WAS v8.0 > Migration and coexistence > Distributed operating systems
Troubleshoot migration
You might encounter problems while migrating from an older version of WAS.
Supported configurations:
This topic is about configuration migration, such as migrating dmgrs and federated nodes in a network deployment environment. The Application Migration Toolkit for WAS provides support for migrating applications from previous versions of WAS to the latest product version. For information about migrating applications, read more about the Application Migration Toolkit.
- While you are using the v8.0 Migration wizard to create a profile before migrating a configuration, you might see the following profile-creation error messages.
profileName: profileName cannot be empty profilePath: Insufficient disk spaceThese error messages might be displayed if you enter a profile name that contains an invalid character such as a space. Rerun the Migration wizard, and verify that there are no invalid characters in the profile name such as a space, quotes, or any other special characters.
- If you encounter a problem when you are migrating from a previous version of WAS to v8.0, check your log files and other available information.
- Look for the log files, and browse them for clues.
- migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log
- migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log
- WAS_HOME/logs/clientupgrade.time_stamp.log
- Look for MIGR0259I: The migration has successfully completed or MIGR0271W: The migration completed with warnings in one of the log files.
- migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log
- migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log
- WAS_HOME/logs/clientupgrade.time_stamp.log
If MIGR0286E: The migration failed to complete is displayed, attempt to correct any problems based on the error messages that appear in the log file. After correcting any errors, rerun the command from the bin directory of the product installation root.
- If you are migrating cell-scoped Cloudscape databases in the WAS ND environment, you might receive the following warning message on v8.0 servers:
ExtendedMessage: BBOO0221W: WSVR0022W: The value, {CLOUDSCAPE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2j.jar, with Resource ID, DataSource_1000001, located at file:/WebSphere/V6R1/AppServer/profiles/default/config/cells/ <cell_name>/nodes/ <node_name>/servers/ <server_nameWe can safely ignore this error until we have finished migrating all of your nodes. After we have migrated all the nodes from v6.0, and no longer need support for a cell-level Cloudscape database (for older release nodes), you can delete the custom property CloudscapeOldDBPath in your cell-level Derby databases that points to ${CLOUDSCAPE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2j.jar.gt; /resources.xml has an invalid variable
- Open the service log of the server that is hosting the resource that you are trying to access, and browse error and warning messages.
- With WAS running, run the dumpNameSpace command and pipe, redirect, or "more" the output so that it can be easily viewed.
This command results in a display of all objects in WAS's namespace, including the directory path and object name.
- If the object that a client needs to access does not appear, use the administrative console to verify the following conditions.
- The server hosting the target resource is started.
- The web module or enterprise Java bean container hosting the target resource is running.
- The JNDI name of the target resource is properly specified.
- Enable tracing when you run the migration tools; then, analyze the trace data or forward it to the appropriate organization for analysis.
We can enable trace when you use the WASPreUpgrade command or the WASPostUpgrade command by specifying the following parameters:
- -traceString
- This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace information to collect.
- Specify "*=all=enabled" (with quotation marks) to gather all possible trace information.
This produces a very large trace file; for example, it can exceed 1 GB for the WASPostUpgrade command.
- Specify "Migration.*=all" to gather only the migration information
- Specify "Migration.Flow=all:Migration.*=finer" to gather most of the migration information.
- Specify "Migration.Flow=finer:Migration.*=fine" to gather the minimum amount of migration data needed by support teams.
This is the default.
If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.
If you specify this parameter, also specify the -traceFile parameter.
- -traceFile
- This is an optional parameter. The value file_name specifies the name of the output file for trace information.
If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.
If you specify the -traceString parameter but do not specify the -traceFile parameter, the script does not generate a trace file.
See the "Tracing and logging configuration" article for information on configuring your tracing and logging settings to help diagnose problems.
For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolution, read the IBM Support page. IBM Support also has documents that can save you time gathering information needed to resolve this problem. Before opening a PMR, read the IBM Support page.
