updateWizard command
The updateWizard command is the wizard interface to the update installer application, which installs interim fixes and fix packs.
Stop all Java processes that use the IBM Developer Kit that WAS provides. Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes and fix packs, stop all Java processes that use the IBM Developer Kit that WAS provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. Stop all appservers, and all servers, such as the IBMHttpServer process, that belong to serviceable features. Features with servers include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you do install or an interim fix or fix pack while a WAS-related Java process is running, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.
Remove the WebSphere MQ tray icon if present On a Windows platform, remove the WebSphere MQ tray icon if it is present. The WebSphere MQ tray icon in the lower right corner indicates that a WebSphere MQ process (amqmtbrn.exe) is running. Right click the tray icon and click Hide to remove it.
Do not launch multiple copies of the update installer program at one time The update installer program cannot be launched concurrently with itself. Performing more than one update at the same time can lead to a failed or faulty installation.
Command name
updateWizard.sh and updateWizard.bat, graphical interface to the installer.jar file.
Related command
updateSilent.sh and updateSilent.bat, command-line interface to the installer.jar file. See updateSilent command for a list of product installation roots, fix pack space requirements and names, and other information that also apply when using the updateWizard command interface.
Location of the command file
The command file is a script. On Linux and UNIX platforms, the command file is named versionInfo.sh in the $WAS_HOME/bin directory. On Windows platforms, the command file is named versionInfo.bat in the $WAS_HOME\bin directory.
Apply zero, one, or more of these optional parameters in any order, by issuing the updateWizard command from the command line.
Lets you install an interim fix when there are prerequisite check errors. The default behavior of the update installer application prevents further action if prerequisites are missing.
Lets you an interim fix when there are prerequisite check errors.
Allows interim fix installation and uninstallation only. To install and interim fixes, the updateWizard command does not require a local copy of the IBM Developer Kit or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in a client environment. This option bypasses making a local copy of the IBM Developer Kit or the JRE. The default action for the update installer program enables both interim fix and fix pack installation and uninstallation. The wizard installs a temporary version of one of the IBM products that WAS uses to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. The updateWizard command copies the IBM Developer Kit from the JAVA_HOME directory to the directory where you are running the updateWizard command (usually $WAS_HOME/update). If the IBM Developer Kit is already in the directory (for example, if you used the updateWizard command before), the updateWizard command does not make a new copy. The copy of the IBM Developer Kit remains in the directory until you remove it. The IBM Developer Kit requires approximately 43 MB of free space.
If you install on a client platform, where there is a JRE instead of the IBM Developer Kit, the updateWizard command copies the JRE to the $WAS_HOME/update directory. The JRE requires about 18 MB of free space.
Displays a list of parameters and how to use them in the correct command syntax.
Syntax for starting the wizard
The updateWizard command ($WAS_HOME/update/updateWizard.sh and $WAS_HOME\update\updateWizard.bat) launches the wizard interface to the update installer application
$WAS_HOME/update/updateWizard.sh (Linux and UNIX-based platforms) $WAS_HOME\update\updateWizard.bat (Windows platforms)
Syntax for displaying usage information
This command displays command syntax
updateWizard -usage
Syntax for bypassing the local copy of the IBM Developer Kit
The following command bypasses making a local copy of the IBM Developer Kit. Install and uninstalling fixes does not require the local copy
updateWizard -fixOnlyDisabling prerequisite checking
Disabling prerequisite checking is recommended only as directed by IBM Support personnel. Disabling prerequisite checking can leave the installation in a non-valid state, unless done with caution and guidance.
To disable prerequisite checking when installing interim fixes
updateWizard -fixOnly -dpInstallTo disable prerequisite checking when uninstalling interim fixes
updateWizard -fixOnly -dpInstallTo disable prerequisite checking when installing and when uninstalling interim fixes
updateWizard -fixOnly -dpInstall -dpUninstall
Panel descriptions
Panels in the wizard let you select installable interim fixes and fix packs, view installed interim fixes and fix packs, and view prerequisite fixes:
- General
- Interim fix installation and uninstallation
- Fix repository specifier panel
- Installable fix selection panel
- Uninstallable fix selection panel
- Prerequisite check panel
- Pre-installation and pre-uninstallation summary panels
- Installation and uninstallation
- Post installation and post uninstallation summary panels
- Fix pack installation and uninstallation
- Fix pack repository specifier panel
- Fix pack selection panel
- Fix pack features selection panel
- Pre-installation and pre-uninstallation summary panels
- Installation and uninstallation
- Post installation and post uninstallation summary panel
Welcome panel
Use this panel to view a welcome message that contains a brief summary of the update wizard interface, or to link to the WAS Support page . (This link is not available on some UNIX-based platforms.) You can also view relevant legal notices.
