updateSilent command



The updateSilent command is the silent, command-line interface to the update installer application of the IBM WAS.

Both the updateSilent command and the updateWizard command call the update installer program to install and uninstall interim fixes and fix packs for WAS products.

Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes and fix packs on a machine, stop all Java processes

Stop all appservers, and all servers, such as the IBMHttpServer process, that belong to serviceable features. Features with servers include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature.


Installation roots

The $WAS_HOME env variable represents the root directory for WAS. By default, this varies per product and operating system:


Space requirements

Space requirements vary depending on what you are installing. The size of each download is available on the Support site. After unpacking the ZIP file you download, delete the ZIP file to free space. For a fix pack, have approximately 400 MB of free space in the /tmp directory and another 400 MB in the file system that hosts the WAS image (typically /usr) on a UNIX-based platform.

Space is also required for backup files in the directory...


When installing a fix pack the space required is typically about the same as the size of the fix pack, that is, between 50 MB and 200 MB, depending on the particular fix pack.

Fixes require much less space to install.

The update installer program checks for required space before it installs an interim fix or fix pack.


Command name

updateSilent.sh command-line interface to the installer.jar file.


Related command

updateWizard.sh graphical interface to the installer.jar file.


Prerequisite environment setting

Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable...

. $WAS_HOME/bin/setupCmdLine.sh
. $WAS_HOME/bin/setupClient.sh


Download from

Download as updateInstaller.zip from the WAS Support page, or as part of each fix pack ZIP file package.


Download to

The default location for unpacking the update installer program or fix pack zip file is the $WAS_HOME/update directory. Unpacking a fix pack creates the ../update/fixpacks directory. Create another directory, ../update/fixes, for a repository of fixes you download. If you use these default subdirectories, you can accept default interim fix and fix pack file locations, when using the updateWizard interface. Otherwise, browse to locate the fixes or fix packs you are installing or uninstalling.


Location of extfile.jar $WAS_HOME/update/lib


Location of installer.jar, readme_ptf.html, updateSilent.sh/bat, and updateWizard.sh/bat $WAS_HOME/update


Location of interim fix JAR files ../update/fixes (or ..\update\fixes)


Location of fix pack JAR files ../update/fixpacks (or ..\update\fixpacks)

This directory is the location after unpacking the fix pack in the $WAS_HOME/update directory.


Files in updateInstaller.zip

Always use the updateSilent (or updateWizard) command file from the updateInstaller.zip or fix pack you download, to use the most recent version. A newer version can manage previously downloaded fixes and fix packs. Files in the updateInstaller.zip package (or the fix pack ZIP package) include...

In addition to the listed files, the fix pack zip file also has the fix pack JAR file, such as the was50_fp2_win.jar file. Each JAR file includes a fix pack.


Location of log and backup files

The update installer program records processing results in log files in the $WAS_HOME/properties/version/log directory. Backup files created during the installation of fixes and fix packs are in the $WAS_HOME/properties/version/backup directory. The files are required to uninstall an interim fix or fix pack.

The directory that contains the logs for the update installer program is changed, beginning with the version of the update installer program that is bundled with Fix Pack 2. Log files are in the $WAS_HOME/logs/update directory.

Syntax examples

The updateSilent interface actually provides two functions. Depending upon the parameters you choose, the command...

The following examples describe various usage syntaxes. In each syntax example, optional parameters are enclosed by brackets ([]). Values that you must supply appear in italicized font. Choices are denoted by the pipe symbol (|).



updateSilent  -help | -? | -usage


Syntax for using a properties file to supply values

updateSilent myProps.properties


Syntax for processing interim fixes

updateSilent -installDir $WAS_HOM
             -fixDir $WAS_HOME/update/fixes
             -install | -uninstall | uninstallAll
             -fixes space-delimited list of fixes
             -fixJars space-delimited list of interim fix JAR files


Syntax for viewing applied fixes

updateSilent -fix 
             -installDir $WAS_HOME


Syntax for viewing available fixes

updateSilent -fix 
             -installDir $WAS_HOME
             -fixDir $WAS_HOME/update/fixes


Syntax for processing fix packs

updateSilent -installDir $WAS_HOME
             -fixpackDir $WAS_HOME/update/fixpacks
             -install | -uninstall
             -fixPackID fix pack ID
            [-skipIHS | [-ihsOnly] -ihsInstallDir $HTTP_root]
            [-skipMQ | -mqInstallDir embedded messaging feature root]
            [-includeOptional space-delimited list of components]

All other valid arguments are ignored, such as the prereqOverride argument, which is for interim fix processing only.

