Operations and control panels

When using the operations and control panels, the WebSphere MQ libraries you use in ISPF must be compatible with those of the queue manager you are working with.

Table 12. Compatibility of queue manager versions with operations and control panels versions
Panel level V6 queue manager V5.3.1 queue manager V5.3 queue manager
V6 X Xwith restrictions and warnings Xwith restrictions and warnings
V5.3.1 Xwith warning, if migration & coexistence PTF applied X X
V5.3 X with warning, if migration & coexistence PTF applied X with warning X

The panels at V6 level work with V6 queue managers. They also work, with some restrictions, with V5.3 or 5.3.1 queue managers, or with a queue-sharing group containing a mixture of queue managers. If you are using the panels with a queue manager earlier than Version 6, messages warn you about the restrictions. The V6 panels do not work with other levels of queue manager. If you have applied the migration & coexistence PTF, panels at the V5.3 or 5.3.1 level work as for V6; if they are used with a V6 queue manager they will give a warning, which can be ignored. If you have not applied the PTF, they will not work with a V6.0 queue manager. This is summarized in Table 12.