the Migration wizard.
- Gather required information
- Install WAS v8.0
- Backup WAS v6.x configurations using backupConfig. Note the exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.
- When migrating a stand-alone application server from WAS v6.x, look for the file...
...and delete it if it exists.
The file is created if the stand-alone application server was ever federated into a dmgr cell. v6.x deletes the file when a node is unfederated; earlier versions do not. The Migration wizard reacts to the presence of the file by identifying the stand-alone node as a federated node. If the node names do not match, a failure occurs.
- Start the Migration wizard by going to...
Start | Programs | IBM WAS ND | Migration wizard
...or run...
- Select or specify a previous version of WAS from which to migrate.
Select the check box and enter the location of the previous installation if it does not display in the selection list.
- Select the source profile or instance to migrate.
- For the target profile, select either...
- Profile from the list of valid profiles for the installation
- The Create new profile link
- To create a backup copy of the target profile's configuration before migrating the source profile, click the check box. Backup copies of the target profile are written to...
...and can be restored using restoreConfig.
You can migrate stand-alone appservers that are registered with an admin agent as the target of the migration.
- If you selected Create new profile, enter parameters for the new profile.
- Specify a migration backup directory in which to place a backup copy of the configuration from the previous version
The directory is created if it does not already exist. If the directory exists, it should be empty because the backup operation might overwrite existing backup files.
- Select one of the options for migrating applications...
- Include enterprise applications as part of the migration.
- Prepare enterprise applications for installation in the WAS v8.0 installableApps directory without actually installing them. Scripts that can be used to install these applications are generated and saved in the migration backup directory. We can then run these scripts at any point and in any combination after the migration.
- Do nothing with your enterprise applications during migration processing.
- If you selected the option to install the applications, specify where the migrated applications should be located.
We can choose any one of the following options:
- Keep the applications in the same directories in which they are currently located.
Restrictions: If you choose this option, the location is shared by the existing WAS v6.x installation and the v8.0 installation. If you keep the migrated applications in the same locations as those of the previous version, the following restrictions apply:
- The WAS v8.0 mixed-node support limitations must be followed. This means that the following support cannot be used when evoking the wsadmin command:
- Precompile JSP
- Use Binary Configuration
- Deploy EJB
- You risk losing the migrated applications unintentionally if you later delete applications from these locations when administering (uninstalling for example) your v6.x installation.
- Choose to install the applications in the default directory of the target version.
- Specify the directory in which to install the migrated applications.
- Select one of the options for setting port values, optionally specify a starting port value for resolving port conflicts.
We can choose to do ether one of the following with the port values:
- Use the port values assigned to the previous (source) installation.
- Use the port values assigned to the target profile.
By default, a port conflict is resolved by incrementing the port number by one until an unused port number is found. Instead, you can specify a starting port number to be used when a conflict is detected. If the starting port number is in use, it will be incremented by one until an unused port number is found.
- Select the check box to migrate to support script compatibility.
If you select this option, migration creates the following v6.x configuration definitions:
- Transports
- ProcessDef
- Version 6.x SSL
- Version 6.x ORB service threadpool
...instead of the following v8.0 configuration definitions...
- Channels
- ProcessDefs
- v8.0 SSL
- v8.0 ORB service threadpool
This option minimizes impacts to existing wsadmin scripts. It is meant to provide a temporary transition until all of the nodes in the environment are at the v8.0 level. After all nodes are at the v8.0 level, you can...
- Modify administration scripts to use v8.0 settings.
- Use the convertScriptCompatability command to convert the configurations to match all of the v8.0 settings.
- Specify the administrative console workspace user root directory where the "My Tasks" user information is stored in the previous installation.
This panel displays only if you are migrating from v6.1.x.
- Enter the administrative security credentials for the source WAS installation.
This panel displays only if security is enabled and if the server user identity is not stored in the repository.
- Check the information in the summary panel and make sure that it is correct, and then click Next to start the migration.
- If the profile-creation process is successful, click Next. This panel displays only if you selected the option to create a new target profile. Otherwise, correct any problems and retry the migration.
- If the pre-upgrade process is successful, click Next. Otherwise, correct any problems and retry the migration.
- If the post-upgrade process is successful, click Next.
- If the migration is successful, click Next. Otherwise, correct any problems and retry the migration.
- Click Next to migrate another profile, or click Cancel to exit the Migration wizard.
We can now start the migrated stand-alone application server in the WAS v8.0 environment. Migrate product configurations with the migration wizard
Migrate to a v8.0 stand-alone application server
WASPreUpgrade command
WASPostUpgrade command