Common WebSphere MQ SMF header

The format of this record is described in Table 22 and in assembler macros thlqual.SCSQMACS(CSQDQWHS) and thlqual.SCSQMACS(CSQDQWHC), and C header file thlqual.SCSQC370(CSQDSMFC). The field names in C are all in lower case, for example qwhs, qwhsnsda..

The QWHS data includes the subsystem name. For subtype 1 records, it also shows whether there are queue-level accounting records present. If the QWHSNSDA field is 3 or less, there are not, and the corresponding self-defining section (at offset X'34') is not set.

The QWHC data gives you information about the user (for example, the user ID (QWHCAID) and the type of application (QWHCATYP)).

Table 22. Structure of the common WebSphere MQ SMF header record QWHS
Offset: Dec Offset: Hex Type Length Name Description
0 0 Structure 128 QWHS
0 0 6 Reserved
6 6 Character 1 QWHSNSDA Number of self defining sections in the SMF records
7 7 5 Reserved
12 C Character 4 QWHSSSID Subsystem name
16 10 24 Reserved
40 28 Character 8 QWHCAID User ID associated with the OS/390 job
48 30 Character 12 QWHCCV Thread cross reference
60 3C Character 8 QWHCCN Connection name
68 44 8 Reserved
76 4C Character 8 QWHCOPID User ID associated with the transaction
84 54 Integer 4 QWHCATYP Type of connecting system (1=CICS, 2=Batch or TSO, 3=IMS control region, 4=IMS MPP or BMP, 5=Command server, 6=Channel initiator, 7=RRS Batch)
88 58 Character 22 QWHCTOKN Accounting token set to the OS/390 accounting information for the user
110 6E Character 16 QWHCNID Network identifier
126 7E 2 Reserved