- During the migration process, problems might occur while you are using the WASPreUpgrade tool or the WASPostUpgrade tool.
- Problems can occur when you are using the WASPreUpgrade tool.
- A "Not found" or "No such file or directory" message is returned.
This problem can occur if you are trying to run the WASPreUpgrade tool from a directory other than the v8.0 WAS_HOME\bin. Verify that the WASPreUpgrade script resides in the v8.0 WAS_HOME\bin directory, and launch the file from that location.
- The DB2 JDBC driver and DB2 JDBC driver (XA) cannot be found in the drop-down list of supported JDBC providers in the administrative console.
The administrative console no longer displays deprecated JDBC provider names. The new JDBC provider names used in the administrative console are more descriptive and less confusing. The new providers will differ only by name from the deprecated ones.
The deprecated names will continue to exist in the jdbc-resource-provider-templates.xml file for migration reasons (for existing JACL scripts for example); however, you are encouraged to use the new JDBC provider names in your JACL scripts.
- You receive the following message:
MIGR0108E: The specified WebSphere directory does not contain a WebSphere version that can be upgraded.The following possible reasons for this error exist:
- If WAS Version 6.x is installed, you might not have run the WASPreUpgrade tool from the bin directory of the v8.0 installation root.
- Look for something like the following message to display when the WASPreUpgrade tool runs: IBM WebSphere Application Server, Release 6.x.
This message indicates that you are running the WAS v6.x migration utility, not the v8.0 migration utility.
- Alter the environment path or change the current directory so that you can launch the v8.0 WASPreUpgrade tool.
- An invalid directory might have been specified when launching the WASPreUpgrade tool.
- The WASPreUpgrade tool might exit without backing up your previous environment.
The tool might appear to run successfully as in the following example:
MIGR0201I: The migration function initialized log file WASPreUpgrade.log. MIGR0300I: The migration function is starting to save the existing Application Server environment. MIGR0302I: The existing files are being saved. MIGR0303I: The existing Application Server environment is saved. MIGR0420I: The first step of migration completed successfully.You might also see a message similar to the following example in the migration trace file:[10/9/08 18:26:40:363 CDT] 00000000 Save 1 Skipped instance dmgr01 because user root /opt/migration_backup/profiles/dmgr01 does not exist.The WASPreUpgrade tool writes out a copy of a profileList.ser file that contains pointers to the backup directory to be used by the WASPostUpgrade tool. If that file is not subsequently deleted by migration for any reason, the old paths are used instead of the real paths when you run the WASPreUpgrade tool in later migrations.
To resolve this issue, you can safely delete the profileList.ser file and rerun the WASPreUpgrade tool.
For more information, read WASPreUpgrade command.
Avoid trouble: When migrating a Version 6.x federated node to v8.0, the WASPreUpgradecommand might fail. You might receive an error similar to the following example:
[07/16/2011 11:07:10:357 CDT] MIGR0344I: Processing configuration file /opt/WAS61fep/profiles/v6109node74_01/config/cells/ndcell/clusters/Station1EJBCluster /resources.xml. [07/16/2011 11:07:10:436 CDT] org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedExcept ion: Unresolved reference 'DataSource_1310769433958'. (file:/opt/WAS61fep/profiles/v6109node74_01/config/cells/ndcell/clusters/Station1EJBC luster/resources.xml, 9, 323) java.lang.Exception: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: Unresolved reference 'DataSource_1310769433958'. (file:/opt/WAS61fep/profiles/v6109node74_01/config/cells/ndcell/clusters/Station1EJBC luster/resources.xml, 9, 323) at com.ibm.wsspi.migration.document.wccm.WCCMDocument.setInputStream(WCCMDocument.ja va:162)You might encounter this problem on a WebSphere v6.x node when a DB2 database using IBM JCC Provider Driver has been created, and the WebSphere v6.x node is synchronized to the v8.0 dmgr. The Version 6.x node does not support the v7.x or v8.0 driver level. The node synchronization process is failing to remove all of the driver definitions.To resolve this problem, backup any resources.xml files that are to be modified. Stop the v6.x node agent process. Edit the WebSphere v6.x node resources.xml files and remove the orphaned resources.jdbc:CMPConnectorFactory entries prior to running the WASPreUpgrade command. Do not edit the dmgr copy.
