WAS v8.0 > Migration and coexistence > Distributed operating systems
Migrate web server configurations
We can migrate a web server so that it supports the latest version of WAS.
Supported configurations:
This topic is about configuration migration, such as migrating dmgrs and federated nodes in a network deployment environment. The Application Migration Toolkit for WAS provides support for migrating applications from previous versions of WAS to the latest product version. For information about migrating applications, read more about the Application Migration Toolkit.
- Install the IBM HTTP Server v8.0 and its plug-in or a plug-in for another supported web server.
Install the HTTP Server and its plug-in on a different machine with the following procedure:
- Insert the product disk into the machine.
- Close the launchpad if it starts automatically.
- Change directories to the IHS directory on the product disk.
- Install the IBM HTTP Server.
Run the appropriate installation script for your platform.
This script installs the plug-in that you need and makes the necessary configuration changes for the supported web server.
IBM HTTP Server v8.0 can coexist with earlier versions, or you can upgrade earlier versions to v8.0. Install v8.0 into the same directory structure as the earlier version to upgrade that version.
The IHS ISMP installer will not allow installing into the previous directory. The target directory MUST be empty. If you install the HTTP Server into a different directory, v8.0 coexists with the previous version. By default, the administration server and the web server use the same ports as the previous version, which causes a conflict. However, you can change the port assignments on the port assignment panel of the WAS Installation wizard or the Profile Management tool. Read the "Installing the product and additional software" article in the information center for more information.
- Change the port number assignments for the new installation if you install into a separate directory. We can change port numbers on the coexistence panel. We can back track through the Installation wizard and change the port settings if we have not already done so. Or, you can change the port settings after installation in the //publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=/ d.conf file in the HTTP Server directory.
- Update the IBM HTTP Server //publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=/ d.conf configuration entries to remove entries for earlier WAS versions if you install into the same directory as an earlier version.
Versions 6.x, 7.x, and 8.0 of WAS use the same HTTP transport plug-in binary module. If the Web server configuration file contains WAS v6.x or 7.x plug-in information, manually remove it. Otherwise, when the HTTP Server attempts to start the second v8.0 plug-in binary module, there is an error. The error indicates that the module is already loaded.
The configuration file might contain duplicate entries for accessing WAS samples. Remove any aliases for previous versions and retain the v8.0 entries:
Version 6.x installation: Alias /WSsamples "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\WSsamples" Alias /IBMWebAS/ "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\web\" v8.0 installation: Alias /WSsamples "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\WSsamples" Alias /IBMWebAS/ "c:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\web\"
- Migrate plug-ins to work with WAS v8.0.
Start with WAS Version 6.0, the following are true:
- Web servers can be represented in the administrative console.
- The web server plug-in configuration file (plugin-cfg.xml) is associated with every web server definition instead of one cell-wide plug-in configuration file.
- The settings in the generated plug-in configuration file are based on the list of applications that are deployed on the hosting web server.
Use the following steps to generate a web server plug-in configuration file that is based on topology. This method was used for generated plug-in configuration files in previous releases.
- Use the GenPluginCfg command to generate the plug-in configuration file.
Read the "GenPluginCfg command" article in the information center for more information.
- Manually propagate the generated plug-in configuration file from the machine on which the WAS resides to the remote web server.
- Use the Plug-ins installation wizard to configure the web server. Instead of using the default plug-in configuration file location, specify the new location of the plug-in configuration file that was propagated in the previous step.
Read the "Installing web server plug-ins" article in the information center for more information.
You should migrate to the application-centric approach that uses the Plug-ins installation wizard. The Plug-ins installation wizard generates scripts that can be used to create the web server definition for that web server and to map all of the applications that are currently deployed to the newly created web server definition.
What to do next
Migrate from WAS v6.x or 7.x:
- Only web servers defined on managed nodes are migrated to WebSphere Application Server v8.0.
- If you are migrating a web server and plug-ins from WebSphere Application Server v6.x or 7.x to v8.0 and the web server is defined on an unmanaged node, the web server creation and application mapping must be done manually.
To create the web server definition manually, perform one of the following actions:
- Use the administration console wizard.
To generate mapping to all applications that are installed at web server creation, use the mapping ALL option in the wizard.
- Use the wsadmin command.
$AdminTask createWebServer -interactiveand reply ALL to the mapping applications prompt.- Use the configureWebserverDefinition.jacl script.
This script maps all installed applications to the web server. The script updates all of the information related to the web server plug-in such as the locations of the plug-in installation root, log file, configuration file, and key stores on the web server system. However, the script does not update other properties related to the web server if the web server definition already exists.
- The Web server might have migrated with the application server. After migrating, Verify that your web server is functioning correctly. If not, delete the web server definition and follow the instructions in this topic to redefine it.
Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability
Premigration considerations