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Assembly tools

WAS supports assembly tools that we can use to develop, assemble, and deploy Java EE modules.

The IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software product provides supported assembly tools.

Although this information center refers to Rational developer products as the assembly tools, we can use WAS NDs to do more than assemble modules. Rational Application Developer is an integrated development environment that provides development, testing, assembly and deployment capabilities. Rational Application Developer provides extensive online documentation. Topics on application assembly in this information center supplement that documentation, focusing on assembling Java EE modules using the Java EE Perspective of the assembly tools.

Rational Application Developer is available in the WAS disc package with two licenses. The license for assembly and deployment capabilities does not expire. The license for development and other capabilities is available on a Trial basis and is only available for a limited time.

The Trial download for Rational Application Developer is available at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/r/rad/.

The assembly tools run on Windows and Linux Intel platforms. Users of WAS on all platforms must assemble their modules using an assembly tool installed on Windows or Linux Intel platforms. To install an assembly tool, follow instructions available with the tool.


Related tasks

Assembling applications
Obtaining an integrated development environment (IDE)


Related information

Rational Application Developer documentation
Trial: Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software