- Problems can occur when you are using the WASPostUpgrade tool.
- You might see an exception in the WASPostUpgrade logs after migrating a federated node that is similar to the exception that is highlighted in the following text:
MIGR0304I: The previous WebSphere environment is being restored. MIGR0367I: Backing up the current Application Server environment. CEIMI0006I Starting the migration of Common Event Infrastructure. MIGR0486I: The Transports setting in file server.xml is deprecated. MIGR0486I: The PMIService:initialSpecLevel setting in file server.xml is deprecated. MIGR0486I: The PMIService:initialSpecLevel setting in file server.xml is deprecated. MIGR0404W: Do not use the node agent in the old configuration. It has been disabled. MIGR0351I: The migration function is attempting to synchronize with the deployment manager using the SOAP protocol. MIGR0241I: Output of syncNode. ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file /usr/WAS80/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/syncNode.log ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv01 profile ADMU0401I: Begin syncNode operation for node aaixae15aNode01 with Deployment Manager packppc.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com: 8879 ADMU0016I: Synchronizing configuration between node and cell. AWXJR0006E The file, /usr/WAS80/java/jre/PdPerm.properties, was not found. ArchiveUtil.toLocalURLs ArchiveUtil.toLocalURLs ArchiveUtil.toLocalURLs ADMU0402I: The configuration for node aaixae15aNode01 has been synchronized with Deployment Manager packppc.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com: 8879 MIGR0352I: The synchronization with the dmgr is successful. CEIMI0007I The Common Event Infrastructure migration is complete. MIGR0307I: The restoration of the previous Application Server environment is complete. MIGR0271W: Migration completed successfully, with one or more warnings.This exception occurs during the syncNode operation, and it is listed as an error; but it does not cause any failures. The overall action completes successfully, and the message does not reoccur. After the server on the migrated federated node is started, the file in question is regenerated. We can ignore this message.- A "Not found" or "No such file or directory" message is returned.
This problem can occur if you are trying to run the WASPostUpgrade tool from a directory other than the v8.0 WAS_HOME\bin. Verify that the WASPostUpgrade script resides in the v8.0 WAS_HOME\bin directory, and launch the file from that location.
- You receive the following message:
MIGR0102E: Invalid Command Line. MIGR0105E: We must specify the primary node name.The most likely cause of this error is that WAS v6.x is installed and the WASPostUpgrade tool was not run from the bin directory of the v8.0 installation root.
To correct this problem, run the WASPostUpgrade command from the bin directory of thev8.0installation root.
- When you migrate the federated nodes in a cell, you receive the following error messages:
MIGR0304I: The previous WebSphere environment is being restored. com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.RepositoryException: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConnectorException: ADMC0009E: The system failed to make the SOAP RPC call: invoke MIGR0286E: The migration failed to complete.A connection timeout occurs when the federated node tries to retrieve configuration updates from the dmgr during the WASPostUpgrade migration step for the federated node. Copying the entire configuration might take more than the connection timeout if the configuration that you are migrating to v8.0 contains any of the following elements:
- Many small applications
- A few large applications
- One very large application
The best practice is to modify the timeout value before running the WASPostUpgrade command to migrate a federated node.
- Go to the following location in the v8.0 directory for the profile to which you are migrating your federated node:
- Open the soap.client.props file in that directory and find the value for the com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property. This is the timeout value in seconds. The default value is 180 seconds.
- Change the value of com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout to make it large enough to migrate the configuration. For example, the following entry would give you a timeout value of a half of an hour:
com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout=1800Select the smallest timeout value that will meet your needs. Be prepared to wait for at least three times the timeout that you select—once to download files to the backup directory, once to upload the migrated files to the dmgr, and once to synchronize the dmgr with the migrated node agent.
- Go to the following location in the backup directory that was created by the WASPreUpgrade command:
- Open the soap.client.props file in that directory and find the value for the com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property.
- Change the value of com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout to the same value that you used in the v8.0 file.
Alternatively, you might want to consider a solution in which you specify -includeApps script in the WASPostUpgrade command when you migrate the dmgr to v8.0 if one or both of the following are true for your situation:
- You want to quickly migrate all nodes in the cell. After the entire cell is migrated, however, you are willing to manually run the application installation script for every application in the dmgr backup directory and then synchronize the configuration with all migrated nodes.
- You are able to run without any applications installed.
Follow these steps to perform this alternative procedure:
- Specify -includeApps script in the WASPostUpgrade command when you migrate the dmgr to v8.0.
- Migrate your entire cell to v8.0before installing any applications.
- Run the wsadmin command to install each application.
- Install the applications in the v8.0 configuration during normal operations or in applicable maintenance windows.
- Specify -conntype NONE. For example:
wsadmin -f application_script -conntype NONE
- Synchronize the configuration with all of the migrated nodes.
Read Migrate a large WAS ND configuration with a large number of applications for more information on this alternative procedure.
- You receive the "Unable to copy document to temp file" error message. Here is an example:
MIGR0304I: The previous WebSphere environment is being restored. com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.DocumentIOException: Unable to copy document to temp file: cells/sunblade1Network/applications/LARGEApp.ear/LARGEApp.earYour file system might be full. If your file system is full, clear some space and rerun the WASPostUpgrade command.
- You receive the following message:
MIGR0108E: The specified WebSphere directory does not contain WebSphere version that can be upgraded.The following possible reasons for this error exist:
- If WAS Version 6.x is installed, you might not have run the WASPostUpgrade tool from the bin directory of the v8.0 installation root.
- Look for something like the following message to display when the WASPostUpgrade tool runs: IBM WebSphere Application Server, Release 6.x.
This message indicates that you are running the WAS Release 6.x migration utility, not the v8.0 migration utility.
- Alter the environment path or change the current directory so that you can launch the v8.0 WASPostUpgrade tool.
- An invalid directory might have been specified when launching the WASPreUpgrade tool or the WASPostUpgrade.
- The WASPreUpgrade tool was not run.
- You receive the following error message:
MIGR0253E: The backup directory migration_backup_directory does not exist.The following possible reasons for this error exist:
- The WASPreUpgrade tool was not run before the WASPostUpgrade tool.
- Check to see if the backup directory specified in the error message exists.
- If not, run the WASPreUpgrade tool.
Read WASPreUpgrade command for more information.
- Retry the WASPostUpgrade tool.
- An invalid backup directory might be specified.
For example, the directory might have been a subdirectory of the v6.x tree that was deleted after the WASPreUpgrade tool was run and the older version of the product was uninstalled but before the WASPostUpgrade tool was run.
- Determine whether or not the full directory structure specified in the error message exists.
- If possible, rerun the WASPreUpgrade tool, specifying the correct full migration backup directory.
- If the backup directory does not exist and the older version it came from is gone, rebuild the older version from a backup repository or XML configuration file.
- Rerun the WASPreUpgrade tool.
- You decide that run WASPreUpgrade again after we have already run the WASPostUpgrade command.
During the course of a dmgr or a federated node migration, WASPostUpgrade might disable the old environment. If after running WASPostUpgrade you want to run WASPreUpgrade again against the old installation, run the migrationDisablementReversal.jacl script located in the old WAS_HOME/bin directory. After running this JACL script, your v6.x environment will be in a valid state again, allowing you to run WASPreUpgrade to produce valid results.
- A federated migration fails with message MIGR0405E.
