- WebSphere MQ libraries that exist after installation
- National language feature libraries
- Customization summary
- Subsystem name to CPF associations
- Example of CPF subset and superset rules
- Valid character set for CPF strings
- Members of thlqual.SCSQPROC
- Default values of CSQ6SYSP parameters
- Default values of CSQ6LOGP parameters
- Default values of CSQ6ARVP parameters
- Restrictions on queues when using mixed queue-sharing groups
- Compatibility of queue manager versions with operations and control panels versions
- SSM specifications options
- Set and displaying attributes to control online monitoring
- SMF record 115 header description
- Offsets to self-defining sections
- Problem symptoms that can be examined using log manager statistics
- DB2 statistics record (Q5ST)
- Coupling facility statistics record (QEST)
- SMF record header description
- Offsets to self-defining sections
- Structure of the common WebSphere MQ SMF header record QWHS
- Structure of the thread cross reference for a CICS system
- Structure of the thread cross reference for an IMS system
- Layout of the task-related information (WTAS) structure
- Layout of the Queue (WQ) structure
- Layout of the Task Id structure (WTID)
- Structure of the WTICDORI for a CICS system
- Structure of the WTICDORI for an IMS system
- Meaning of channel names
- RACF classes used by WebSphere MQ
- Switch profiles for subsystem level security
- Switch profiles for queue-sharing group or queue manager level security
- Valid security switch combinations for queue manager level security
- Valid security switch combinations for queue-sharing group level security
- Valid security switch combinations for queue manager and queue-sharing group level security
- Other valid security switch combinations that switch both levels of checking on.
- Switch profiles for resource checking
- Access levels for queue security
- Access levels for close options on permanent dynamic queues
- RACF authority to the dead-letter queue and its alias
- Access required to the SYSTEM queues by WebSphere MQ
- MQOPEN, MQPUT1, and MQCLOSE options and the security authorization required
- Access levels for process security
- Access levels for namelist security
- Access levels for alternate user security
- Access levels for context security
- MQSC commands, profiles, and their access levels
- PCF commands, profiles, and their access levels
- Checks made at different RACF access levels for batch connections
- Checks made at different RACF access levels for CICS connections
- Checks made at different RACF access levels for IMS connections
- Checks made at different RACF access levels for channel initiator connections
- Checks made at different RACF access levels for the intra-group queuing agent
- User ID checking against profile name for batch connections
- User ID checking against profile name for CICS-type user IDs
- User ID checking against profile name for IMS-type user IDs
- How the second user ID is determined for the IMS connection
- User IDs checked against profile name for TCP/IP channels
- User IDs checked against profile name for LU 6.2 channels
- User IDs checked against profile name for LU 6.2 and TCP/IP server-connection channels
- User IDs checked against profile name for intra-group queuing
- RACF access to data sets associated with a queue manager
- RACF access to data sets associated with distributed queuing
- CICS bridge monitor security
- CICS bridge task security
- Security profiles for the example scenario
- Sample security profiles for the batch application on queue manager QM1
- Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using TCP/IP and not SSL
- Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using LU 6.2
- Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using TCP/IP and SSL
- Sample security profiles for the CICS application on queue manager QM1
- Security profiles for the example scenario
- Sample security profiles for the batch application on queue manager QM1
- Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using TCP/IP
- Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using LU 6.2
- Restrictions on queues when using mixed queue-sharing groups
- Compatibility of queue manager versions with operations and control panels versions
- Service has been applied or the product has been upgraded to a new release
- One of the products has been updated to a new release in a new SMP/E environment and libraries