

  1. WebSphere MQ libraries that exist after installation

  2. National language feature libraries

  3. Customization summary

  4. Subsystem name to CPF associations

  5. Example of CPF subset and superset rules

  6. Valid character set for CPF strings

  7. Members of thlqual.SCSQPROC

  8. Default values of CSQ6SYSP parameters

  9. Default values of CSQ6LOGP parameters

  10. Default values of CSQ6ARVP parameters

  11. Restrictions on queues when using mixed queue-sharing groups

  12. Compatibility of queue manager versions with operations and control panels versions

  13. SSM specifications options

  14. Set and displaying attributes to control online monitoring

  15. SMF record 115 header description

  16. Offsets to self-defining sections

  17. Problem symptoms that can be examined using log manager statistics

  18. DB2 statistics record (Q5ST)

  19. Coupling facility statistics record (QEST)

  20. SMF record header description

  21. Offsets to self-defining sections

  22. Structure of the common WebSphere MQ SMF header record QWHS

  23. Structure of the thread cross reference for a CICS system

  24. Structure of the thread cross reference for an IMS system

  25. Layout of the task-related information (WTAS) structure

  26. Layout of the Queue (WQ) structure

  27. Layout of the Task Id structure (WTID)

  28. Structure of the WTICDORI for a CICS system

  29. Structure of the WTICDORI for an IMS system

  30. Meaning of channel names

  31. RACF classes used by WebSphere MQ

  32. Switch profiles for subsystem level security

  33. Switch profiles for queue-sharing group or queue manager level security

  34. Valid security switch combinations for queue manager level security

  35. Valid security switch combinations for queue-sharing group level security

  36. Valid security switch combinations for queue manager and queue-sharing group level security

  37. Other valid security switch combinations that switch both levels of checking on.

  38. Switch profiles for resource checking

  39. Access levels for queue security

  40. Access levels for close options on permanent dynamic queues

  41. RACF authority to the dead-letter queue and its alias

  42. Access required to the SYSTEM queues by WebSphere MQ

  43. MQOPEN, MQPUT1, and MQCLOSE options and the security authorization required

  44. Access levels for process security

  45. Access levels for namelist security

  46. Access levels for alternate user security

  47. Access levels for context security

  48. MQSC commands, profiles, and their access levels

  49. PCF commands, profiles, and their access levels

  50. Checks made at different RACF access levels for batch connections

  51. Checks made at different RACF access levels for CICS connections

  52. Checks made at different RACF access levels for IMS connections

  53. Checks made at different RACF access levels for channel initiator connections

  54. Checks made at different RACF access levels for the intra-group queuing agent

  55. User ID checking against profile name for batch connections

  56. User ID checking against profile name for CICS-type user IDs

  57. User ID checking against profile name for IMS-type user IDs

  58. How the second user ID is determined for the IMS connection

  59. User IDs checked against profile name for TCP/IP channels

  60. User IDs checked against profile name for LU 6.2 channels

  61. User IDs checked against profile name for LU 6.2 and TCP/IP server-connection channels

  62. User IDs checked against profile name for intra-group queuing

  63. RACF access to data sets associated with a queue manager

  64. RACF access to data sets associated with distributed queuing

  65. CICS bridge monitor security

  66. CICS bridge task security

  67. Security profiles for the example scenario

  68. Sample security profiles for the batch application on queue manager QM1

  69. Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using TCP/IP and not SSL

  70. Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using LU 6.2

  71. Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using TCP/IP and SSL

  72. Sample security profiles for the CICS application on queue manager QM1

  73. Security profiles for the example scenario

  74. Sample security profiles for the batch application on queue manager QM1

  75. Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using TCP/IP

  76. Sample security profiles for queue manager QM2 using LU 6.2

  77. Restrictions on queues when using mixed queue-sharing groups

  78. Compatibility of queue manager versions with operations and control panels versions

  79. Service has been applied or the product has been upgraded to a new release

  80. One of the products has been updated to a new release in a new SMP/E environment and libraries