Product Selection panel
Use this panel to select an installed WAS product. If the wizard cannot detect an installed product, specify the product location in the directory input field. After selecting a product, its directory location appears in the input field for verification purposes. To make corrections or enter another product location, click Specify product location.
Menu panel
Use this panel to install or interim fixes, or to install or fix packs. If you started the wizard in -fixOnly mode, fix pack options are disabled.
Fix Repository Specifier panel
Use this panel to provide the interim fix repository location in a directory input field. Specify the directory location of the downloaded interim fix JAR files. The default location for the repository is the $WAS_HOME/update/fixes directory.
Installable Fix Selection panel
Use this panel to select one or more installable fixes for installing. Installed fixes do not appear in the list. Only uninstalled fixes or partially-installed fixes appear. The list includes interim fix ID name, build date, and the current applied state (uninstalled or partially-installed). Click Details for detailed information about selected fixes. The window that appears contains build version information, a long description, and a list of installation prerequisites.
About installation status
An interim fix or a fix pack is a collection of updates to one or more product components. Depending on installed product components and on update installer program selections you make, the update installer program applies either a full or partial set of interim fix or fix pack updates to product components.
Installed status implies that the interim fix or fix pack has no more updates to product components that you can install.
Partially installed status implies that you have updated one or more product components, but the interim fix or fix pack has at least one more update you can apply to an installed product component. (There might be other updates to product components you never installed. These updates do not count in the status determination.)
Uninstalled status implies that you have not updated a single product component.
Examples of partially installed states: Several scenarios can lead to a partial installation of an interim fix or fix pack:
- Installation fails, leaving some component updates applied and some unapplied. This is a partial installation accompanied by error messages that describe the problem.
- You select to skip certain optional component updates, such as might be present in a fix pack for these features: IBM HTTP Server or embedded messaging. This is a partial installation.
- You trigger a dynamic change in interim fix or fix pack status because:
- You apply all changes in an interim fix or fix pack that results in an installed status.
- You reinstall the WAS product to select an additional, optional feature.
- The interim fix or fix pack contains an update to a product component you just installed.
The status changes dynamically from installed to partially installed.
How to distinguish between a normal partially installed state and an installation failure
A partially installed state implies that some components on the system are at the level of the fix pack being applied. However, there might be some scenarios where the update installer program can report a partially installed state even if no components are at the newer level. A partially installed state does not imply a failed install. However, a failed install does result in a partially installed state.
To check for a failed install, open the master log file and search for errors. The update installer program outputs the name of the master log file at the start of the installation process. The file name matches this pattern: $WAS_HOME/logs/update/time-stamp_was50_fpnumber_platform_selective-install.log
Uninstallable Fix Selection panel
Use this panel to select one or more installed interim fixes for uninstalling. Available fixes do not appear in the list. Only installed fixes appear. The list includes interim fix ID name, build date, and the current applied state (installed). Click Details to obtain more detailed information about a selected fix. The window that appears contains build version information, a long description, and a list of installation prerequisites.
You must all interim fixes before uninstalling the base WAS product, the Network Deployment product, or the Enterprise product.
Prerequisite Check panel
Use this panel to view prerequisite information when a selected interim fix has prerequisite fixes that are not installed. You cannot click Next until you correct the problem. The -dpInstall and the -dpUninstall parameters can override this lock, to let you continue with the installation or uninstallation despite prerequisite failure.
Pre-installation and Pre-uninstallation Summary panels
Pre-installation Summary panel Use this panel to display a summary of fixes that are selected for installation, the WAS product each interim fix is for, and the directory where each interim fix is located.
