Uninstalling interim fixes and fix packs


  1. Stop each server on the base node using stopServer.sh

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable

  3. Verify interim fix information

  4. Verify fix pack information

  5. Run versionInfo to verify the fix and version level.

  6. Stop all Java processes

  7. Remove the highest level interim fix or fix pack from the base node using either the updateWizard or the updateSilent command.

    For example, to uninstall the was50_fp2_win fix pack:

    cd /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/update
    ./updateSilent -fixpack                                               \
                   -installDir "/opt/WebSphere/AppServer"                 \
                   -skipIHS                                               \
                   -fixpackDir "/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/update/fixpacks" \
                   -uninstall                                             \
                   -fixpackID was50_fp2_win                              

  8. Restart each server on the node with the startServer command.

  9. Verify that the node is online and functioning correctly.