The migration that has taken place on your dmgr as part of your federated migration has failed. For a more detailed reason for why this error has occurred, open the folder your_node_name_migration_temp located on your dmgr node under the ...DeploymentManagerProfile/temp directory. For example:
/websphere80/appserver/profiles/dm_profile/temp/nodeX_migration_tempThe logs and everything else involved in the migration for this node on the dmgr node are located in this folder. This folder will also be required for IBM support related to this scenario.
- v8.0 applications are lost during migration.
If any of the v8.0 applications fail to install during a federated migration, they will be lost during the synchronizing of the configurations. The reason that this happens is that one of the final steps of WASPostUpgrade is to run a syncNode command. This has the result of downloading the configuration on the dmgr node and overwriting the configuration on the federated node. If the applications fail to install, they will not be in the configuration located on the dmgr node.
To resolve this issue, manually install the applications after migration. If they are standard v8.0 applications, they will be located in...
WAS_HOME/installableAppsTo manually install an application that was lost during migration, use the wsadmin command to run the install_application_name.jacl script that the migration tools created in the backup directory.
In a Linux environment, for example, use the following parameters:
./wsadmin.sh -f migration_backup_directory/install_application_name.jacl -conntype NONE- v8.0 applications fail to install.
Manually install the applications using the wsadmin command after WASPostUpgrade has completed.
To manually install an application that failed to install during migration, use the wsadmin command to run the install_application_name.jacl script that the migration tools created in the backup directory.
In a Linux environment, for example, use the following parameters:
./wsadmin.sh -f migration_backup_directory/install_application_name.jacl -conntype NONE
Read WASPostUpgrade command for more information.
- The trace file exceeds its 400 megabytes allocation, but WASPostUpgrade is still running. If additional disk space is not available, the migration will fail.
If you think you might encounter this problem during your migration, complete the following actions:
- Stop the Migration wizard before the WASPostUpgrade command is issued.
- Run the WASPostUpgrade command from the command line for each profile you are migrating.
When you run the WASPostUpgrade command from the command line:
- Include the -oldProfile and -profileName parameters to indicate the profile to migrate.
- Add the com.ibm.ejs.ras.TraceNLS* parameter to the trace string to reduce the size of your trace log. For example you might want to specify the following trace setting:
- When you use the Migration wizard to migrate a profile from WAS Version 6.0.2 to v8.0 on a Solaris x64 processor-based system, the migration might fail during the WASPostUpgrade step.
You might see messages similar to the following in migration_backup_dir/logs/WASPostUpgrade.time_stamp.log:
MIGR0327E: A failure occurred with stopNode. MIGR0272E: The migration function cannot complete the command.WAS v6.0.2 uses a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in 32-bit mode. The Migration wizard for v8.0 calls the WASPostUpgrade.sh script, which attempts to run the JVM for v6.0.2 in the 64-bit mode when the server stops the v6.0.2 node.
Complete the following actions to remove the incomplete profile and enable WAS to correctly migrate the v6.0.2 profile:
- From a command line, change to the WAS_HOME/bin directory.
For example, type the following command:
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin- Locate the WASPostUpgrade.sh script in...
WAS_HOME/bin, and make a backup copy.
- Open the WASPostUpgrade.sh script in an editor, and perform the following actions:
- Locate the following line of code:
. "$binDir" /setupCmdLine.sh- Insert the following line of code after the code that was identified in the previous step:
- Save the changes.
- Use the following command to delete the incomplete v8.0 profile that was created during the migration process:
WAS_HOME/bin/manageprofiles.sh -delete -profileName profile_name- Delete the PROFILE_ROOT directory of the v8.0 profile that was removed in the previous step.
- Rerun the Migration wizard.
- If you select the option for the migration process to install the enterprise applications that exist in the v6.x configuration into the new v8.0 configuration, you might encounter some error messages during the application-installation phase of migration.
The applications that exist in the v6.x configuration might have incorrect deployment information—typically, invalid XML documents that were not validated sufficiently in previous WAS runtimes. The runtime now has an improved application-installation validation process and will fail to install these malformed EAR files. This results in a failure during the application-installation phase of WASPostUpgrade and produces an "E:" error message. This is considered a "fatal" migration error.