Pre-uninstallation Summary panel Use this panel to display a summary of interim fixes that are selected for uninstallation, and the WAS product to which each interim fix is currently applied.
Installation and Uninstallation panel
Installation action Use this panel to view the progress of installing selected interim fixes. Click cancel to revert the installation. Once cancelled, a message confirms that installed fixes are being rolled back. A similar progress panel then appears, to monitor the progress of rolling back the installation of selected fixes.
Uninstallation action Use this panel to view the progress of uninstalling selected interim fixes.
Post Installation Summary and Post Uninstallation Summary panels
Post Installation Summary panel Use this panel to view the results of the installation. Depending on the result, this panel can display a success message, a failure message, or a canceled message. When the success message appears, the installation process is complete. Click Finish to exit the panel. You can go back and install additional fixes, which takes you to the Menu panel.
Post Uninstallation Summary panel Use this panel to view the results of the uninstallation. Depending on the result, this panel can display a success message, a failure message, or a canceled message. When the success message appears, the uninstallation process is complete. Click Finish to exit the panel. You can go back and additional fixes, which takes you to the Menu panel.
Fix Pack Repository Specifier panel
Use this panel to provide the fix pack repository location in a directory input field. The location should point to the directory where you unpacked downloaded fix pack JAR files. The default location for the repository is the $WAS_HOME/update/fixpacks directory.
Fix Pack Selection panel
Use this panel to select from a list of installable fix packs. The panel displays fix packs by ID name, with a radio button next to each for selecting a single fix pack. Also displayed is the build date and current applied state (uninstalled or partially-installed) for each fix pack. A fix pack on this panel can be in a partially installed state. No installed fix packs appear in the list. Click Details for more information about a selected fix pack. The window that appears contains build version information, a long description, installation prerequisites, and a list of included fixes.
See Installable fix selection panel for a description of installation states.
Fix Pack Features Selection panel
Use this panel to view a list of WAS features with optionally installable service in the selected fix pack. Features that can appear include IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature, which is based on IBM WebSphere MQ technology. If a feature has required service, the feature appears in the list but is grayed out. If you do not install optional service for an installed feature, the fix pack installs successfully as a partially installed fix pack, because there is service that you did not install.
If you installed the IBM HTTP Server product as a feature, use the update installer program to update it with service in an interim fix or fix pack. Otherwise, download an updated IBM HTTP Server product from http://www-3.ibm.com/software/webservers/httpservers/ and install it into the same directory as your existing version, to update the existing installation. You can also the current version and install the downloaded version, to avoid any issues with migration.
You must update your configuration if you reinstall.
Always apply any outstanding corrective service to the stand-alone IBM WebSphere MQ product if you have it, before using the WAS update installer program to update the embedded messaging feature with service in an interim fix or fix pack. Do not select the installation of service to the embedded messaging feature if install corrective service to the stand-alone IBM WebSphere MQ product.
Pre-installation Summary
Use the Pre-installation Summary panel to display a summary of the fix pack selected for installation, the WAS product the fix pack is for, and the directory where the fix pack is located.
Use the Pre-uninstallation Summary panel to display a summary of the fix pack selected for uninstallation, the WAS product to which the fix pack was applied, and the directory where the fix pack is located.
Installation and Uninstallation panel
Use the Installation action panel to view the progress of installing the selected fix pack. Click cancel to revert the installation. Once cancelled, a message confirms that the fix pack is being rolled back. A similar progress panel then appears, to monitor the progress of rolling back the installation of the selected fix pack.
You must all fix packs before uninstalling the base WAS product, the Network Deployment product, or the Enterprise product.
Post Installation Summary
Use the Post Installation Summary panel to view the results of the installation. Depending on the result, this panel can display a success message, a failure message, or a canceled message. When the success message appears, the installation process is complete. Click Finish to exit the panel. You can go back and install another fix pack, which takes you to the Menu panel.
Use the Post Uninstallation Summary panel to view the results of the uninstallation. Depending on the result, this panel can display a success message, a failure message, or a canceled message. When the success message appears, the uninstallation process is complete. Click Finish to exit the panel. You can go back and another fix pack, which takes you to the Menu panel.