Coupling Facility manager data records

The format of the Coupling Facility manager statistics record is described in the following table and in assembler macro thlqual.SCSQMACS(CSQDQEST) and C header file thlqual.SCSQC370(CSQDSMFC). The field names in C are all in lower case, for example qest, qestid.

If the queue manager was not started as a member of a queue-sharing group, no data is recorded in this record.

Table 19. Coupling facility statistics record (QEST)
Offset: Dec Offset: Hex Type Len Name Description
0 0 Structure 4104 QEST CF manager statistics
0 0 Bitstring 2 QESTID Control block identifier
2 2 Integer 2 QESTLL Control block length
4 4 Character 4 QESTEYEC Control block eye catcher
8 8 Character 4096 QESTZERO QEST part cleared on occasion
8 8 Character 64 QESTSTUC (0:63) Array (one entry per structure)
8 8 Character 12 QESTSTR Structure name
20 14 Integer 4 QESTSTRN Structure number
24 18 Integer 4 QESTCSEC Number of IXLLSTE calls
28 1C Integer 4 QESTCMEC Number of IXLLSTM calls
32 20 Character 8 QESTSSTC Time spent doing IXLLSTE calls
40 28 Character 8 QESTMSTC Time spent doing IXLLSTM calls
48 30 Integer 4 QESTRSEC Number of IXLLSTE redrives
52 34 Integer 4 QESTRMEC Number of IXLLSTM redrives
56 38 Integer 4 QESTSFUL Number of structure fulls
60 3C Integer 4 QESTMNUS Maximum number of entries in use
64 40 Integer 4 QESTMLUS Maximum number of elements in use
68 44 Character 4 * Reserved
4104 1008 Character 0 * End of control block

The data contains information for each Coupling Facility list structure, including the CSQ_ADMIN structure, that the queue manager could connect to during the statistics interval. The information for each structure includes the following: