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SQLj profiles and pureQuery bind files settings

To specify customization and binding settings for the Structured Query Language in Java™ (SQLJ) profiles and pureQuery bind files for DB2 that are included in this application. We can view SQLJ profiles for other database types, but we cannot change the these profiles. PureQuerybind files are only valid for DB2. Use SQLJ or pureQuery to develop data access applications that connect to DB2 databases. SQLJ is a set of programming extensions that enable a programmer to use the Java programming language to embed statements that provide SQL (Structured Query Language) database requests. PureQuery provides an alternate set of APIs that can be used instead of JDBC to access the DB2 database.

To view this admin console page, click Applications > Websphere enterprise apps > app_name > SQLj profiles and pureQuery bind files.

Advantages of developing applications with SQLJ include improved performance and a shorter, more efficient development cycle. With SQLJ, we can:

DB2 pureQuery runtime is an alternative set of apis to JDBC or SQLj. Advantages of developing applications with pureQuery include allowing SQL execution to be either dynamic or static. In addition to improved performance by using static SQL statements, pureQuery has better problem determination and diagnosis because it allows for errors at the DB2 server to be related back to application artifacts rather than to SQL that was generated by an application generator.

Customize and bind profiles

The appserver will process the SQLJ profiles that you select from this application.

This selection does not apply to pureQuery. If selected, this option will be ignored when processing pureQuery bind files.

By default, one DB2 package is created in the database for each isolation level. The customization process augments the profile or profiles with information that is specific for the DB2 database for use at run time. Typically, you should run the customization process after the SQLJ application has been translated and before the application is started. If we do not run the customization step, the SQLJ application will use dynamic SQL like a JDBC application.

Binding DB2 SQLj profiles involves the process of binding the customized SQLj profiles to the DB2 database.

Bind packages

The appserver will bind the SQLJ profiles that you select to the DB2 database server.

This selection does not apply to pureQuery. If selected, this option will be ignored when processing pureQuery bind files.

Bind packages from the SQLJ application that have already been customized.

Select and order the profiles to customize/bind

Profiles to process from the list that is provided.

  • Select a profile or group of profiles from the Available profiles, and click Add to add the profile that is selected to Selected Profiles.

  • Select a profile or group of profiles from the Selected Profiles, and click Remove to add the profile that is selected to Available profiles.

When SQLJ or pureQuery profiles have been added to Selected Profiles, select profiles from that list and use Move Up or Move Down to change the order in which the profiles will be processed.

Customize/bind the selected SQLj profiles as a group

The appserver will create a .grp file that contains the SQLJ profiles that you selected.

This selection does not apply to pureQuery. If selected, this option will be ignored when processing pureQuery bind files.

When you click OK, there is an option on the next panel to download the .grp file.

Use a profile group file to specify profiles to customize/bind

Specifies a profile group file from the local file system to customize or bind.

Database URL

Specifies the URL of the database to which the profile or profiles will be bound.

The typical syntax is:



User ID for the database administrator on the server where the database is located.

for the database administrator on the server where the database is located.

Additional options

Specifies additional options to use during the customization and bind processes.

Options for pureQuery binding uses the following syntax:

-bindoptions "BLOCKING NO"
For more information on pureQuery bind options, refer to the DB2 pureQuery Bind Utility topic.

Class path

Class path where the sqlj.zip, and db2jcc.jar or db2jcc4.jar files for SQLj are located. Class path where the pdq.jar, pdqmgt.jar, db2jcc.jar, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar files for pureQuery are located.


Related tasks

Deploy Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) applications
Customize profiles for Structured Query Language in Java™ (SQLJ) applications