If migration fails in this way during application installation, you can do one of the following:
- Fix the problems in the v6.x applications, and then remigrate.
- Proceed with the migration and ignore these errors.
In this case, the migration process does not install the failing applications but does complete all of the other migration steps.
Later, you can fix the problems in the applications and then manually install them in the new v8.0 configuration using the administrative console or an install script.
- After migrating to a v8.0 cell that contains or interoperates with v6.x nodes that are not at v6.0.2.11 or later, the cluster function might fail.
When starting these v6.x application servers, you might see the following problems:
- You might see a first failure data capture (FFDC) log that shows a ClassNotFoundException error message. This exception is thrown from the RuleEtiquette.runRules method and looks something like the following example:
Exception = java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Source = com.ibm.ws.cluster.selection.SelectionAdvisor. <init> probeid = 133 Stack Dump = java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: rule.local.server at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.bootstrap.ExtClassLoader.findClass(ExtClassLoader.java:106) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java(Compiled Code)) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java(Compiled Code)) at java.lang.Class.forName1(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.cluster.selection.rule.RuleEtiquette.runRules(RuleEtiquette.java:154) at com.ibm.ws.cluster.selection.SelectionAdvisor.handleNotification(SelectionAdvisor.java:153) at com.ibm.websphere.cluster.topography.DescriptionFactory$Notifier.run(DescriptionFactory.java:257) at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:1462)
- You might see a java.io.IOException that looks something like the following example:
Exception = java.io.IOException Source = com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.DescriptionManagerA. update probeid = 362 Stack Dump = java.io.IOException at com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.ClusterDescriptionImpl.importFromStream(ClusterDescriptionImpl.java:916) at com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.DescriptionManagerA.update(DescriptionManagerA.java:360) Caused by: java.io.EOFException at java.io.DataInputStream.readFully(DataInputStream.java(Compiled Code)) at java.io.DataInputStream.readUTF(DataInputStream.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.cluster.topography.KeyRepositoryImpl.importFromStream(KeyRepositoryImpl.java:193)
During migration, v8.0 cluster information is distributed throughout the cell. v6.x nodes that are not at v6.0.2.11 or later fail to read this information.
To avoid this problem, upgrade all v6.x nodes that will be contained in or interoperating with a v8.0 cell to v6.0.2.11 or later before migrating your dmgrs to v8.0.
- After you migrate a federated node to v8.0, the application server might not start.
When you try to start the application server, you might see errors similar to those in the following example:
[5/11/06 15:41:23:190 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R com.ibm.ws.exception.RuntimeError: com.ibm.ws.exception.RuntimeError: org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: CREATE_LISTENER_FAILED_4 vmcid: 0x49421000 minor code: 56 completed: No [5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at com.ibm.ws.runtime.WsServerImpl.bootServerContainer(WsServerImpl.java:198) [5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at com.ibm.ws.runtime.WsServerImpl.start(WsServerImpl.java:139) [5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at com.ibm.ws.runtime.WsServerImpl.main(WsServerImpl.java:460) [5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at com.ibm.ws.runtime.WsServer.main(WsServer.java:59) [5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [5/11/06 15:41:23:196 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:64) [5/11/06 15:41:23:197 CDT] 0000000a SystemErr R at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)Change the port number at which the federated node's application server is listening. If the dmgr is listening at port 9101 for ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS, for example, the application server of the federated node should not be listening at port 9101 for its ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS. To resolve the problem in this example, perform the following steps:
- From the administrative console, click Application servers > server_name
- Change the ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS port number to one that is not used.
- If synchronization fails when you migrate a federated node to v8.0, the application server might not start.
You might receive messages similar to the following when you migrate a federated node to v8.0:
ADMU0016I: Synchronizing configuration between node and cell. ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.AdminException: ADMU0005E: Error synchronizing repositories ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the file: /opt/WebSphere/80AppServer/profiles/AppSrv02/logs/syncNode.log MIGR0350W: Synchronization with the dmgr using the SOAP protocol failed. MIGR0307I: The restoration of the previous WAS environment is complete. MIGR0271W: Migration completed successfully, with one or more warnings.These messages indicate the following:
- Your dmgr is at a v8.0 configuration level.