You need not supply the -mqInstallDir argument for AIX, Linux, and UNIX-based platforms. The install location is fixed on those operating platforms.


Syntax for viewing applied fix packs

updateSilent -fixpack
             -installDir $WAS_HOME


Syntax for viewing available fix packs

updateSilent -fixpack
             -installDir $WAS_HOME
             -fixpackDir $WAS_HOME/update/fixpacks



Use the following parameters for the updateSilent command...


-? Shows command usage.


-fix Interim fix only: Identifies the update as an interim fix update.


-fixDetails Interim fix only: Displays interim fix detail information.


-fixDir Interim fix only: Specifies the fully qualified directory where you download fixes. This directory is usually the $WAS_HOME/update/fixes directory.


-fixes Interim fix only: Specifies a list of space-delimited fixes to install or uninstall.


-fixJars Interim fix only: Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fix JAR files to install or uninstall. Each JAR file has one or more fixes.


-fixpack Fix pack only: Identifies the update as a fix pack update.


-fixpackDetails Fix pack only: Displays fix pack detail information.


-fixpackDir Fix pack only: Specifies the fully qualified directory where you download and unpack fix packs. By default, this directory is the $WAS_HOME/update/fixpacks directory.


-fixpackID Fix pack only: Specifies the ID of a fix pack to install or uninstall. The value you specify does not include the .jar extension. The value is not the fully qualified package file name, but is the name of the individual fix pack within the JAR file.

The current Application Server strategy for fix pack JAR files uses one JAR file per fix pack. The fix pack ID is the name of the JAR file before the .jar extension. For example...

  • Fix pack ID: was50_fp2_linux

  • Fix pack JAR file name: was50_fp2_linux.jar

  • Fix pack file : was50_fp2_linux.zip


-help Shows command usage.


-ihsInstallDir Fix pack only: Specifies the fully qualified path of the IBM HTTP Server product, and applies any service for the IBM HTTP Server product that might exist in the fix pack.


-ihsOnly Fix pack only: Skips the installation of all service but that for the IBM HTTP Server product, and applies any service for the IBM HTTP Server product that might exist in the fix pack. Requires the -ihsInstallDir parameter.


-includeOptional Fix pack only: Specifies a space-delimited list of features. The installer program applies any service for the components, if present in the fix pack. Otherwise, the installer program does not apply the service.


-install Installs the update type.


-installDir Specifies the fully qualified installation root of the WebSphere Application Server product.


-mqInstallDir Fix pack only: Specifies the fully qualified installation root of the embedded messaging feature, which is based on WebSphere MQ technology.


-prereqOverride Interim fix only: Overrides any installation and uninstallation prerequisite checking. The update installer program does not log missing prerequisites.


<propertyFile>.properties Specifies an externally supplied parameters file.

You can supply parameters in an external .properties file, rather than directly on the command line. There are some differences in the formats of parameters...

  • Parameters are [name]=[value] pairs.

  • Lists of parameter values are comma-delimited instead of space-delimited.

  • There are two slashes before directory names.

Use the templated .properties file included as part of the update installer program download.

For example, a sample.properties file for installing two fixes might look like this

   #Sample parameters file to install fixes with details and prerequisite override

A sample.properties file for installing a fix pack might look like this

   #Sample parameters file to install a fix pack with details


-skipIHS Fix pack only: Skips any optional service for the IBM HTTP Server product that might exist in the fix pack.

If you installed the IBM HTTP Server product as a feature, use the update installer program to update it with service in an interim fix or fix pack. Otherwise, download an updated IBM HTTP Server product from http://www-3.ibm.com/software/webservers/httpservers/ and install it into the same directory as your existing version, to update the existing installation. You can also uninstall the current version and install the downloaded version, to avoid any issues with migration.

You must update your configuration if you reinstall.


-skipMQ Fix pack only: Specifies no application of any optional service for the embedded messaging feature (which is based on the IBM WebSphere MQ product) that might exist in the fix pack.

Always apply any outstanding corrective service to the stand-alone IBM WebSphere MQ product if you have it, before using the WAS update installer program to update the embedded messaging feature with service in an interim fix or fix pack. You can skip the installation of service to the embedded messaging feature if install corrective service to the stand-alone IBM WebSphere MQ product.


-uninstall Specifies to uninstall the identified interim fix or fix pack. You must uninstall all interim fixes and fix packs before uninstalling the base WebSphere Application Server product, the Network Deployment product, or the Enterprise product.


-uninstallAll Specifies to uninstall all applied fixes. This parameter does not uninstall fix packs.


-usage Shows command usage.

 Examples overview

The following examples assume that...

Examples in this section include...