Set enterprise application files



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We can change the configuration of a Java EE application or module deployed on a server.

We can change the contents of and deployment descriptors for an application or module before deployment, such as in an assembly tool. However, it is assumed that the module is already deployed on a server.

Changing an application or module configuration consists of one or more of the following:

This page describes how to change the settings of an application or module using the admin console.

If an application is running, changing an application setting causes the application to restart.

On stand-alone servers, the application restarts after you save the change. On multiple-server products, the application restarts after you save the change and files synchronize on the node where the application is installed. To control when synchronization occurs on multiple-server products, deselect Synchronize changes with nodes on the Console preferences page.



The application or module configuration is changed. The application or standalone Web module is restarted so the changes take effect.


What to do next

If the application or module is deployed on a cluster and we have no more configuration changes to make, click Rollout Update on the Enterprise applications page to propagate the changed configuration on all cluster members of the cluster on which the application or module is deployed. Rollout Update sequentially updates the configuration on the nodes that contain cluster members.

Save changes to the admin configuration.

On multiple-server products, the application binaries are transferred to nodes when the configuration changes on the dmgr synchronize with configurations for individual nodes on which the application will run.


Related tasks

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Application bindings
Set application startup
Set binary location and use
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Manage modules settings
Mapping modules to servers
Mapping virtual hosts for Web modules
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View deployment descriptors



Metadata for module settings
Enterprise application settings
Target specific application status
Application profile collection
Asynchronous request dispatching settings
Context root for Web modules settings
Correct use of the system identity
EJB JNDI names for beans
EJB module settings
EJB references
Environment entries for Web modules settings
Remote dispatcher property settings
Initial parameters for servlets settings
JSP and JSF option settings
Security role to user or group mapping
Last participant support extension settings
Application scoped resources
Resource references
Shared library reference and mapping settings
Session management settings
Virtual hosts settings
Stateful session beans failover settings (applications)
Stateful session beans failover settings (EJB modules)
Map data sources for all 2.x CMP beans settings
Map data sources for all 2.x CMP beans
Provide JMS and EJB endpoint URL information
Publish WSDL zip files settings
Provide HTTP endpoint URL information
Web module deployment settings
Service providers collection at the application level
Service provider policy sets and bindings collection
Service clients collection at the application level
Service client.policy set and bindings collection
SQLj profiles and pureQuery bind files settings