- The federated node that you are trying to migrate is at a v8.0 configuration level on the dmgr's repository (including applications).
- The federated node itself is not quite complete given that you did not complete the syncNode operation.
Perform the following actions to resolve this issue:
- Rerun the syncNode command on the node to synchronize it with the dmgr.
Read the "syncNode command" article in the information center for more information.
- Run the GenPluginCfg command.
Read the "GenPluginCfg command" article in the information center for more information.
- If you migrate a dmgr to IBM v8.0 from a v6.x configuration that was migrated from a v5.1 dmgr, the syncNode command might fail on any Version 5.1 federated nodes in the cell.
For example, you might see messages similar to the following text when you run the syncNode command on a v5.1 node:
bash-3.00# ./syncNode.sh dmgrhostname 8879 -username MyAdminUser -password MyAdminPassword ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/syncNode.log ADMU0401I: Begin syncNode operation for node My511Node with Deployment Manager dmgrhostname: 8879 ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception. AdminException: ADMU2092E: The node and Deployment Manager must have the same product extensions, but they do not match. The node product extension is BASE and the Deployment Manager product extension is PME. ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the file: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/syncNode.log ADMU1211I: To obtain a full trace of the failure, use the -trace option.- Because of the inclusion of the javax.ejb.Remote annotation in the EJB 3.0 specification, certain EJB 2.1 beans might fail to compile if Enterprise Java Beans are written to import the entire javax.ejb and java.rmi packages. Compilation errors similar to those in the following example might occur:
ejbModule/com/ibm/websphere/samples/trade/ejb/QuoteHome.java(17): The type Remote is ambiguous
- When you install WAS Version 6.1 and federate a node to a v8.0 dmgr, you might experience unexpected and continuous security exception messages.
The system.out logs of the node agent contain the following exceptions:
[7/8/08 16:41:31:416 EDT] 0000001c DefaultTokenP E HMGR0149E: An attempt to open a connection to core group DefaultCoreGroup has been rejected. The sending process has a name of wasinst101Cell01\ndrack104Node08\server1 and an IP address of / Global security in the local process is Enabled. Global security in the sending process is Enabled. The received token starts with x2>W 9 Sv?. The exception is com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.WSLoginFailedException: Validation of LTPA token failed due to invalid keys or token type. at com.ibm.ws.security.ltpa.LTPAServerObject. validateToken(LTPAServerObject.java:876) at com.ibm.ws.security.token.WSCredentialTokenMapper. validateLTPAToken(WSCredentialTokenMapper.java:1178) at com.ibm.ws.hamanager.runtime.DefaultTokenProvider. authenticateMember(DefaultTokenProvider.java:214) at com.ibm.ws.hamanager.coordinator.impl.DCSPluginImpl. authenticateMember(DCSPluginImpl.java:723) at com.ibm.ws.dcs.vri.transportAdapter.rmmImpl.ptpDiscovery. DiscoveryRcv.acceptStream(DiscoveryRcv.java:266) at com.ibm.rmm.ptl.tchan.receiver.PacketProcessor. fetchStream(PacketProcessor.java:470) at com.ibm.rmm.ptl.tchan.receiver.PacketProcessor. run(PacketProcessor.java:917)The dmgr uses v8.0 and all of the nodes and alias nodes are using v6.1.
To resolve this problem, upgrade all v6.1 nodes to v6.1.0.17 or later.
New ports that are registered on a migrated v8.0 node agent include: WC_defaulthost, WC_defaulthost_secure, WC_adminhost, WC_adminhost_secure SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS, SIB_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS ,SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS, SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS. These ports are not needed by the node agent, and can be safely deleted.
What to do next
If you did not find your problem listed, contact IBM support.