WAS v8.0 > Migration and coexistence > Distributed operating systems > Scenario 1: Migrating a cell using the command line tools > 6. Run the WASPostUpgrade command from the new dmgr profile bin directory
Migrate to a v8.0 dmgr
Migrate the WAS v6.x dmgr to v8.0 before migrating the federated nodes that comprise the cell. The dmgr must always be at the highest release and fix level within a cell for it to manage all nodes in the cell. The v8.0 dmgr can manage v6.x, and v8.0 nodes, which allows a cell to be upgraded one node at a time.
Before migrating a WAS v6.x dmgr, use the backupConfig. Note exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.
- Stop the v6.x dmgr.
We can migrate a v6.x dmgr whether it is running or stopped. The migration tools can retrieve all the configuration data either way. We must stop the v6.x dmgr before you can start the v8.0 dmgr that you are installing, however, so it makes sense to stop it now.
- Install the WAS v8 on the same machine as the v6.x dmgr.
- Determine the cell name of the v6.x WAS ND cell.
For a dmgr migration, the v8.0 cell name must match the name in the v6.x configuration. If a profile with a new cell name is created, the migration will fail.
- Optional: Create a new v8.0 dmgr profile with the same cell name as the v6.x cell.
- The v8.0 dmgr node name must be the same as the v6.x dmgr node name.
- The v8.0 dmgr node name must be different from every node name in the V6.x configuration.
Otherwise, the migration fails with the following message:
MIGR0488E: The dmgr node name in the new configuration ({0}) cannot be the same as a nodeagent node in the old configuration.
If you also use the same node name used for the v6.x cell, the node agents will still work after migration without being restarted.
- Stop the v8.0 dmgr.
- Use the migration tools or wizard to migrate the dmgr to v8.0.
- Start the v8.0 dmgr.
- Optional: Uninstall the v6.x dmgr.
After the dmgr is upgraded to v8.0, each node in the cell can be upgraded incrementally, one at a time. Troubleshoot migration.
Migrate product configurations
Migrate product configurations with migration tools